My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 357: King of Air Combat (1/5)

"Hello everyone, everyone, welcome to the 'Cuckoo Pigeon' Cup Flying Contest, I'm the host Leo!"

Several hundred meters above the sky, several huge red banners were pulled up by the wind ball. Leo was sitting on the hot air balloon wearing thunderbolt glasses, and roared with exhaustion:

"The audition has officially started. We can see that thousands of flying elves entered the air track at the same time!"

As a feature of the "Cuckoo Pigeon" Cup Competition, the host will complete all stages with the wind ball.

At the same time, hundreds of three-in-one magnetic monsters that were launched ahead of time will serve as photographers to provide multi-angle images.

The extremely high resistance to flying moves determines that the three-in-one magnetite will not be accidentally injured. At the same time, several self-exploding magnetites also appeared in the air.

Lu Cheng couldn't help but sigh, the organizer really made a lot of money!

The amiable and smiling flight master Li Yunfei also took off on a tropical dragon to explain the audition as a commentator.

The onlookers looked curiously at the huge screen in the middle, deeply shocked by the picture of thousands of elves rising into the sky at the same time.

Li Yunfei's voice came from the loudspeaker: "Cough, the first stage is the buffer zone at the peak of Cangshan. Elves can't use offensive moves here, otherwise they will be dealt with illegally."

In order to better command the elves, the trainers can be said to be full of tricks.

Some carry a walkie-talkie on the elves, some have small cameras installed, and some even use an aerial camera to follow the flying elves directly.

This spectacular scene can be said to be a feature of the "Cuckoo Pigeon" Cup!

Lu Cheng is very relaxed. After all, with the power of the waveguide, he can easily give orders to the fossil pterosaur.

And when the elves are far away from the range where they can be commanded, they will fight for the training results!

The Fossil Pterosaur has firmly memorized the route and rules, flapping its wings, using its surging primitive power to control the gust of wind, and rushing to the front of the team!

Li Yunfei's admiring voice came: "Oh! The leader of the flight turned out to be a fossil pterosaur. This kind of flying spirit is quite rare in competitions!"

However, a dazzling fire rose into the sky, and the acceleration of the energy-storing flame attack made the Fierce Eagle instantly rush to the front!

The sky was filled with the chirping of birds, and a few strong finches and Bobo were so frightened that they fell on the spot.

In the first half of the competition alone, almost half of the contestants were screened out!

"We can see that the competition is quite intense, and we are about to enter the Jade Bureau Peak, where we will be able to use indiscriminate moves!"

The frigid wind came, looking at the elves soaring in the sky, the trainers showed different expressions.

Annoyed, resentful, unwilling, excited and... unbelievable!

Entering the undifferentiated stage, the trainer's command has lost its effect.

Here, the fight is the will of the individual elves and the **** fight.

And among this group of flying feathers, a fossilized pterosaur is killing the Quartet!

On the huge screen, the tragic scene over Yuju Peak was displayed from multiple angles.

Perhaps the acceleration track angered many elves, and many elves, such as the fiery arrow eagle, the warrior eagle, and the big bill, are besieging the fossil pterosaur!

The fire was soaring into the sky, and the dazzling white light flickered. It was the "Brave Bird" move of the Fierce Arrow Eagle!

Between the wind and the wind, the eagle strikes across the sky made all the audience excited.

This is the charm of the flying elves.

Like the lightning under the sky, and like the darling of the wind!

However, what everyone did not expect was that the fossilized pterosaur showed a mocking look.

With a violent roar, a large block of stones emerged from the height of several hundred meters and slammed into the Fierce Arrow Eagle head-on.

A move with outstanding effect that instantly made the Fierce Arrow eagle crumbling!

"This, this is the original power of the fossilized pterosaur!"

"Indiscriminate stage, is the fight so fierce?"

"This is aerial combat, and the charm of flying spirits!"

Lu Cheng, who did not expect the fossilized pterosaur to be besieged, frowned unconsciously.

The task of the competition is to complete the flight stage. Even if you defeat many elves, if you cannot complete the competition, it means abstention!

When the fossil pterosaur slaughtered the Quartet, several elves had already flown past it.

At this moment, the leader at the forefront of the team is a glittering golden statue!

"My God, the leader of the flight is actually a flashing eagle!"

Leo, who was on the wind ball, exclaimed, "This is the elf from the player Jin Cang, and it has an amazing suppressing power in terms of speed!"

The speed of Mach 2 made this golden statue resemble a jet, roaring through the indiscriminate stage.

Hundreds of small magnets were suspended in the air, their eyes flashing red, and they were ready to fight!

In order to increase the viewing experience of the competition, after the indiscriminate stage, there is an obstacle stage composed of Magneto.

The weak current is not fatal, but it interferes with the flight of the elves.

Once unfortunately hit and paralyzed, it also announced the end of this elf game!

All the audience couldn't help holding their breath.

The blue sparks flickered, and the thundercloud formed by the little magnetite was faintly glowing with surging electric light.

Bi Diao screamed, his whole body seemed to be covered in golden splendor, and he broke into the thundercloud with one end!

Leo exclaimed, "The divine bird attacked, Jin Cang's Bi Diao directly used the divine bird attack to avoid the thunder cloud!"

The tall, black-faced man couldn't help but smile.

As he grew up on the grassland, he has an unparalleled love for flying elves.

And this golden statue is the grace of the prairie, the condor of God!

It's just that when he saw the elf behind Bi Diao, he couldn't help but be stunned.

This fossilized pterosaur...why did it appear behind Bi Diao?

Wasn't it, it was still being besieged by elves just now!

The camera showed the fossil pterosaur, and the audience exclaimed at the same time.

And Leo also shouted in shock: "Oh my The fossil pterosaur has also passed the indiscriminate stage!"

"What happened just now, wasn't it besieged by several elves!"

When he saw the roaring fossilized pterosaur, Lu Cheng finally let go of his heart.

A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

No one knows his spirit better than him.

Since it was encircled and suppressed, then it would be good to directly deal with all the encircled elves!

Just five elves, too embarrassed to surround my fossilized pterosaur! ?

"My God, all the elves that besieged the fossilized pterosaur were all eliminated!"

On the top of the mountain, there are several flying elves with scars.

There seemed to be tears in their eyes.

After five fights, one was counter-killed, would you play!

This is the overlord of air combat, the king of the sky, the fossil pterosaur!

"Jie Ou!!"

The fossilized pterosaur roared, covered with iron-like rock armor, and broke into the thundercloud under the afterimage of high-speed movement.

The quenched fangs bit the Magneto in one bite, and the Magneto fell from the air.

Li Yunfei, who was riding on the tropical dragon, couldn't help but widen his eyes.

To force through the thundercloud by solving the small magnet?

This fossilized pterosaur... it really belongs to you!

: . :

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