My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 358: Fight! Air Fight (2/5)

"Audience friends, the game has entered a white-hot stage!"

Leo held the microphone on the wind ball and shouted: "Now, the golden bird is leading the flight, and it has an absolute lead by virtue of its speed!"

"After that, there's the fossilized pterosaur, and the king Yan has this... Hey, this elf turned out to be a steel-armored crow!"

Lu Cheng looked at Jiang Zhuo in surprise.

Wasn't the one sent out was not an armored bird, but a steel-armored crow with steel and flying?

Jiang Zhuo explained: "It was captured in the UK. This kind of steel elves is quite to my taste."

Lu Cheng couldn't help but feel ashamed.

Speaking of becoming a flying class, you are actually a master of the steel class!

Although it was just conquered, the strength of this steel armored crow is still amazing.

With the characteristics of the mirror armor, the roaring steel armored crow is like a prism with sparkling light, directly resisting the electric current and passing through the thundercloud!

And Wang Yan, who is known as a bug, is even more astonishing. With the characteristics of perseverance, he was forced to fly out of a paralyzed state!

He was taking a bite of the fossilized pterosaur of a small magnet, looking at the elves flying by, and couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

No, I'm not a wage earner for others, aren't I?

Annoyed, the fossilized pterosaur let go of the magnetite in its mouth and spread its wings with a roar.

The electric current slashed its body, but it only made its expression grim for a moment, and then slowly covered the jagged rocks on its purple diaphragm.

Even Lu Cheng didn't notice the changes in the fossilized pterosaur.

According to rumors, the fossilized pterosaur covered with jagged rocks is its most primitive state.

In modern times, it can only be achieved with the help of Mega Stones and genetic technology.

But... with the help of the environment, perhaps it can also achieve its most primitive appearance?

Just like Kyogre in the Sea of ​​Origin, Groudon in the Land of the End.

The ancient fossil pterosaurs resurrected from amber may also have the form of primitive return!

The fossilized pterosaur with a ferocious face suddenly burst out with sharp rock thorns from its forehead.

In ancient times, in the season of heavy rain and thunder, the fossil pterosaur used this rock thorn to achieve the purpose of a lightning rod!

The roaring fossil pterosaur, the speed climbed again, directly tore the thunder cloud, and roared out from it!

"Fossil Pterosaur, Fossil Pterosaur is the second elf to break through the barrier!" Leo yelled,

"After the acceleration zone, we will usher in the air war zone over the Erhai Sea. Here, fighting and fighting is the real way to decide the first place!"

Li Yunfei, who was riding behind the tropical dragon, looked at the two elves in tandem.

This golden eagle is indeed very talented, even better than Li Yunfei's tropical dragon.

It's just... this fossilized pterosaur made Li Yunfei even more interested!

"Aerial combat and fighting, this is the true meaning of flying elves." Li Yunfei murmured,

"Blindly relying on speed, you can only become a prey forever, evading the hunting of natural enemies in a panic."

"And only the true sky overlord can control the sky and become the king of the sky!"

For the flying elves, speed is not even the first.

Wang Yan, who is as strong as Xiaozhi, does not rely on speed, but on the endless desire for victory, using his body to charge again and again!

In the acceleration zone, Jin Cang's statue slashed the airflow and galloped past with a scream.

But what everyone never expected was that the fossilized pterosaur, which is not known for its speed, didn't fall much!

Lu Cheng couldn't help but smile.

The results of the special training have paid off.

Although speed is important, the distribution of physical strength is more important for long stages.

What's more, Lu Cheng also tied a bag of energy cubes around the neck of the fossilized pterosaur!

The roaring fossil pterosaur suddenly lowered his head and bit the bag, and a fierce man buried himself in the energy cube.

The fossilized pterosaur chewing with a big mouth, his eyes were blood red, and his aura suddenly skyrocketed!

Come on, let's go!

Just as it was about to enter the air combat zone, the fossilized pterosaur finally caught up with the golden eagle, and bit down on the eagle's tail.

Under the exclamation, Bi Diao subconsciously turned back, with a look of anger in his eyes.

In the sky above the azure blue Erhai Lake, two elves fought fiercely for the champion of the audition!

The contestants who are still competing have already come to the mountain beside Erhai Lake to witness this gorgeous aerial battle.

And this also means that the trainers of the flying elves can finally give orders to them!

Jin Cang said with a solemn expression: "Bidiao, the divine bird strikes!"

Lu Cheng's face showed a scheming smile.

"Fossil Pterosaur, Thunder Fang!"

Looking at the golden statuette flying head-on, the fossilized pterosaur smiled grimly and opened its **** mouth.

It's like seeing a plate of delicious food delivered to your door!

Jin Cang's expression changed, and he shouted, "Bi Diao, hurry up and avoid it!"

But it's too late!

The lightning teeth flashing with lightning light bit on Bidiao's wings in one bite, causing it to squeak in pain.

Glancing at Bi Diao, who was in a paralyzed state, the fossilized pterosaur flapped its wings triumphantly, and even hovered for a while before the finish line, before finally crossing the finish line.

The sky-high salute sounded, and the wind ball slowly descended. Leo shouted: "Let's congratulate, the birth of the first place!"

"It is the fossilized pterosaur of contestant Lu Cheng!"

The fossilized pterosaur, who was roaring with Zhang Yang, let out unbridled laughter.

Lu Cheng shook his head helplessly.

When others saw it, they thought that this fossilized pterosaur directly won the championship of the flying competition.

This is just an audition, the real powerhouse is still to come!

Five hundred finalists will be decided one by one.

Although he fell into a state of paralysis, Jin Cang's Biziao still achieved a good fifth place, and his strength cannot be ignored.

And Jiang Zhuo, who made a fortune in a muffled voice, specializes in flying (steel), and is also an opponent that needs attention.

And if Lu Cheng is aiming for the championship, his biggest opponent is Mu Haoyun, who has already entered the master level.

Lu, who was reading the competition information, couldn't help frowning and said, "The top four can get the title of can also abstain at that time."

After all, Lu Cheng didn't want the elves to suffer too much damage.

With the character of the fossilized pterosaur, if he really ran into Mu Haoyun, he might really fight to the death.

The Fossil Pterosaur, the champion of the audition, became the highlight of the flight competition.

In addition to the discussion, many viewers also found Lu Cheng as a trainer.

"Fuck, the trainer of the fossilized pterosaur is Lu Cheng? The youngest elf professor!?"

"Stupid, Lushen is still the champion of the college league, with a one-to-five existence!"

"This time, he won't really come here to get the title of Master of the Flying Department..."

"Lu Cheng, always drop God!!"

Lu Cheng couldn't help but smile bitterly.

This group of black fans actually dug out all their trump cards.

Now, Lu Cheng's purpose of hiding the trump card of the Tyrannosaurus was completely defeated.

Sighing, Lu Cheng couldn't help recalling the strange appearance of the fossilized pterosaur in the audition.

At first, he thought it was the original power of the fossilized pterosaur, and it has reached a new stage.

However, judging from the video after the game, this is clearly not a move, but a new evolutionary form?

Touching his chin, Lu Cheng murmured, "Primordial return, Mega evolution..."

: . :

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