My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 360: Electric flying squirrel's gorgeous acrobatics (four/five)

Under the spotlight, the "Cuckoo Pigeon" Cup Flight Competition officially kicked off!

The preliminary round of the competition was held at the foot of the snow-capped mountains, and the semi-finals were held at the camp on the mountainside.

The final was at the top of the snow-capped mountain that all trainers yearned for.

As a national-level event, the attention is no less than that of the college league, but the difficulty is increased several times.

After all, many of those who participated in the competition were professional trainers, and they had even entered the ranks of masters.

Of course, many rising stars also caught the attention of the audience.

The most eye-catching among them is the most promising trainer in recent years, Lu Cheng.

After the college league, the talented trainer disappeared, and he was not seen again until the flight department competition.

There are even rumors that Lu Cheng is expected to participate in this year's National Trainer Competition!

Of course, everyone just took this rumor as a joke.

After all, to participate in the national competition and get a place, that is at least a master trainer.

Lu Cheng, a young boy who has been in his career for two years, it is quite rare to be able to defeat the gym owner.

As for the master it possible?

Lu Cheng was busy preparing for the battle.

He is still very satisfied with the result of the draw for the first game.

Against Jin Cang, who is also a junior, it can give the fossil pterosaur enough growth period and adapt to the rhythm of air combat.

On the other hand, Jiang Zhuo, who was next door, was miserable, and directly confronted Xiao Yun of Feiyu Gym.

The result is obvious, Jiang Zhuo's armored bird is played by Xiao Yun's electric flying squirrel.

The combination of acrobatic and electrified **** is simply a gorgeous style trainer.

And the acrobatics of that electric flying squirrel obviously reached the level of the domain level, and it can even avoid the enemy's attack while attacking.

After the game, everyone had a new evaluation of Xiao Yun's strength.

"Xiao Yun has definitely acquired the inheritance of Feiyu Gym, and even the tactical style is exactly the same as that of the old master!"

"One thing to say, this should be the only female master trainer in this competition, right?"

"I heard that if you beat Xiao Yun, you don't need to challenge the gymnasium. Anyway, you can get the approval of the gym owner!"

Amid the discussion, the fossil pterosaurs ushered in their first personal battle.

The battle with Jin Cang was a near miss.

Although the golden eagle's strength is outstanding, in the face of the primitive power of the fossilized pterosaur, it cannot exert its full speed at all.

What's more, the fossilized pterosaur has mastered the powerful thunder and lightning teeth, and Bidio dare not engage in close combat with the fossilized pterosaur.

Finally, under the deadly thunder and lightning teeth, the fossil pterosaur ushered in the victory of the first aerial battle.

Looking at the fossilized pterosaur roaring in the sky, Lu Cheng couldn't help but nodded.

The strength of this kid is increasing at a rocket-like speed.

After all, it is the field he is best at, and the victory in the audition has also successfully ignited the self-confidence of the fossil pterosaur.

As long as the original return is successfully mastered, the strength of the fossilized pterosaur can definitely be improved to a new level!

But Lu Cheng felt that with the character of the fossilized pterosaur, he still had to beat it at the right time.

Perhaps after hearing Lu Cheng's call, Lu Cheng's second match was the high-profile Feiyu gymnasium, Xiao Yun.


Xiao Yun, as usual, was preparing the information on the contestants, and suddenly let out a light sigh.

Holding up the materials in her hand, Xiao Yun murmured, "Won the National University League Championship at the age of 19, and won the title of the youngest professor at the age of 20. It's not a junior year yet, and you're already preparing for the national competition?"

"Just in addition to this..." Xiao Yun's tone became a little more uncertain, "Is it possible to become a master of the flight department?"

But seeing the incomparably huge red carp dragon in the video, Xiao Yun's pupils could not help shrinking.

After turning off the computer, Xiao Yun muttered to herself, "It seems that tomorrow's game has to be serious."

Lu Cheng, who also studied tactics until late at night, yawned and walked out of the hotel.

He had a whole new understanding of Xiao Yun's tactics.

Judging from the two elves she dispatched, Hawkeye and Electric Flying Squirrel are both characterized by highly difficult aerial acrobatics.

And the volt replacement and rapid return can avoid a lot of damage.

It seems that the difficulty of this game lies in how to limit the replacement of these two elves, or how to concentrate firepower and lose one of them in seconds!

Thinking of the move that the Fossil Pterosaur was trained to complete yesterday, Lu Cheng couldn't help his eyes twitch.

The trump card of this game is all on the fossil pterosaur!

The rematch was held at the mountainside camp in Canglong Snow Mountain.

Although the cold wind was howling, the attention was even higher than in the first game.

The spectators who spontaneously climbed the mountain gathered in the temporary seats, and cheered like a tsunami of mountains and tsunamis.

Leo, who was invited to be the host a few days ago, took a guest role as the narrator and said in a long, iconic voice:

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the most exciting aerial combat scene in the country!"

In the cheers, Leo smiled and said, "Please allow me to introduce the rules of this competition to you again."

"During the battle, at most two flying spirits are allowed to be replaced, and the one who loses the opponent's combat effectiveness first is the winner!"

"At the same time, the competition uses a circular arena, knocking the opponent out of the arena or the aurora curtain range is also regarded as a victory!"

"If the elf on one side loses the ability to fly, or perches for more than ten seconds, it will also be judged a loss. Please pay attention to both players."

"Now, let's start the game!"

Almost at the same time, Lu Cheng and Xiao Yun sent elves.

"Come on, Fossil Pterosaur."

"Go, Electric Flying Squirrel!"

Seeing the elves sent by Lu Cheng, Xiao Yun couldn't help frowning.

Did you guess wrong?

The first elf sent by this kid was not a tyrannical carp dragon?

Leo said with a smile: "In this competition, we specially invited the king of flying, Mr. Li Yunfei as a judge."

"Mr. Li, what do you think of the two elves fighting?"

Li Yunfei still looked cheerful.

"From the point of view of the second attribute, the fossilized pterosaurs took the advantage, but Xiao Yun's replacement tactics must not be ignored."

Lu Cheng commanded: "Fossil pterosaur, use Crush!"

The roaring fossilized pterosaur soared into the sky, its wings ripped apart the airflow and opened its **** mouth.

Xiao Yun couldn't help showing a hint of surprise.

Electric flying squirrels are characterized by static electricity, which can paralyze the spirits they touch.

This kid, don't you know?

The thought flashed by, and Xiao Yun also said loudly: "Come on, Electric Momonga, use acrobatics to avoid!"

From a bystander's point of view, UU's cute and small electric flying squirrel rushed towards the hideous fossil pterosaur without any defense.

That open **** mouth seemed to be able to unscrew Dumbo's head at any time.

What's more, the crumb used by the fossil pterosaurs can't even leave slag!

However, when the figures of the two elves met, the figure of Electric Flying Squirrel suddenly twisted and passed by in a swooping posture.

The fossilized pterosaur could not help but let out a cry of pain, as if his body suddenly stiffened.

"It seems that Xiao Yun took advantage of this first round." Leo exclaimed, "I didn't expect this electric flying squirrel to have such amazing control over the body!"

Xiao Yun pursed her lips tightly, and slowly revealed a smile when she saw the gradually hideous face of the fossilized pterosaur.

Electrostatic properties, triggered.

This fossil pterosaur has fallen into a state of paralysis, and the game is no longer in doubt!

"Come on, Electric Flying Squirrel!" Xiao Yun said loudly, "One more acrobatics!"

However, looking at the flying squirrel, Lu Cheng and the fossilized pterosaur showed a smile at the same time.

With a click, the rock covering the fossilized pterosaur suddenly shattered!

Xiao Yun suddenly widened her eyes.

The next moment, Lu Cheng's shout rang in her ears.

"Fossil pterosaur, frozen tooth!"

: . :

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