My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 361: Domain-level water splash! (Five/Five)

This sudden change shocked everyone present.

what happened?

Wasn't that fossil pterosaur paralyzed just now, how could it respond so quickly!

Li Yunfei was slightly startled, and then looked at Lu Cheng with a look of approval in his eyes.

Using rock properties, a thin layer of rock was covered on the fossilized pterosaur.

Relying on this layer of rock, the fossilized pterosaur isolated the static electricity of the electric flying squirrel, thus achieving the effect of post attack!

Xiao Yun was also a little surprised.

Even me, have you been fooled?

But this kind of trick can't be used a second time!

Xiao Yun's eyes narrowed and she smiled and said, "Electric Flying Squirrel, shadow clone!"

The Ice Fang of the Fossil Pterosaur suddenly fluttered in the air.

And the electric flying squirrel flew sideways lightly, and the white light of the move bloomed from his body.

In a twinkling of an eye, the field was densely covered with clones of the flying squirrels, and at the same time, electric light flashed, and the huge electric ball enveloped the entire field!

Lu Cheng's pupils shrank.

With this level of current, even the rock attribute can't resist it!

"Rock collapse!" Lu Cheng said sternly, "Use rock collapse to protect yourself!"

The Fossil Pterosaur roared up to the sky, and the falling rock collided with the flying electric ball in the blink of an eye.

Boom! !

The gravel splashed and the venue roared!

However, the figure of Electric Momonga has already disappeared in place.

"Move at high speed!" Xiao Yun's mouth rose slightly, "Baton!"

Li Yunfei, who was on the sidelines, was instantly refreshed.

Sure enough, Xiao Yun has already obtained the inheritance of Feiyu Gym!

This invincible baton tactic is the core of Feiyu Gym's replacement tactics!

Under the height of the movement, the electric flying squirrel appeared after shadows, turned into a red light and flew back to Xiao Yun's Poké Ball.

The next moment, what appeared above the field was a red and green wrestling eagle with sharp wings!

Under the high speed of the baton passing, Wrestling Eagle's speed suddenly jumped up, turning into a bolt of lightning and rushing towards the Fossil Pterosaur.

Fly under heavy pressure!

With the blessing of high-speed movement, once the flying body is hit by heavy pressure, the fossil pterosaur will directly lose its combat effectiveness!

Li Yunfei sighed silently.

Let Xiao Yun's baton tactics succeed, Lu Cheng probably won't have a chance to come back.

You are still too young, if you can prepare early...

However, the referee's whistle did not sound for a while, and there was a sound of exclamation in the field.

Li Yunfei raised his head in surprise, his eyes suddenly widened.

Rock thorns all over the sky emerged from the void, blocking the movements of Wrestling Eagle, making it extremely painful!

This trick to deal with the baton——

It turned out to be an invisible rock!

However, when did the Fossil Pterosaur release the move?

Is it...

Thinking of the broken rock from the fossilized pterosaur, Li Yunfei's eyes suddenly froze.

Is this really a trainer who debuted for two years?

Why can it be calculated to such an extent!

The Invisibility Rock will deal a lot of damage to the sprites that are replaced, and limit the flexible sprites like Wrestling Hawkman.

This is exactly the move that Lu Cheng aimed at Xiao Yun and let the Fossil Pterosaur master overnight!

"Interesting." Xiao Yun smiled slightly, but her aura as a gym owner suddenly rose.

With sharp eyes, she **** her wavy hair and said loudly, "Wrestling Hawkman, Kick Kick!"

Since the tactics are invalid, we can solve it with real fights!

The strength of this Wrestling Hawkman is also a master level.

Fossil pterosaur, it is absolutely impossible to take this trick!

The screaming wrestling eagle man, with his wings retracted, slammed into the fossilized pterosaur with a charge.

And Lu Cheng's eyes narrowed, he quickly took back the fossilized pterosaur, took a picture of his belt and said:

"Tyrannosaurus, Mega Evolution!!"

The red tyrannical carp dragon roared out, and as soon as it appeared, it threw out its powerful tail of water.

The turbulent tail of the water collided with Wrestling Hawkman's flying knee kick.

With a bang, the Wrestling Eagle was knocked out!

Xiao Yun showed a shocked expression.

Even if she had been prepared, the size of this tyrannical carp dragon was far beyond her expectations!

Such a physique full of oppression, the increase in strength is so great that it almost knocked the Wrestling Hawkman out of the field!

The tyrannical carp dragon was equally uncomfortable, shook his head, and the roaring tyrannical carp dragon burst out with a dazzling white light!

Mega Evolution! !

The audience has seen tropical dragons flying, giant-finned flying fish flying, and even Duduli flying.

However, who has ever seen a Tyrannosaurus dragon with a length of more than 20 meters flying in the sky like this!

This is no longer the tyrannical carp dragon, this is the legendary super battleship Leviathan, this is a super fortress in the sky!

The audience present was deeply shocked by this tyrannical carp dragon.

Even the flying king Li Yunfei couldn't help swallowing.

Although Tyrannosaurus has flying attributes, this is the first time I have seen Tyrannosaurus take off!

Could it be that this year's flying master will be awarded to such an incomparably huge elf?

This is called a flying elf characterized by gorgeousness and elegance, how can it be!

Lu Cheng had a different idea.

Indeed, flying elves have always been synonymous with combat aesthetics.

But isn't violence part of aesthetics?

This behemoth with its flamboyant claws, its hideous head and sharp scales, is a downright violent aesthetic!

Lu Cheng roared loudly, "The tyrannical carp dragon, the dance of the dragon!!"

Everyone was deeply shocked by this dance full of power and beauty.

Among the flying elves, there is also a feather dance move.

But compared with the scene in front of me, the feather dance is simply a dance in a fairy tale.

A real man should raise a violent carp dragon!

The roaring violent carp dragon slammed into the Wrestling Eagle fiercely.

Give yourself up for a collision!

This trick has been mastered since the carp king's time, and it has been thoroughly familiarized by the tyrannical carp dragon!

Xiao Yun's pupils shrank, and she said sternly, "Wrestling Eagleman, close combat!!"

Hawkman took a deep breath.

The next moment, the fist wind roared out!

Boom! !

There was a huge vibration, the dust filled the air, and everyone involuntarily looked towards the battlefield.

This melee combat was so arrogant, it even knocked the tyrannical carp dragon down from the air!

The situation of Wrestling Hawkman was even more tragic. He was gasping for air, and the wound was dripping with blood.

The sharp crown of the tyrannical carp dragon has already pierced its arm!

The audience didn't dare to make a sound, but Li Yunfei said solemnly: "If you can't lift off for more than ten seconds, the two elves will be sentenced to lose their combat effectiveness at the same time!"

Lu Cheng's eyes narrowed.

Almost at the same time, Lu Cheng and Xiao Yun commanded:

"The tyrannical carp dragon, the water splashes!"

"Wrestling Hawkman, turn back quickly!"

Li Yunfei couldn't help but be taken aback.

It's understandable to turn back quickly, after all, let the electric flying squirrel come up and finish, and the Wrestling Hawkman can also be considered to have completed his mission.

But this water splashes...

Once the tyrannical carp dragon can't be lifted into the air, it will be directly sentenced to defeat!

Lu Cheng repeated again: "The tyrannical carp dragon, the water splashes!"

The water splashes buried in the memory of the Tyrannosaurus Carp gradually awakened.

Under that red moon, the tyrannical carp dragon that fell from the sky has grown to the height of a master at this time.

And the water splash engraved into the memory has officially entered the field-level level! !

With a bang, the earth shook violently, and the Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon jumped up!

Everyone raised their heads subconsciously, and their eyes followed the tyrannical carp dragon, drawing a beautiful arc.

Xiao Yun couldn't help but startled.

Can this rapid turnaround really avoid the collision of the Tyrannosaurus?

do not care!

Xiao Yun gritted her teeth and said, "Wrestling Eagleman, turn back quickly!"

The wrestling eagle man, who was screaming, jumped up into the sky.

But the next moment, it seemed to be smashed into the ground by a heavy hammer.

The tyrannical carp dragon that descended from the sky slammed down on the Wrestling Eagleman with a thud, and smashed it directly into the ring!

Rolling over the Wrestling Hawkman, the tyrannical carp dragon looked around, and a roar that shook the sky broke out!

All the audience fell silent.

The next moment, the field spontaneously burst into applause like a mountain and a tsunami.

"This, this is bouncing?"

Xiao Yun looked at Lu Cheng and stuttered involuntarily, "Is it still Mount Tai pressing the top?"


Lu Cheng shook his head and said solemnly, "This is a splash of water."

: . :

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