My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 362: I prefer the title of Inverse Attribute Master

The presence seemed to fall into a dead silence.

A drop of cold sweat fell from Xiao Yun's forehead.

Water splash?

You call this move that can crush an elves, water splash! ?

Even Li Yunfei was silent for a while, then said with a dry smile: "It seems that Lu Cheng's violent carp dragon has a very deep understanding of water splash!"

This is not a deep understanding at all.

Didn't you see that his tyrannical carp dragons trained water splash to the domain level!

Xiao Yun took a deep breath and took out the Poké Ball, her face was immediately flushed with crimson.

"Then what, please move the tyrannical dragon..."

Because the tyrannical carp dragon pressed on Wrestling Hawkman, the Poke Ball could not recover Wrestling Hawkman normally.

Lu Cheng was stunned for a moment, and then hurriedly let the tyrannical carp dragon fly into the sky again.

Looking at a wrestling hawk who is not as good as death, Tyrannosaurus slowly revealed a smile.


Did you see that, Uncle Ben is the real master of flying!

Taking back Wrestling Hawkman, Xiao Yun released the electric flying squirrel that was in poor condition.

But obviously, the electric flying squirrels that have lost the replacement tactics have lost the possibility of fighting one against two.

In the end, under the frozen teeth of the fossilized pterosaur, the electric flying squirrel lost its ability to fight.

"The winner of this game is Lu Cheng!!"

As the semi-final of the flying competition, Xiao Yun, as the inheritance of Feiyu Gym, has already gained a lot of attention.

What everyone didn't expect was that Xiao Yun actually lost?

The loser turned out to be Lu Cheng, who had been undervalued before the match!

For a while, the Internet exploded again.

However, Xiao Yun herself accepted the result calmly.

"A domain-level water splash." Xiao Yun shook her head and murmured,

"Although it's a bit strange, it also means that his Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon is already a master."

"Unexpectedly, you can cultivate such a powerful elf after two and a half years of debut... This tyrannical carp dragon is definitely the ace of this kid!"

Xiao Yun has a good habit of analyzing after the game.

From the review point of view, Lu Cheng obviously anticipated Xiao Yun's baton tactics and used invisible rocks as a target.

At the same time, the on-the-spot reaction in the game, the timing of changing sprites and casting moves are perfect.

This Lu he really just a sophomore student?

At the level of a trainer, Xiao Yun believes that she is even inferior to Lu Cheng.

It's hard to believe that he has entered the field of master level...

"How is that possible." Xiao Yun shook her head, "Master trainer, that's already the level of the top four in the national competition."

"Is it impossible, this kid will participate in the national competition this year..."

Before she finished speaking, Xiao Yun closed her mouth.

A drop of cold sweat dripped from the corner of her forehead.

It seems that from the data, Lu Cheng really intends to participate in this year's national competition?

But as for the gym badges, can he collect all eight of them? Although he is already qualified to receive the Feather Badge, other gym owners are by no means ordinary!

If he exerts all his strength, he can't beat three... no, he can beat two gym owners!

Taking a breath, Xiao Yun felt relieved and smiled slowly.

Although I can't beat him, it doesn't mean that other gym owners can't beat him!

Xiao Yun, who came out of the player channel, happened to meet Lu Cheng and was in a good mood. Xiao Yun greeted Lu Cheng and said:

"Congratulations, you are qualified to compete for the title of master of the flight department."

Lu Cheng was slightly startled, then he scratched his head and said, "I prefer other titles than the flight department."

"What title?" Xiao Yun asked subconsciously.

"Master of the inverse attribute." Lu Cheng showed a row of white teeth, "Or... a person who fights!"


After negotiating with Xiao Yun, Lu Cheng got the Feiyu badge from her.

After all, Xiao Yun has already obtained the inheritance of the Feiyu Gym, and defeating her means obtaining the Feiyu badge.

This silver-white badge shaped like a wing is the fifth badge that Lu Cheng has harvested.

As long as he collects three more pieces, it means that he is qualified to participate in the national competition.

It's just that when Xiao Yun asked how many badges Lu Cheng had, and then he looked lost, Lu Cheng was a little confused.

Isn't it just five badges?

You must know that Lu Cheng defeated the Gangshan Gym and Jitian Gym, which are famous in the country for their difficulty!

Xiao Yun has completely put away her contempt for Lu Cheng.

Five badges... This progress is even faster than her!

Maybe in the national competition, you can really see the figure of this giant carp dragon!

Defeating Xiao Yun means that Lu Cheng is qualified to compete for the top four.

As long as he defeats another trainer, Lu Cheng will be officially awarded the title of "Flying Master".

This is the association's affirmation of the trainer's strength.

Even if it is a master of the flight department, it is a complete master title!

What he didn't expect was that, before he entered the finals, the opponent he encountered was actually Mu Haoyun, who was the loudest in winning the championship!

As early as in the 2V2 battle, Mu Haoyun sent his second elf, a fire-breathing dragon of master level.

This fire-breathing dragon's mastery of wing attacks has reached the domain level, and it can even blow up an eighth-level gale out of thin air.

As for the sonic dragon, it is even more arrogant, and its control over the sonic wave has reached the level of a sonic boom, which is enough to cause widespread damage.

This is not even a strong duel. For the audience, it is a one-sided game.

After all, Mu Haoyun is the most promising trainer among the younger generation!

There is even a heavenly king who said that Mu Haoyun's background is not in the flight system at all, but in the most powerful dragon-type elves.

He was personally taught by King Jiang Ziqian!

And although Lu Cheng won the college league championship, compared to Mu Haoyun, his qualifications are still a bit short.

After all, I can't help but make an early debut!

In last year's national competition, Mu Haoyun achieved excellent results in the top eight.

Now that he has practiced on the road to the championship, he definitely has the potential to compete for the championship!

Lu Cheng doesn't have any big top eight in the national competition...Is it something to be proud of?

But this is a flight competition, which greatly limits Lu Cheng's performance.

Before the game, Lu Cheng had a rare dignified look on his face.

"If you are seriously injured, don't force it!"

This is said to the fossil pterosaur.

After all, with the character of the Fossil Pterosaur, it is absolutely desperate to win.

But it has not yet mastered the original return, and has not yet entered the master level.

This game is quite difficult!

Of course, Lu Cheng could also choose to abstain. After all, he had obtained the Feather badge, and his goal had been achieved.

But since we've come this far, what if we don't fight!

Lu Cheng's eyes gradually became sharper.

The Final Four was held on the top of Canglong Snow Mountain.

Eternal glaciers, white snow, high-altitude sea breezes and steep mountain peaks.

At an altitude of nearly 4,000 meters, the trainers will stand on both sides of the mountain peaks and conduct fierce aerial battles in the peaks and valleys.

And altitude sickness also determines that this is a big test for trainers and elves.

The weather was fine, Lu Cheng took oxygen cylinders and protective clothing, and climbed to the top of Canglong Snow Mountain in full armor.

: . :

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