My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 363: Thunderstorm! Doubles on the Snow Mountain

The white snow refracts the sunlight, the weather is clear, and there is a golden light on the top of the snow-capped mountain.

This is the most suitable weather for air combat.

Whether it's wind speed, temperature, or airflow, it's a one-of-a-kind weather!

Since it was at an altitude of 4,000 meters, the audience was quite sparse, and only Magneto, the camera, rose to the sky without complaint.

A majestic tropical dragon spreads its wings and soars, and the refreshing fragrance makes breathing seem smooth.

Li Yunfei, who was sitting on the back of the tropical dragon, smiled and said, "It's an honor for me to be the referee for this semi-final match."

"The two sides of the battle will use the doubles competition system. If both elves lose their combat effectiveness, they will lose."

"Because the terrain is quite steep, trainers should seize the opportunity to replace the elves." Li Yunfei said solemnly, "Once you lose the ability to fly, please take back the elves in time!"

There is an altitude of more than 4,000 meters here, which is quite a severe test even for flying elves.

Looking at the vast and steep valley, Lu Cheng couldn't help taking a deep breath.

Between the mountain peaks, a huge hole is left, and the steep canyon crack is the venue for the upcoming air battle!

Li Yunfei's voice came from the loudspeaker: "Next, please release the elves!"

Mu Haoyun seemed to be accustomed to such occasions, a smile appeared on his face, and two super **** appeared in his hand.

"Come on, sonic dragon, fire-breathing dragon!"

The gigantic sonic dragon that covered the sky and the sun was covered with purple-black fur, his eyes were cold, and a hoarse low voice echoed.

And that fire-breathing dragon's physique is quite strong, especially the orange-red wings, which are particularly sturdy, with **** bulges erected.

The two elves in the valley erupted with earth-shattering roars, which made people's minds take pictures.

Even the flying king, Li Yunfei, didn't consciously show an expression of approval.

These two elves have been cultivated quite well!

Even in a national competition, it is quite rare for a spirit with such strength to appear!

But when he saw the elf sent by Lu Cheng, he couldn't help but be startled.

The nearly 20-meter-long red carp dragon flew in the air with its teeth and claws, like a super battleship.

And the fossil pterosaur also opened its **** mouth, flapped its purple wings, and made a violent roar.

In terms of momentum, Lu Cheng's elf is in no way inferior to Mu Haoyun!

Li Yunfei's eyes couldn't help but turn sharp.

The charm of air combat lies in the use of the weak to defeat the strong and gorgeous and changeable tactics.

Tail biting, climbing, fighting, chasing...

If Lu Cheng can really exert the full strength of the two elves, this match is still unknown!

In doubles matches, trainers can't relax their vigilance all the time.

Mu Haoyun's expression also became serious, and he said sternly, "Shunfeng, ultrasound!"

The fire-breathing dragon's wings fluttered, and the violent airflow surged, and under the wind, it provided a lot of speed advantages for the two elves.

On the other hand, on Lu Cheng's side, the wind suddenly turned into a headwind, and the situation suddenly fell into a passive state.

You must know that in air combat, the wind is a deadly factor!

Not only that, but in the whistling wind, there was also the ultrasonic wave hidden in the sound wave dragon.

Ultrasonic waves that have reached the domain level have become particularly deadly under the concealment of strong winds!


Lu Cheng also knew the importance of wind.

At the moment when the air flow came, he gave an order to the Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon.

This flying-type ultimate move was especially easy to train in the howling winds of the Canglong Snow Mountain.

I saw the tyrannical carp dragon twisting its body, and the huge body directly caused the resonance of the airflow.

Using the bonus of Dragon Dance, this storm is enough to resist the downwind of the fire-breathing dragon.

The two strong air currents tore each other, and then there was the earth-shattering roar of the fossilized pterosaur!


Although this move has no lethal power at all, it is no less than a punch to the elf that is extremely sensitive to sound waves like Sonic Dragon!

The two sides rode the strong wind, collided head-on, and started a fierce fight!

Mu Haoyun frowned slightly.

The strength of these two elves was completely beyond his imagination!

I thought it would be fine if the Tyrannosaurus reached the master level, but why does this fossilized pterosaur have such lethal power!

I saw that the fossilized pterosaur was directly flung by the fire-breathing dragon's tail, and the next moment, it roared and bit the fire-breathing dragon again.

Although the damage is not very significant, it's just... it's too tenacious!

"Air Slash!" Mu Haoyun said sternly, "Soundwave Dragon, use the storm!"

Between the canyons, the Sonic Dragon spread its wings and climbed, and a strong airflow erupted at its wings, forming a howling storm.

In that storm, a dense number of sharp blades formed, enough to make people shudder!

With the storm, the power of this air slash became even more amazing!

Lu Cheng frowned.

This combo is definitely Mu Haoyun's trump card!

"Primitive power!" Lu Cheng said loudly, "Burst carp dragon, avoid the storm by splashing with water!"

The fossilized pterosaur rushing ahead became the first target of Air Slash.

At the critical moment, the hard rock armor was reinforced on the body of the fossilized pterosaur.

But the next moment, the rock was cut open by the sharp air, causing the fossilized pterosaur to bleed instantly!

On the other hand, the tyrannical carp dragon jumped up high, bursting out with a thunderous roar, and the turbulent tail of the water stream slammed directly on the fire-breathing dragon!

Even for Mu Haoyun's fire-breathing dragon, it was extremely painful to bear this stream of water.

Mu Haoyun's eyes narrowed, "Deal with that fossilized pterosaur first!"

From the mouth of the fire-breathing dragon, surging flames gathered.

And the sonic dragon flew directly into the sky, and the sharp air blades cut to the fossil pterosaur again!

Boom! !

The giant carp dragon resisted in front of the fossilized pterosaur.

The sharp air blade caused numerous wounds to appear on the body of the tyrannical carp dragon, and a large amount of red blood spurted out.

The jet of flames came surging, and Lu Cheng said sternly: "The tyrannical carp dragon, water cannon!!"

The water cannonball several meters wide collided with the jet flame.

"Jie Ou!!"

The water vapor filled the air, and in the white fog that filled the sky, a fossilized pterosaur slammed out and bit the fire-breathing dragon's wings!

The struggling fire-breathing dragon let out an incomparably painful roar, and the iron tail slammed into the fossilized pterosaur's back, but it still couldn't let it loose its mouth.

The blood-red, ferocious fossilized pterosaur embedded its fangs into the fire-breathing dragon's wings fiercely!

Li Yunfei showed a look of horror.

What kind of spirit is this?

Why is it still able to bite the prey under repeated attacks, without the slightest slack!

Mu Haoyun was slightly startled.

The fossilized pterosaur and the fire-breathing dragon are fighting together, and the sonic dragon cannot attack at all!

In desperation, Mu Haoyun changed his target and said, "Soundwave Dragon, use the wave of the dragon on the tyrannical carp dragon!"

Purple fluctuations swept away from Sonic Dragon's body, accompanied by a high-pitched cry, making the tyrannical carp dragon show a ferocious look.

Under the chaotic state, the tyrannical carp dragon could not make an effective evasion at all!

Lu Cheng said in a stern voice, "Broken Carp Dragon, make a big fuss!!"

There was a lot of trouble, and he attacked the opponent in a frenzy, but it caused extremely violent damage!

Not to mention that it was used by this incomparably huge tyrannical carp dragon, and the effect of making a fuss was simply the wrath of the gods!

Holding the wave of the dragon, the tyrannical carp dragon dashed towards the sonic dragon with blood-red eyes.

Unpredictable, the Sonic Dragon was hit and staggered, and the next moment, the Tyrannical Carp Dragon directly bit its wings!

Mu Haoyun sneered: "Boom!"

At such a close distance, the Sonic Dragon is like a sonic bomb, the organs roaring all over the body, and the sonic boom that swept out directly blew the typhoon dragon into blood flowers!

Even the fossilized pterosaur was affected, and it was shaken away directly from the fire-breathing dragon, roaring and flying upside down for several meters.

Shaking his head, the fire-breathing dragon's eyes were blood red, and the wings were bloody.

The ferocious flames rose like an explosion, and the large-character explosion exploded on the fossil pterosaur, causing it to fall straight down like a bird with broken wings.

Lu Cheng gritted his took out the Poke Ball to retrieve the fossilized pterosaur.

However, an earth-shattering roar resounded again!

"Jie Ou!!"

The fallen fossilized pterosaur was splattered with blood, but the wound was directly covered by icy rocks.

With a painful roar, the fossilized pterosaur opened and closed its wings, turning into an afterimage and rushing towards the fire-breathing dragon again!

Even though it was crumbling, the fossilized pterosaur still launched a fierce attack!

Mu Haoyun's complexion changed.

What happened to this fossil pterosaur!

Why did you come to this point, yet you haven't lost your fighting consciousness! ?

My fire-breathing dragon, what kind of grudges do I have with you!

Lu Cheng took back the Poké Ball, feeling slightly emotional, but his eyes were extremely sharp.

Forget it, let's do this with you willfully!

"Fossil Pterosaur, Tyrannosaurus, use Crush!!"

"Roar!" "Jie O!"

The two crumbling elves once again burst out with an incomparably powerful fighting spirit.

At the same time, the sky roared loudly, and thick dark clouds were densely covered above the 5,000-meter snow-capped mountains!

The thundercloud was turbulent, and the thick electric current surged between the dark clouds.

Boom! !

In an instant, a chilling sound of thunder exploded on the snow-capped mountains!

: . :

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