My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 364: The original is back! Fossil pterosaur

Between the tumbling black clouds, the thunder light soared, and the thick lightning tore apart the sky.

Then, there was a thunderous sound!

The sky suddenly fell, and in this snow-capped mountain with an altitude of 4,000 meters, this thunder was no less than the wrath of the gods!

However, Lu Cheng and Mu Haoyun unanimously chose to continue commanding.

"Bite!" "Dragon Wave!"

Everyone was horrified.

In this weather, should they continue to fight?

This terrifying thunder might really endanger the lives of elves and trainers!

Li Yunfei's expression also changed.

With this kind of power of nature, even as a flying king, he is still helpless.

However, the game is coming to an end!

Is it difficult, do you really want to stop the game?

"Damn it, doesn't it mean today is a cloudless good weather!"

Li Yunfei cursed and released a natural bird from the Poke Ball.

Those still eyes seemed to see through the thundercloud, and then a Sanskrit-like golden light bloomed from its body.


This kind of move full of Buddhism can be said to be Li Yunfei's style.

However, this only silenced the thundercloud for less than a few seconds.

The next moment, a more stout thunderbolt exploded on the top of the snow-capped mountain!

what to do?

If he chooses another day to fight again, even Li Yunfei, who is the referee, will not approve.

Do you want to continue this dangerous battle, or decide whether to win or lose?

In a daze, the command voices of the two trainers sounded in my ears.

"The tyrannical carp dragon, use the dragon dance to avoid thunderclouds, and the fossil pterosaur uses the original power!"

"Fire-breathing dragon uses reverse scales, sonic dragon, dragon star group!!"

Even Li Yunfei couldn't help showing a shocked expression at this moment.

Mu Haoyun, actually let the sound wave dragon master the moves of the dragon star group! ?

This is already the level of a master trainer, and even the first among young trainers!

But Lu Cheng...

Li Yunfei's eyes suddenly widened.

The shining meteors were all avoided by the violent dragon dance of the tyrannical carp dragon.

With a huge body of nearly 20 meters, how exactly did it do this!

Damn it!

Mu Haoyun couldn't help cursing.

This ghost weather actually made the dragon star colony of Sonic Dragon empty!

At this moment, a thunderstorm suddenly fell from the valley between the two mountain peaks.

With a bang, the thunder light exploded in the valley, directly blasting both sides several meters away.

For a while, the tyrannical carp dragon's wound splattered, blood was pouring, and it fell directly from the air!

With a flash of red light, Lu Cheng withdrew the tyrannical carp dragon and said sternly, "Fossil pterosaur, continue to use it to smash it!!"

Mu Haoyun's elves were also uncomfortable.

The location of the thunder blast is in the center of the canyon.

The Sonic Dragon, who fell into weakness behind the Dragon Star Group, was also scorched black by the thunder and lightning, and flew out backwards with a scream.

Although the fire-breathing dragon under the reverse scales survived, the flames at the tail were already extremely weak, and the whole body was covered with ferocious bite marks!

In an instant, Li Yunfei made a judgment.

This thunder is force majeure, and it affects both elves.

And the trainer who controls the sky naturally has to be prepared to deal with all the weather in nature.

This is a battle between flight departments.

And thunder and lightning, hail and torrential rain, this is exactly what the darlings of the sky are born to face!

"The game continues!" Li Yunfei yelled.

As if laughing at the trainers' overreaching, thunder roared and exploded in the canyon.

The pale electric light in the sky danced wildly like a silver snake, almost making people unable to open their eyes.

Lu Cheng and Mu Haoyun made a decision at the same time.

We must end this game as soon as possible!

On the top of the snow-capped mountain, the fire-breathing dragon and the fossilized pterosaur fought together.

The eyes were blood red, the roaring sound that shook the sky, and the ferocious wounds and splashes of blood!

The fossilized pterosaur bit on the fire-breathing dragon's wing, and under the bite, the bone wing even made a cracking sound.

And the fire-breathing dragon's tail slammed on the fossilized pterosaur's head, causing it to almost lose its vision!

This scene made Lu Cheng clench his fist tightly.

Do you want to abstain?

In terms of strength, the fossilized pterosaur, which has not yet entered the master level, is still a bit worse than the fire-breathing dragon!

From an intellectual point of view, abstention is indeed a wise choice...

However, if he abstained now, let alone the fossilized pterosaur, even Lu Cheng would look down on him!

Lu Cheng's eyes were also bloodshot, and he said sternly, "Fossil pterosaur, rock collapse!"

Mu Haoyun's complexion was ashen.

He was indeed looking forward to the battle with Lu Cheng.

But that was nothing but the pride of a strong man!

In other words, in his heart, he looked down on Lu Cheng's strength.

And now, this fossilized pterosaur actually fought the fire-breathing dragon to such a situation.

Has it really not reached the master level yet?

But this disposition, this desire to fight, is no worse than a veteran who has fought for a long time!

"Fire-breathing dragon, big characters burst into flames!"

If that's the case, then fulfill your wish!

There was another roar of thunder.

It's just that with the splash of the rock avalanche, the bones of the fossil pterosaur were quietly covered with dark gray rocks.

The earth-shattering thunder and the roaring fire-breathing dragon seemed to have awakened the memory of the fossilized pterosaur that was hidden in the depths.

A rattling sound rang out.

With a hiss, the blood mist splashed!

Those wings that are several meters wide and covered with cold rocks, draw out a huge black shadow that covers the sky!

"What!" Mu Haoyun lost his voice, "Why can you still make dodge moves!"

With the physical strength of the fossilized pterosaur, it is impossible to avoid the big character explosion again!

The surging flames exploded on the steep cliff, and in the sea of ​​​​fire, a ferocious beast suddenly flew out!

The former sky overlord, the king of hunting in the Cretaceous period.

Even in the face of a fire-breathing dragon, you can drink blood and bite off the throat of the prey directly.

The wildness hidden in the bloodline of the fossilized pterosaur erupted once again on the top of this snow-capped mountain!

The original is back! !

"Jie Ou!!"

The roaring fossil swooped down from the sky and directly bit the fire-breathing dragon's neck.

Its hideous head is covered with a layer of rock like a skull, making it look like a Viking pirate.

But this ferocious armor adds to its fierce fighting spirit!

Blue lightning flashed across.

Lu Cheng had his back facing the purple sky, and behind him were the snow-capped mountains.

In front of him is a ferocious, fossilized pterosaur after the original return.

Lu Cheng said sternly, "Fossil pterosaur, bite into pieces."

"Jie Ou!!"

Xuepen opened his mouth wide, his sharp fangs pulled saliva, and thunder exploded behind the fossilized pterosaur.

A red light flashed, and the fire-breathing dragon that was covered in bruises was taken back.

Mu Haoyun sighed, "I abstain!"

With a bang, the armor on the fossilized pterosaur shattered like a landslide.

The fossilized pterosaur that fell from the top of the mountain was recovered by Lu Cheng.

"Thank you for your hard work." Lu Cheng smiled at the Poké Ball, "Take a good rest for a while."

Li Yunfei swallowed involuntarily.

The next moment, he suddenly raised the flag in his hand and shouted:

"Victor, Lu Cheng!!"

: . :

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