My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 365: The master of the flight department, Lu Cheng!

At the top of the snow-capped mountains, due to the poor signal, only the rebroadcast pictures can be taken.

The spectators who were still interested before the game all dropped their jaws after learning the result.

Lu Cheng won! ?

The opponent was a well-known master-level trainer among the younger generation, and Lu Cheng actually won!

Could it be that Lu Cheng has also entered a master-level situation?

It's just that when the broadcast screen played, all the audience fell silent.

There is no doubt that it was a rather brutal battle.

Especially when the thunder exploded, everyone's heart was pulled.

But there is no doubt that these two trainers are the best among the younger generation!

And Mu Haoyun, who went all out, was unable to defeat Lu Cheng.

This also means that Lu Cheng has stepped into the master level and has become the youngest master trainer in China!

Hearing that Lu Cheng actually defeated Mu Haoyun, even Jiang Ziqian was shocked.

After all, Mu Haoyun had studied with him for a period of time, and even Jiang Ziqian highly recognized his use of dragon-type elves.

But, is such a proud man who lost to the little-known Lu Cheng?

Well, even though he is the champion of the high school league, he is a master... the span is too big!

In just one year, Lu Cheng has transformed from a university elite to a master-level trainer who can compete for the top eight in the national competition?

So shocking!

Thinking of his son who is still training on the road to the championship, Jiang Ziqian's expression can't help but get weird.

Everyone else is already at the master level, and his son is still at the senior level?

Well, the last time I saw Lu Cheng, it seemed that he was already a quasi-master-level combat power.

And against Mu Haoyun... he didn't even release his ace elf?

Others were shocked by Lu Cheng's victory over Mu Haoyun, but Lu Cheng didn't feel anything.

After all, his two more powerful elves have yet to appear.

If he encounters Mu Haoyun in the national competition, Lu Cheng will definitely let him know what is true cruelty!

Thinking of this, Lu Cheng couldn't help frowning.

"The Fossil Pterosaur and Tyrannosaurus need a good rest for a while... Next stop, let's choose a more relaxed gym."

Because both of Lu Cheng's elves couldn't continue to fight.

Lu Cheng gave up his subsequent match against veteran trainer Wang Ping.

However, after defeating Mu Haoyun, Lu Cheng has already achieved the top four in the flight competition.

This also means that Lu Cheng has won the title of "Master of Flight".

This title is recognized all over the country.

Even Lu Cheng was able to start a school and officially teach his skills in flying elves.


As a flying master, Lu Cheng only managed to conquer two flying elves!

Perhaps even Li Yunfei, who gave Lu Cheng the award, never thought that the junior he was so optimistic about was just a taste of the flight department.

Lu Cheng's real goal is still to be the champion of the national competition, and even the next Tianwang competition.

Master of the flight department, but this is just the beginning!

To Lu Cheng's surprise, even the top four can get the rewards from the tournament side.

The 500,000 bonus was just enough to cover the cost of forging the Lizard King's weapon, "Dragon Tooth".

As for the optional Mega stone, Lu Cheng chose the more general than carved Mega stone.

After all, the fossilized pterosaurs that have mastered the original return are no longer needed for Mega Stones.

And sculpting Mega Stones, whether it's exchanging supplies or taking them to fool trainers, is quite useful.

Lu Cheng, who had finished his trip to the flying competition, set his goal on (for him) the more relaxed fire gym.

"Bayu..." Lu Cheng murmured while looking at the phone, "Why is it a fire-type gym!?"

However, when heading to Bayu, which is also known as a mountain city, Lu Cheng still has to complete routine tasks.

After calling Xiao Yun, Lu Cheng cleared his throat and greeted with professional laughter:

"Master Xiao, have you heard of Team Rocket?"


It has to be said that the resilience of fossil pterosaurs is quite amazing.

After just three days of rest, the fossilized pterosaur was able to fly again, and the wounds on his body gradually began to heal.

Looking at this fossilized pterosaur with a tiger's head and a tiger's head, Lu Cheng couldn't help but smile.

This is an elf born to fight!

And primitive evolution has also successfully increased the strength of the fossil pterosaurs by a large margin

As long as you comprehend your own domain again, the fossilized pterosaur can truly enter the master level!

As for the field moves of the Fossil Pterosaur, Lu Cheng already had an idea.

That is the layer of natural rock armor on the surface of the fossilized pterosaur after primitive evolution.

As long as the armor is strengthened with primitive power, the bone spurs of the armor can be more prominent, and the purpose of defense can even be achieved.

As for the thesis on primitive regression, Lu Cheng has already started to prepare.

Because the professor has the requirement of academic papers every year, Lu Cheng is unwilling to pour water, so he has to do it himself.

Thinking of this rigid indicator, the academic world produces a few more treasures every year, Lu Cheng couldn't help shaking his head.

"I'm so good." Lu Cheng murmured.

I believe that when this paper is released, it will bring new shocks to the academic world!


A master-level trainer means that this trainer has the qualifications to open a gym, create a genre, and even engrave exclusive badges.

Among the trainers in China, it is quite rare to be able to enter the master level under the age of 30.

And the standard of master level is at least three master level elves, and they have been officially recognized in national competitions.

Of course, the official assessment method can also be used to apply for the title of master.

Lu Cheng's method is the former.

Although there is no replacement of the elves, and there is a suspicion of cheating, this is also a veritable master-level title.

When he heard that Lu Cheng had won the title of master, Guo Zhang was shocked that the cigar in his hand fell.

"Isn't he doing a gym tour?" Guo Zhang swallowed, "Why did he become a master of the flight department again!"

Liu Shengnan shook his head and said helplessly, "It is said that he participated in the competition in the middle of the gym challenge."

"By the way, I participated in the competition and won the semi-finals?" Guo Zhang said dryly, "The key is, you also killed Mu Haoyun!?"

Liu Shengnan nodded with a grim Although this shopkeeper is quite unreliable, the growth rate is still astonishing as always.

Perhaps this year's national competition will really have the best ranking under the age of 25!

"Forget it, don't care about this stinky boy." Guo Zhang waved his hand in a heartbroken manner, and said sternly, "How's the Rockets doing now?"

Liu Shengnan's expression became strange.

Although Lu Cheng is unreliable, his level of fooling people is really strong!

In just half a month, two gym owners have already called.

Even her own grandfather expressed that he wanted to join the group, which shocked Liu Shengnan, and he didn't persuade him at all.

Liu Shengnan always felt that the Rockets would become an illegal organization under the leadership of Lu Cheng.

Feeling tired, Liu Shengnan sighed and said, "I have taken over the remaining industries of the Galaxy Group, and have established a foundation responsible for the operation of funds."

"In addition to the personnel assigned by the association, it can already function normally."

"Oh?" Guo Zhang raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "What was the first goal that Lu Cheng set?"

Liu Shengnan was startled, and Lu Cheng's arrogant and dry words echoed in his ears again.

"The Rockets' first goal..." Liu Shengnan said dryly,

"It seems to have created the strongest divine beast!"

: . :

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