My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 366: Lu Cheng's dream plan (1/4)

At the beginning, Lu Cheng's goal set half-jokingly was to create the strongest divine beast!

This is not a groundless thing.

Artificial elves are the most cutting-edge field in the scientific research world.

The Darwin Foundation in the United States is said to have developed artificial elves that can change their attributes.

And the more common artificial elf polygonal beast, under the research and development of Huaguo, has even developed the form of polygonal beast Z.

Not to mention the artificial cell egg, which Liu Bosheng already dabbled in the field of genetic engineering.

With the resources of the association and the growing strength of Team Rocket, it is not impossible to develop artificial elves!

Just... the strongest divine beast?

Guo Zhang always felt that the stinky boy Lu Cheng was fooling him.

If divine beasts can also be created, are they still called divine beasts?

After swallowing, Guo Zhang said in disbelief, "Professor Liu, he agrees?"

Liu Shengnan nodded solemnly.

"The old man said that with Lu Cheng's ideas, it might be possible to create a mythical beast!"

Guo Zhang was taken aback, "What is Lu Cheng's thinking?"


While marveling at the endless mountains and rivers in Bayu, Lu Cheng received a call from Guo Zhang.

After a loud scolding, Guo Zhang asked in a very weak tone, "What kind of divine beast are you talking about, are you serious?"

Lu Cheng was stunned for a moment, then immediately recalled the goal he had set for the Rockets.

"Of course it's serious." Lu Cheng smiled.

The other end of the phone was silent for a while, then sighed: "I will report this goal to the association."

When the busy tone came, Lu Cheng scratched his head.

He has learned about the current development in the field of artificial elves.

Since the Silver Companion War Beast has all the clues, it stands to reason that the earlier generation of Mewtwo should enter the research and development stage.

The original Mewtwo, created as the ultimate weapon, casts doubt on the meaning of humanity and itself.

But at the same time, Mewtwo is also curious about the beautiful side of human beings.

If the appearance of Mewtwo is inevitable, Lu Cheng would rather control this power in his own country.

After all, this kind of weapon is like a nuclear deterrent, and it is better than nothing.

Of course, the research and development of Mewtwo is like a satellite that Lu Cheng sent to his superiors.

In other countries, research on Mewtwo may have also begun.

It was proposed by Lu Cheng, who has an academic background, and it can also attract the attention of the superiors.

However, even the dream is an unknown.

The most important thing for Lu Cheng is to enjoy this relatively easy trip to the gym.

Arrived by ferry to Bayu, under the misty river mist, is an ancient mountain city.

A few long-winged gulls passed over the ferry, and Lu Cheng stepped into the city, instantly stunned.

Above his head, a car drove past.

In theory, he needs to get to that road, but there is a dead end in front of him.

And a few aunts and uncles turned into the alley from nowhere, and the next moment they appeared on the road under his feet.

Lu Cheng's expression couldn't help but become strange.

Is this really a building that conforms to the principles of architecture?

This is too far beyond the imagination of human beings!

Lu Cheng, who didn't know where to start, had no choice but to take a taxi to the Fire Element Gym.

Fragrant Gym.

Speaking of which, the name of the gym always gave Lu Cheng the illusion of a restaurant.

Hearing that Lu Cheng was going to the Shaxiang Gym, the driver's eyes lit up and he said with a smile, "Little brother, this is your first time in Shancheng?"

Lu Cheng smiled dryly and said, "Come here because of your reputation."

The driver immediately said proudly, "Then you're right to go to the Shaoxiang Gym, you won't be disappointed!"

Lu Cheng's unease became more and more serious.

Why does the driver's expression look so natural?

It's hard to believe that this gym is very popular with foreign tourists! ?

The car drove by on the elevated, and there were pedestrians like ants underground.

Looking at the street-level buildings below, Lu Cheng couldn't help sighing.

As expected of a mountain city, every inch of land is used to the extreme!

The car stopped in front of the Shaoxiang Gym.

The driver greeted with a smile: "little brother, I recommend you to eat the hairy belly here, it's excellent!"

Lu Cheng's face was ashen as he looked up at the huge hot pot sign.

This gym is really a hot pot restaurant!

And there was a long queue at the entrance of the gymnasium, and there was no end in sight.

"This has to be in the year of the monkey and the month of the horse!"

"I heard that the hot pot here is a must, it was recommended by the fire king!"

With a bang, Leo Lu got out of Lu Cheng's bag, climbed onto Lu Cheng's shoulder, sniffed the wafting fragrance, and couldn't help drooling.

And in the Lizard King's Poké Ball, there was also an uneasy agitation.

My own Lizard King, his favorite flavor is spicy!

Looking at the long queue, Lu Cheng couldn't help but smile bitterly: "Then let's... eat hot pot first?"

"Olu!" Leo Lu happily hugged Lu Cheng's neck.

At this moment, the waiter who was distributing candy to the queuing customers saw Lu Cheng and his eyes widened.

"You, are you Lu Cheng?"

Lu Cheng was taken aback.

The waiter blushed and said nervously: "I watched your competition, you should be a master of the flight department now!"

Lu Cheng couldn't help coughing dryly.

He is really unreliable as a master of the flight department. He only has two flight departments, and they are all still in the recovery stage.

"By the way, you are here to challenge the gym." The waiter said with a bright eye.

"Gym challenge trainers, just go this way!"

The waiter took Lu Cheng into this spicy gym through the side door, which attracted a burst of envy and This gym looks like a traditional restaurant, with tables on the upper and lower floors. There are hot pots with red copper stoves on them.

As soon as you enter the door, the spicy taste hits your face.

There were glowing red lanterns hanging all around, and on the shiny wooden table, the red hot pot with spicy oil rolled over and made a gurgling sound.

Everyone's face and neck were flushed red, but they still moved chopsticks like flying.

The hairy belly smeared with oil and coriander made Lu Cheng swallow his saliva.

The waiter smiled and said, "If the trainer comes to challenge the gym, he can go directly to the VIP room on the fourth floor."

"The fifth floor is the battlefield. The gym owner is still busy. When he is free, I will call you!"

The pavilion on the fourth floor is quite quiet, and the furnishings are quite elegant. Next to the hot pot in the copper stove, there is an ice sculpture emitting mist.

Not long after Lu Cheng sat down, a pot of spicy and tangy Jiugongge was brought up and placed in front of Lu Cheng.

"This, this is?"

"Whatever you want to eat, just order it!"

The waiter smiled and said, "With your master title, you can enjoy it for free!"

Lu Cheng swallowed involuntarily.

Taking the menu, Lu Cheng hesitated: "This, this..."

"One of each?"

"Except for these few, all the others!"

: . :

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