My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 367: Cha hot pot, by the way, play a gym (2/4)

The pavilion is quite spacious, enough to accommodate more than ten people.

As a VIP room, the sound insulation here is quite good, so there is no need to worry about disturbing other guests.

Leo Lu was lying on the menu with beautifully painted pictures, drooling incessantly.

Lu Cheng touched its head, smiled slightly, and took out the Poke Ball.

The red light flew, and all the elves of Lu Cheng were surrounded by the hot pot, except the tyrannical carp dragon and Regais.

There was a huge round table, and in the middle was a red copper stove with a nine-square grid hot pot tumbled with red oil.

The little guys widened their eyes and looked at the red hot chili oil involuntarily, and there was a sound of drooling.

Lu Cheng laughed dumbly.

This scene really feels like a family dinner!

Of course, Lu Cheng didn't order, the little guys still stayed in their seats honestly.

Nine tails had the most elegant posture, standing on the wooden chair, although she was afraid of spicy food, her red eyes still had a look of anticipation.

And the Lizard King simply slammed the dragon's teeth into the wall with a stern look.

Today, I'm bound to learn to make big characters explode!

The Variety Monster was constantly wriggling on the table, while excitedly ringing the soothing bell.

It's time to eat, it's time to eat ヾ(′?`o)

The waiter brought the last shrimp slip and said with a smile, "Your dishes are ready, please take your time!"

As the waiter left, a sinister grimace rose from the shadows.

Darkrai closed the door quietly, the corners of his mouth grinned, revealing a hideous smile.

It's ready to eat!

Beside the tumbled copper pot with red oil, there are green vegetables dipped in water droplets, frozen beef and mutton with mist, and a special dish of green onion and duck.

The hairy belly in the ice basin resembles the incomparably beautiful cheeks of the lover in a dream.

Lu Cheng swallowed his saliva, tapped his chopsticks and said solemnly, "Honestly wait for the dishes to be cooked!"

The little guys immediately became quiet, looking eagerly at the tumbling hot pot.


Kyuubi was so hot that she sneezed, her body suddenly turned red, and she wrapped her body shyly with her tail.

And Leo Lu jumped directly on the table, Oro Lu shouted loudly.

The fossilized pterosaur stared at the braised duck with green onions, and the saliva kept dripping, causing Leo Lu to shrink back in fright.

When the meatballs all floated up, Lu Cheng's throat grunted and shouted, "It's on!"

With an order, it is like a wind and a cloud!

"Leo Lu, slow down, don't put your hands in the pot!"

"Don't bite the fossil pterosaur, that pot can't bite!"

Nine tails are gracefully operating the chopsticks with supernatural powers.

The Variety Monster jumped directly into its plate, causing Nine-Tails' complexion to suddenly turn blue.

And the Lizard King strung a string of mutton with dragon teeth, simmering it in a copper pot, and after three seconds, he picked it up and stuffed it into his mouth.

This scene fell into Lu Cheng's eyes and looked extremely terrifying.

Are you, the Lizard King, performing sword swallowing?

Darkrai directly used the shadow avatar and the avatar's tactic, turning into a shadow avatar and frantically grabbing food.

Leo Lu inserted a metal claw into the hot pot, pierced the meatball with one claw, and the juice splashed, making the little guy giggle with joy.

The ever-changing monster is turning into a eagle, and is fighting a battle for food with the fossil pterosaur.

On the other hand, Jiuwei showed sullen anger, and a surging flame was gathering in his mouth.

Lu Cheng's expression changed.

But what Lu Cheng never imagined was that this big character explosion was not created by the nine tails first!

Lizard King, use big characters to explode flames! !

With a bang, the surging air wave overturned the entire table.

Lu Cheng, who hadn't had time to take a bite, stared at the slippery shrimp, his chopsticks trembling.

The roaring Lizard King raised his arms with blood-red eyes.

Red oil hot pot is the best in the world!

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

"Mr. Lu Cheng, Master Peng is ready for the gym challenge!"

The waiter who pushed in the door was dumbfounded by the sight of the mess everywhere.

Lu Cheng smiled embarrassedly: "Do you use WeChat or Alipay for compensation?"


Different from what Lu Cheng imagined, the owner of the pavilion here is a rather lean man.

Peng Fan, who was wearing a sports suit, looked up and down Lu Cheng in surprise, and immediately smiled:

"Mr. Lu, welcome to Saoxiang Gym."

According to Lu Cheng's title, Peng Fan should be called "Master Lu".

This is why Peng Fan was so surprised when he saw Lu Cheng.

When did such a young master trainer appear?

But since he was here to challenge the gym, Peng Fan didn't dare to take it lightly.

"Please come with me."

On the battlefield, it is located on the top floor of the Shaoxiang Gym.

The open-air venue is like a small gymnasium, with rows of auditoriums on both sides.

Peng Fan explained: "The gym sometimes organizes exhibition competitions for trainers, which are held on this top floor."

Lu Cheng nodded and asked curiously, "How did you come up with the idea of ​​turning a gymnasium into a hot pot restaurant?"

Peng Fan glanced at Lu Cheng and sighed deeply:

"I want to have a meal."

Lu Cheng was taken aback.

"The subsidy from the association is really too little." Peng Fan said quietly, "If it hadn't been three years before my term expired, I would have switched careers and opened a branch."

Lu Cheng smiled awkwardly and politely.

After all, you are also a real gym trainer.

If you change careers, how can I come to eat next time!

Shaking his head, Peng Fan smiled and said, "Mr. Lu, the rules of gym battles are that 3v3 is no problem, right?"

Lu Cheng nodded lightly.

At this moment, a low voice came from the stairs.

"It's just right, why don't you let me be the referee."

Peng Fan was stunned for a moment, then said helplessly, "You're here to eat again!"

An incomparably strong, bearded man walked into the exuding an incomparably powerful aura, even Peng Fan was dwarfed by him.

This is the trainer in charge of the flame bird, the fire king, Tu Ming!

Tu Ming said with a low smile, "Can you call me a meal to advertise for you?"

When he looked at Lu Chengzhi, he couldn't help but be taken aback. "Lu Cheng?"

Lu Cheng didn't expect that after so long in the national competition, Tu Ming could still recognize him.

Lu Cheng smiled and said, "Hello, Tu Tianwang."

Tu Ming nodded strangely.

After meeting with Lu Cheng last time, his elf became overwhelmed.

It was like being drugged, and it didn't get better until half a year later.

In his capacity, he was too embarrassed to ask Lu Cheng what he had done.

In the final analysis, Tu Ming was very optimistic about Lu Cheng's younger generation.

And Tu Ming also recognized the strength of the nine-tailed.

After all, as early as a year ago, the nine tails were enough to withstand the flames of the flame bird.

After a year, even Tu Ming was a little curious about how far the nine tails have grown!

Boarding the referee's bench, Tu Ming said solemnly, "The game begins!"

"Come on, Nine Tails!"

Peng Fan took out the elf and said loudly, "Come on, Saoxiang Ape!"

: . :

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