My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 370: Lucheng of the Earth (1/3)

After challenging the Shaoxiang Gym and getting the sixth badge, Lu Cheng set his sights on the Shanchuan Gym in Chang'an.

Shanchuan Taoist Gym is a remodeled Gym in recent years. It is co-organized by Chang'an Museum and the Association and invited the top four contestants of the national competition, Gongsun Rong, as the master of the Gym.

Judging from the information on the Internet, it is characterized by museum exhibitions, and there are various geological research groups under it.

Gongsun Rong was originally a master-level trainer. After taking charge of the Shanchuan Gym, he gave full play to his personal characteristics and built the Shanchuan Gym into a ground-based gym.

The indestructible defense and the counter-attack that hit the spot, formed Gongsun Rong's unique "defensive counter-attack" tactic.

Therefore, Furukawa Gym occupies the third place on the difficulty list of national gymnasiums.

Lu Cheng's current elves, Nine-Tails, Lizard King, and Tyrannosaurus have all successfully entered the master level.

And the fossil pterosaur is one step away from the field move.

The purpose of this trip, Lu Cheng mainly wanted Leo Lu to learn some ground-based moves.

After all, the trick of "digging a hole" has been coveted by Lu Cheng for a long time, and the price of the move machine is hard to find. This time, he might be able to take the opportunity to steal from Gongsun Rong.

It was already late April, and there were less than four months left before the opening of the national competition.

During this period, I heard that Mu Haoyun had successfully entered the domain of the Dragon Master, and was hailed as the most promising young generation.

And the inheritance of Jitian Taoist Hall, Xing Feng, the trainer of the sword monster with a strong shield, also became famous by fighting against five elite trainers on the road of champion.

As for the other contestants, Lu Cheng had already heard that Deng Ruyun had already obtained eight badges and was currently training at Tianchi Volcano.

And Gao Chi is also planning to participate in this national competition. It is said that his strange power has successfully comprehended domain-level moves.

Even Lu Cheng felt a sense of nervousness before the competition.

As long as he can get a good place in the national competition, it means that this trainer stands at the top of the national trainer pyramid.

And after the national championship, there are still the Masters Development Tournament and the Kings Tournament waiting for Lu Cheng to challenge.

Shaking his head, Lu Cheng looked at his Poké Ball and said with a smile, "Looks like I'm going to cheer up too."


Professor He Guangshan of the Chang'an Institute of Geology is currently admiring Lu Cheng's paper on "Return to Primitives", and is amazed from time to time.

A researcher asked curiously, "Professor He, why are you so fascinated?"

Professor He laughed, took off his reading glasses and said, "This is the youngest professor today, and he has achieved impressive results in evolution, unknown elves, and even geology."

The researchers said in unison, "Professor Lu Cheng!?"

He Guangshan nodded with a smile, and sighed: "Unexpectedly, he actually discovered the primitive return of the fossilized pterosaur."

"This paper will be another major breakthrough in the study of fossil elves!"

Not long after the flying contest ended, Lu Cheng had already published the paper "The Original Return of Fossil Pterosaurs".

The paper unexpectedly caused a huge shock, and when everyone found out that the author was actually Lu Chengzhi, they were all amazed.

The academic world needs such fresh blood, and these papers, including the evolution of moves, are all treasures in the scientific research community.

The afterlife is terrifying!

While He Guangshan was admiring, the phone rang.

"Professor He, a trainer named Lu Cheng came to visit."

Lu Cheng was waiting at the entrance of the Institute of Geology.

He deliberately inquired about it, only to know that the Institute of Geology, the Mountains and Rivers Museum and the Chang'an Museum were also called one of the three characteristic buildings in Chang'an.

The Chang'an Museum looks like a bronze bell; the Institute of Geology looks like a static rumbling rock.

The Shanchuan Gym is amazing. Its architecture is modeled after the "Sand Eater". The compound properties of ghosts and ground are commonly known as sand sculptures.

Gongsun Rong was carrying out routine maintenance of the Big Wild Goose Pagoda, so Lu Cheng came to visit Professor He Guangshan when he had nothing to do.

After all, He Guangshan had provided Lu Cheng with a lot of help before. By the way, Lu Cheng also planned to make another deal for the Rockets.

The researcher was a little nervous and led Lu Cheng to the research institute.

Unexpectedly, this young trainer would turn out to be Professor Lu Cheng, who is known to everyone in the geological field recently!

When He Guangshan saw Lu Cheng himself, he was slightly startled.

After all, compared to Lu Cheng's academic achievements, he looks too young!

But the next moment, He Guangshan laughed loudly and said, "The future generations are terrifying, the latter generations are terrifying!"

Lu Cheng also smiled and said, "Professor He, I'm here mainly to thank you. Without your data, I wouldn't be able to complete that paper."

He Guangshan waved his hand and said with a smile: "It's mainly up to you. By the way, Professor Lu's visit to Chang'an is..."

"Challenge the mountains and rivers." Lu Cheng smiled.

He Guangshan was slightly startled.

"You mean, you are still a trainer preparing for the national competition?"

A researcher next to him whispered: "Professor, Professor Lu is still the youngest master trainer today, and he just got the title of flight master a few weeks ago!"

He Guangshan suddenly coughed dryly.

This can no longer be described as terrifying after birth.

This is simply genius!

Wait, if he's still a trainer...

He Guangshan coughed dryly, and said in a difficult manner: "I have something to say, I need to ask Professor Lu to ask you, if you find it troublesome..."

Lu Cheng smiled and said, " If you have anything, please tell me, and I will do my best."

He Guangshan breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile, "Recently, in the outskirts of Chang'an, a group of small ruins were discovered."

"The master trainer assigned by the association will not be here until another month. I think if you are free, can you come with our team?"

"After all, you are also an expert in geology. With your help, this trip will definitely be fruitful."

Lu Cheng was slightly startled.

The difficulty with mining ruins is that sometimes unexpected sprites appear.

For example, in the animation, Xiao Zhi and his party from Dasha Valley accidentally woke up the sleeping fossil spirit.

However, with Lu Cheng's current strength, it is quite easy to deal with these wild elves.

Secondly, Lu Cheng also felt that such relics might improve the primitive power of the fossilized pterosaurs.

Lu Cheng smiled and said, "Of course, when will you leave?"

He Guangshan nodded gratefully, "It's not too late, it's not too late to come back after you finish the gym challenge!"

The deployment of instruments and personnel for the research team will take some time.

Before that, Lu Cheng decided to go to Shanchuan Gym first.

If there is a chance, let a few elves secretly learn ground-type moves, so as to complete Lu Cheng's new title.

The first generation, Lu Cheng of the earth!

: . :

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