My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 371: Gym on the ground! VS Dunjia (2/3)

Shanchuan Taoist Hall, located on the side of Chang'an Museum, looks like a huge sand castle.

The sandcastle looks like Mario's palace after customs clearance. From the top of the sandcastle, you can see the Big Wild Goose Pagoda, the iconic building of Chang'an.

Compared with a fire-type gym that turned the gym into a hot pot restaurant, the mountain and river gym is much more normal.

At least, people need to challenge gym apprentices according to the process before they can apply for gym challenges.

Most of the spirits used by the apprentices of the Mountain Gym are ground or rock type.

However, Lu Cheng's expression became strange after seeing the group of mountain mice and rumbling stones, who were rolling in the mud and were obviously poorly developed.

The wild shorts boy jumped out!

The boy in shorts sent a mountain rat, a mountain rat, and a splash of sand!

Leo Lu's hit rate has dropped, Leo Lu, use Shard!

Hit the key point, the effect is outstanding, the mountain rat fell!

Lu Cheng looked at the boy in shorts with a frightened expression, and sneered, "Next!"


Gongsun Rong was drinking tea happily in the Taoist hall when an apprentice suddenly broke into the room in horror.

"The pavilion owner, come quickly, someone has smashed the place!"

Gongsun Rong came to the battlefield with a confused look on his face. This **** scene immediately made his hands and feet cold.

Leo Lu was facing the siege of several rumbling stones and gophers.

The rolling of the rumbling stone was easily avoided by the lightning flash of Leoru.

The backhand smashed rock directly smashed the rumble stone until the rubble splashed, which was extremely painful.

Gopher's situation was even more difficult. As soon as he probed, he was punched in by Leo Lu.

By the end, Leo Lu had fallen in love with this game of whack-a-mole, and he never tired of it!

At this time, the only remaining screw gopher tried to attack Leo Lu, but was thrown back by Leo Lu with a backhand.

Then, the bullet fist shone with a metallic sheen!

The boy in shorts exclaimed, "Screw gopher, avoid it!"

In front of Leo Lu's speed, the screw gopher was extremely cumbersome, so he could only watch the bullet fist fall in horror.

"Olu Olu Olu!"

With Leo Lu's continuous bullet punches, there were no other elves on this sandy ground.

Lu Cheng sighed deeply, shook his head and said, "That's it?"

Gongsun Rong's expression became strange, and he coughed forcefully, which attracted the attention of the students.

"This is Lu Cheng, the flight master of the alliance, why don't you say hello soon!" Gongsun Rong said with a sigh.

The students had no choice but to greet Lu Cheng with a tearful elf with a blue nose and a swollen face: "Hello, Master Lu!"

Lu Cheng nodded cheerfully and said, "Instructing you is to let you not be proud and keep working hard!"

Have you ever seen any master-level trainer put down his body and attack the gym apprentice?

You are clearly greedy for their experience, you are scumbag!

Gongsun Rong coughed and said, "You don't need to do anything to this group of juniors."

Lu Cheng said in surprise: "If you want to challenge the master of the gym, you must first challenge the apprentice. Isn't this the rule here?"

Gongsun Rong coughed awkwardly and said, "Master-level trainer... No, as long as you're a senior trainer, you can find me directly."

God knows what kind of shadow Lu Cheng has left on the students of this group of mountain and river gymnasiums.

Although Leo Lu's strength is still shallow, with Lu Cheng's command, even if he is besieged by five elves, they will not be able to touch Leo Lu.

Perhaps, this is also to let these children realize the cruelty of trainers in advance.

Lu Cheng shook his head, pretending to be deep, "The future is yours."

Several young students couldn't bear it anymore, and immediately choked up with tears in their eyes.

I can't help but let go of my body to accept the challenge, and encourages us...

This Master Lu Cheng is a good man!

Gongsun Rong was also helpless, so he had to take Lu Cheng to other venues.

Gongsun Rong asked curiously, "The last time I saw you was only a year ago. How come your strength has improved so quickly, and you are already a master trainer?"

A year ago, Lu Cheng and Gongsun Rong met during the Suijun incident.

At that time, Lu Cheng was still a beginner who had never seen Mega Evolution.

Today, Lu Cheng is already a master trainer with three master-level elves, one step away from the national competition.

Lu Cheng smiled and said, "Maybe this is talent."

Gongsun Rong coughed suddenly, and said in a deep voice, "Don't blame me for not reminding you, my badge here is not so easy to get!"

Lu Cheng's expression gradually became serious.

Gongsun Rong's peak strength was that of the top four in the national competition that year, and Du Zhe was five to five.

Now that Du Zhe has entered the Heavenly King level, Gongsun Rong's strength is still unknown.

Although the gym is challenging, gym owners often don't send out their strongest lineup, but Gongsun Rong's old-fashioned commanding skills cannot be ignored!

Nodding his head, Lu Cheng said solemnly, "Mr. Gongsun, please allow me to challenge you to a gymnasium!"

Gongsun Rong was taken aback.

The title of this teacher really reminded him of the young and vigorous boy who nurtured a six-tailed boy at the West Lake Guild Hall.

Just by the name of this teacher, after the game is over, it's not too bad to teach this kid some tricks!

Gongsun Rong grinned, moved his neck, and made a crackling sound, "Come on, let me see your growth!"

The opposing battlefield is located in a vast outdoor area with open-air seats on both sides. It is a standard gymnasium battlefield.

Hearing Gongsun Rong's voice, the students operated the machine, and the sound of the machine running under the ground sounded, and then a field full of sharp rock pillars rose up.

Gongsun Rong folded his arms and said with a stern look:

"Gym battles in Mountain and River Gym use rock fields, 3V3 battle mode, and you can change sprites midway through. Is there any objection to the rules?"

Lu Cheng smiled slightly and took out the elf fairway: "My first elf is this guy!"


The sharp-eyed Lizard King had an incomparably sharp dragon tooth pinned to his waist, and his body was full of fierce fighting intent, like a sharp sword unsheathed.

Gongsun Rong couldn't help but nodded.

The state of this Lizard King is an uncompromising master-level elf!

Taking out a black-purple high-level ball, Gongsun Rong said solemnly, "Go, Dunjia!"

With a bang, a sharp roar sounded from the venue!

The thick smoke dissipated, and a Dun armor covered with armor slowly appeared.

It looks like an elephant, with a metal-like armor on its back, and on both sides of its long trunk, sturdy and sharp tusks stick out.

Twice as tall as usual, the Dun Armor, more than two meters high, burrowed into the ground with its front hooves and let out a dramatic roar.

Although restrained in terms of attributes, Lu Cheng did not dare to be careless and commanded cautiously: "Lizard King, Sword Dance!"

The Lizard King's eyes froze, and Longya rolled up the sword flower and held it in front of him, wiping it from the hilt to the blade.

The dragon's teeth, which seemed to be cutting a blade, glowed with a cold light, and even the fighting spirit on the Lizard King was even higher.

Looking at Dunjia, the metallic luster on his body became more and more dazzling. This rounding move was actually used by Dunjia to make an iron wall!

With a big wave of his hand, Gongsun Rong said solemnly, "Dunjia, step on!"

The roaring Dunjia raised his front hooves high and stepped heavily on the ground.

A thick layer of smoke surged out, and violent vibrations came directly.

But the speed of the armor is too slow for the Lizard King!

Long before Dunjia stomped heavily, the Lizard King had already leaped in the air. The combination of high-speed movement and flashes of electric light turned into a cold light and rushed towards Dunjia.

Lu Cheng said sternly, "The Lizard King, Ye Ren!"

The Lizard King in the air was gliding in the air, and the dragon teeth in his hands glowed with a crisp green luster, as if the space was torn apart, and there was a sound of breaking wind!

"Rock block!" Gongsun Rong shouted loudly.

When the Lizard King's blade fell, a rock smashed down in front of the Lizard King, blocking the blade.

A large amount of rocks fell, gradually forming a high wall composed of rock pillars.

"Lizard King, the lightning flashes!"

But this blockade is still too easy for the Lizard King!

The toes rested lightly on the bulge of the rock, and the Lizard King's figure continued to rise, and finally jumped out of the blockade of the rock, and fell from the sky to the ground with a knife!

Ye Ren slammed into Dunjia's armor with a bang, and the sparks splashed, but it also made Dunjia extremely painful!

However, at this moment, a cold light flashed in Gongsun Rong's eyes.

"Dunjia, Flaming Fang!"

Gongsun Rong's iconic tactical defensive counterattack was vividly displayed at this moment.

At the same time when the Lizard King hit, Dunjia directly stepped forward with his front hooves, and his fangs smashed the Lizard King several meters away.

This heavy impact made the Lizard King very uncomfortable. On the other hand, Dunjia was already running loudly, forming a rolling posture!

The previous rounding, coupled with the rolling at the moment, made the momentum of Dun Armor skyrocket, like a tank that was rolling over, making it impossible to resist!

The Lizard King's body was scorched black by the flaming teeth, but its eyes were still just staring at the rolling armor.

"The mantis arm is used as a chariot." Gongsun Rong waved his hand and shouted, "Dunjia, continue to use scrolling!"

With a snap, Lu Cheng clapped his hand on his belt, "Lizard King, Mega Evolution!"

The light that flashed at that moment almost affected Gongsun Rong's judgment, and the Lizard King, who had turned his back to the sunlight and gliding with the help of his huge tail, was already standing on the towering rock pillar.

"Do you use rocks to resist the rolling of the armor?" Gongsun Rong said coldly, "But the power of the rolling of the armor will always rise!"

"Dunjia, continue to use scrolling!"

"I didn't intend to continue to resist." Lu Cheng smiled, "Defense and counterattack, that's what you taught me."

Gongsun Rong suddenly widened his eyes.

The rock was rolled and destroyed with a bang, and with momentum, the Lizard King jumped out of thin air, and already jumped behind Dun Armor.

"Use the ramp to change direction!"

In an instant, the rumbling Dunjia climbed up the slope, suddenly changed direction in the air, and charged towards the Lizard King with a more rapid attitude.

"Lizard King, Flying Leaf Storm!!"

However, on both sides of the Lizard King's body, a large number of extremely sharp blade blades have already gathered.

The Lizard King just stared at Dunjia quietly, watching the distance between him and him getting closer and closer.

After that, hundreds of blade blades roared out!

: . :

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