My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 383: Ghost King, dismissed (3/4)

Although the nightmare was swallowed up, Ning Qian'er was not affected except for the memory of Darkrai.

But even Ning Qian'er couldn't explain the change that happened to her.

For her, it was as if the knot in her heart that had been dusty for a long time had been opened, or the lock had been unlocked with a click.

Ning Qian'er couldn't help but smile because of this sudden openness.

Looking at Ning Qian'er who seemed to have a lot of sunshine, Lu Cheng also nodded secretly.

It seems that her grandma really caused her too much trouble!

"Master Lu, please allow me to apologize to you."

Ning Qian'er said seriously, "This is Geng Gui's private action, and it doesn't mean our Tiansheng Taoist Hall."

Lu Cheng scratched his head.

In fact, if it weren't for Gengar's hypnosis, Darkrai might not be able to master dark black holes and eating dreams.

However, it is not very skilled to use these two tricks, and it needs to go through hard training.

Glancing at Geng Gui who was begging for mercy, Ning Qian'er took out the ancient book of Zifeng and said sincerely, "Master Lu, this is the 'meditation' move of Tiansheng Gym."

"Although it's very common, I've added a lot of notes from super power masters, which should be very helpful to your Nine Tails!"

Lu Cheng's eyes lit up.

Unexpectedly, apart from the badge, this trip could have unexpected joy.

Although Nine-Tails can master tricks, such a move that quickly strengthens special attacks will have side effects on Nine-Tails, so it is not as solid as meditation.

And meditation can also improve the flame of the nine tails, which is of great help to the strength of the nine tails.

"Then I'm welcome." Lu Cheng accepted the ancient book and smiled.

"By the way, you should leave now." Ning Qian'er frowned, "I will explain to my grandma."

"A lot of things, she did go too far, I'm here to apologize to you!"

Looking at Ning Qian'er bowing sincerely, Lu Cheng touched his nose.

He secretly hypnotized someone else's granddaughter himself, doesn't that seem like a big deal?

But after all, Geng Gui did it first, and Lu Cheng had no psychological burden.

And that annoying ghost king, with Lu Cheng's current strength, it's not easy to turn against her.

After the national competition, several national championships will be held in Tokyo.

According to the ranking, there will be a brand new king, and the old king will also be retired.

Thinking of this, Lu Cheng couldn't help showing a sneer on his face.

Suddenly, Li Xuelin hurried into the dojo and said dryly, "Ning, Mrs. Ning, she's back!"

Lu Cheng and Ning Qian'er were stunned for a moment at the same time, and the next moment, the monstrous pressure came oncoming with a cold aura.

Ning Chun leaned on a cane and walked in from the door with a frosty face. Behind her, there was a Gengar at the level of a heavenly king!

"I thought who it was." Ning Chun sneered yin and yang.

"With your strength, will you be able to challenge me in this Tiansheng Taoist Hall?"

Contrary to Ning Chun's expectations, Ning Qian'er stood in front of Lu Cheng and said with a frown:

"Grandma, according to the regulations, all trainers are qualified to challenge Tiansheng Gym!"

Seeing that it was Ning Qian'er who had spoken out, Ning Chun's expression froze, and the next moment he smiled in a somewhat pleasing manner: "Qian'er, that's not what grandma meant..."

Unexpectedly, Ning Qian'er shook her head forcefully, and said seriously: "Grandma, Geng Gui's attack on the trainer is against the rules. Please apologize to Master Lu!"

"Lu, Master Lu?" Ning Chun stammered, looked at Lu Cheng and said, "Just this stinky boy?"

Lu Cheng opened his mouth with a smile, but his eyes were extremely sharp: "Ning Tianwang, according to the rules, you should salute me."

"Presumptuous!" Ning Chun tapped the cane hard and said coldly, "Even if you are a master-level trainer, shouldn't you be courteous when you see the Heavenly King!"

Suddenly, Ning Chun's eyes widened.

What Lu Cheng took out was a black and gold certificate that symbolized the senior officials of the association!

"According to the regulations of the same level as the Ministry of Armed Forces." Lu Cheng frowned, "The Council of Heavenly Kings belongs to the same level as Team Rocket."

"And your authority may not necessarily be higher than the leader of the Rockets, right?"

Ning Chun was stunned for a moment, then suddenly sneered, "You can be the leader of the Rockets just because you are a kid?"

"This old man has never seen a hairy boy who can become the leader of a national organization!"

Lu Cheng sneered: "You should, haven't had contact with Jiang Tianwang recently."

Ning Chun was suddenly stunned.

A drop of cold sweat fell from her forehead, and Jiang Ziqian's dull voice seemed to sound in her ears.

"Ning Chun, I have nominated a young talent as the leader of the new organization. He had an amazing performance in Xiaoshan's mythical beast incident."

Ning Chun's face was wrinkled into a ball. After a while, he smiled and said, "Don't come here to deceive the old man..."

"Why don't you ask Jiang Tianwang?"

Lu Cheng's eyes narrowed, "According to the regulations, assigning elves to attack senior officials of the association, even your seat of the king may not be able to keep it, right?"

Ning Chun was shocked and took a half step back until Ning Qian'er supported her.

But Ning Qian'er also frowned and said worriedly, "Grandma, you should apologize to Lu Cheng..."

In a hurry, Ning Chun didn't notice the difference between her granddaughter and the past.

It's just that Lu Cheng's domineering appearance makes the arrogant Ning Chun bear it!

Taking a deep breath, Ning Chun suddenly revealed a sneer: "Perhaps, this was originally an accident?"

In an instant, a real murderous aura locked Lu Cheng's body!

Lu Cheng trembled all over, feeling that his entire body had been deprived of his strength, and instantly froze.

The Heavenly King-level Gengar stared at Lu Cheng coldly and sneered.

This is Gengar's black eyes!

After a few seconds, the murderous aura receded like a tide.

Ning Chun showed a sarcastic sneer: "It's rhetorical, but the strength is nothing more than that!"

Lu Cheng clenched his fist tightly.

Even if this is a demonstration, Ning Chun's actions are too out of line!

Ning Qian'er said anxiously, "I'm sorry Master Lu, I apologize to you for my grandma!"

But Ning Chun grabbed Ning Qian'er and scolded, "Qian'er, what the **** is going on with you today!"

Lu Cheng once again felt the value of strength.

After all, the last time, the one who could bring him this kind of pressure was Tu Ming, the king of heaven in the divine beast incident!

Quietly clenching the extremely hot rainbow-colored feather under his clothes, Lu Cheng's eyes became extremely cold.

But before he could take it out, there was a loud bang.

In the sky above the castle, the sky and the earth change color!

The cold aura seemed to tear the sky apart, and with a click, a scarlet eyeball emerged from the crack in the sky!

Ning Chun looked at the crack in shock, only to feel that the surging waves locked him, and his hands and feet suddenly became cold.

"Gengar, Shadow of the Night!"

Ning Chun managed to squeeze these words out between his teeth.

Just as Gengar's body became incomparably huge, the eyeball suddenly burst, forming a violent and turbulent dark black hole.

The dark black hole devoured everything, and the icy cold aura instantly tore apart Gengar's body.

With just one move, he defeated the Heavenly King-level Gengar!

The next moment, thousands of turbulent shadow **** flew towards Ning Chun like small suns.

In an instant, Shadow Ball and Ning Chun were close to Chi Chi!

When Ning Chun closed his eyes, the shadow ball suddenly disappeared, and only Ning Qian'er's worried voice remained in his ears.

"Grandma, are you okay?"

Ning Qian'er clenched Ning Chun's arm tightly and said nervously, "Why did you suddenly freeze just now!"

Ning Chun was stunned.

Looking at Lu Cheng, who had a fearless appearance, she suddenly showed a somewhat desolate wry smile.

Could it be that this is the trump card for him to be the leader?

"Forget it, let's go."

Ning Chun seemed to have aged ten years, and waved at Lu Cheng, "This time, it's my fault..."

Lu Cheng also frowned.

The familiar aura just now... it should be the Darkrai who has lived for tens of thousands of years!

But that dark black hole and shadow ball should just be a fantasy created by Darkrai.

After all, it still did not appear directly in front of Lu Cheng and Ning Chun.

But this alone is enough to destroy the self-confidence of a Heavenly King-level trainer!

Looking at the depressed Ning Chun, Lu Cheng suddenly sneered: "Is this the attitude of King Ning Tian's apology?"

With the protesting attitude just now, you can turn the page with just an apology?

Lu Cheng had no doubt that at that moment, Ning Chun really wanted to kill himself!

Ning Qian'er held her grandmother's hand worriedly.

But even she felt that grandma's move just now was a bit too much.

"You!" Ning Chun stretched out his fingers and suddenly coughed violently. After a while, his entire face became extremely pale.

"That's it, it's okay... It's the old man's fault, Master Lu, the old man apologizes to you!"

Seeing that Ning Chun was about to kneel down, Lu Cheng's eyes showed a look of contempt.

Bullying the soft and fearing the hard, maybe this is human nature.

Even if the strength reaches the heavenly king, the arrogance and anger in human nature cannot be erased.

Lu Cheng didn't want to become such a person.

"Ning Tianwang, respecting elders is a virtue."

Looking at Ning Chun who was reluctant to kneel down, Lu Cheng sneered, "But you don't deserve respect."

"The King of Heaven competition in December next year, I hope by then, you haven't been fired!"

Looking at Lu Cheng who turned and left, Ning Chun suddenly felt a little panic.

This has nothing to do with the powerful aura just now, but the fear of this young man's future!

The powerful mysterious elf just now had already destroyed Ning Chun's self-confidence.

And now, she even felt a trace of fear from Lu Cheng!

The shaky Ning Chun was suddenly grabbed by a pair of hands.

Ning Qian'er looked at Ning Chun, smiled apologetically and said, "Grandma, we seem to have really offended others."

For some reason, Ning Chun suddenly felt sad.

Holding Ning Qian'er's hand tightly, the elderly Ning Chun threw away the crutch, and suddenly burst into tears like a child:

"Qian'er, grandma is sorry for you!"

Patting Ning Chun's back, Ning Qian'er only felt a little more relieved in her heart.

Maybe it's because she hasn't grown up herself that she tries to hold me in her hand all the time...

Looking at Lu Cheng's retreating back, Ning Qian'er's heart suddenly moved.

Even in the face of a Heavenly King-level trainer, is his back so upright?

Maybe one day, he will stand at a height that everyone can look up to.

Patting Ning Chun who was crying, Ning Qian'er took her hand and comforted her in a childish tone:

"Let's stop arguing with others, okay?"

Looking at Ning Qian'er who seemed to be much mature, Ning Chun suddenly felt a hint of remorse.

After a while, she nodded silently.

A few days later, it was officially announced by Tiansheng Taoist Hall.

With the approval of the association, the following announcements are made:

Due to suspected illegal acts, Tiansheng Gym was closed for six months for rectification, and the gym's assessment and badge issuance were suspended.

Due to old age, the former ghost king Ning Chun was unable to take up the position of the king. With the approval of the association——

Remove the post of King Ning Chun, the original seat is tentatively vacant!



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