My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 384: Poor reception (Thursday/Thursday)

The imperial capital, the Council of Heavenly Kings.

"The Ghost King actually resigned?"

Tu Ming said in disbelief, "Is this old woman stimulated by something?"

"Maybe he wants to take care of his life." Jiang Ziqian frowned, "Compared to this, let's consider the candidate for the new king."

Han Qing stretched and yawned, "If it's such a boring thing, please allow me to retire first."

Tu Ming also nodded and said, "Indeed, I think strength is the most important factor in selecting the Heavenly King. It's too hasty to draft candidates now."

"Then what do you mean..." Jiang Ziqian's eyes flashed.

"Wait until next year's Heavenly King Competition." Han Qing smiled slightly.

"At that time, it is estimated that many new Heavenly King-level trainers will emerge."


Seeing the news of Ning Chun's resignation, Lu Cheng was also a little surprised, but then he thought about it.

With that old woman's character, continue to be the king, I'm afraid I don't know how she died.

Shaking his head, Lu Cheng, who originally wanted to defeat Ning Chun in the Heavenly Kings Tournament, was also a matter of his mind.

But the most important national competition at the moment still has to continue.

The national competition is less than two months away.

And Lu Cheng has already collected eight badges, and now he is doing the final move training.

"Institute of Plant Science, Magic City University..."

According to the recommendation letter provided by Pan Shu, Lu Cheng came to visit Pan Shu's mentor, Wu Quan.

It is said that in addition to being proficient in grass elves, Wu Quan is also a famous tree fruit master in China.

If this trip allows the Lizard King to master powerful grass-type moves, it will definitely be a worthwhile trip for Lu Cheng.

Although the name is Botanical Research Institute, but as far as the eye can see, it is a verdant orchard of green trees.

In addition to the common peaches and apples, there are also many rare fruit trees planted in the tree orchard.

With Lu Cheng's knowledge, he easily identified the rare Longqingguo and the very spicy Longhuoguo.

Leo Lu lay on Lu Cheng's shoulder, sniffing hard, saliva drooling, and stretched out his claws to reach the ripe fruit.

Lu Cheng patted off its paws and said with a smile, "This is someone's orchard, be honest!"

"Olu." Leo had no choice but to take a sip and withdraw his claws timidly.

At this time, a forest ranger who was spraying pesticides picked a berry and handed it to Leolu, and said with a smile:

"Except for those who spray pesticides, it doesn't matter!"


Leo Lu's eyes lit up, holding the fist-sized berry and biting hard, the juice overflowing.

The forest ranger said, "Looking at your appearance, you shouldn't be a student of this school. What's the matter here?"

"I'm here to find Master Wu Quan." Lu Cheng said, "I want to ask her about grass-type moves."

The ranger's eyes lit up and nodded, "Come with me."

Going deeper into the tree orchard, the fruit trees on both sides gradually sparse.

But the ecological environment here is like tropical Hawaii, with plenty of sunlight.

At a glance, the coconut palm tree in the form of Alora is raising its neck with a dull gaze.

And the tropical dragon exuding a sweet aroma was lying meekly on the ground, looking at Lu Cheng curiously.

In front of a wooden house next to a flower field, there was a crocodile frog flower in the shape of a dragon, and its body was covered with dark brown markings.

Even so, it still exudes an extremely powerful aura.

Dozens of vines are watering the flower field with a watering can, and an old man with silver hair is lovingly stroking a chrysanthemum blade.

"Don't be picky eaters, you won't grow taller if you're picky eaters."

Gu Cao Ye tilted his head arrogantly, turning a blind eye to the energy cube in front of him.

Leo Lu's saliva was about to flow out.

My God, you can actually resist the charm of the energy cube!

Wu Quan sighed, looked up and asked in surprise, "Is this a new researcher?"

Lu Cheng smiled and said, "Hello Mr. Wu, I'm the trainer recommended by Pan Shu."

Hearing this, Wu Quan showed a gentle smile:

"I read that letter of recommendation. You are all good boys. I will teach you the skills of sunshine and flame seriously."

In the letter of recommendation, Pan Shu gave Lu Cheng a very high evaluation.

And Wu Quan also heard about Lu Cheng's deeds, especially when facing the Magic City University, the legend of one pick five...

This is also the reason why Lu Cheng was frightened when he entered Magic Capital University.

Fortunately, no one recognized Lu Cheng, and Wu Quan himself didn't care about these things.

Wu Quan laughed and said, "Let your spirit go out."

A red light flashed, and the sharp-eyed Lizard King appeared in front of Wu Quan.

With this icy aura, even Miao Frog Hua couldn't help but look sideways, and gave the Lizard King one more look.

"Very good." Wu Quan nodded with a smile, "With its aptitude, it probably won't take half a month to master the flames of sunshine."

Lu Cheng said with a bit of difficulty: "Mr. Wu, can you be faster..."

"Half a month is the fastest speed." Wu Quan said in surprise, "Is it possible, what other urgent things do you have?"

Lu Cheng nodded.

In addition to the sunshine and flames, he also planned to steal the domain-level sunny day from Du Zhe.

Besides, it is best to arrange Riolu's wave missile.

Shaking his head, Wu Quan said with a helpless smile, "You can't do it haste, you have to take your time when it comes to the training of moves!"

"Or else." Lu Cheng smiled and said, "Just follow the maximum amount of training, the Lizard King can handle it!"

"Cha!" The Lizard King also nodded earnestly.

Compared to hard work, the Lizard King has never been inferior to any elf!

"Okay." Wu Quan frowned and said worriedly, "It's just that I still have some chores to deal with."

"I have to make the energy cube that this kid likes first."

Looking at the chrysanthemum grass leaf, Wu Quan said helplessly, "This kid is a picky eater. I've changed five or six kinds of tree fruits, but I still can't use it!"

Lu Cheng looked at Chrysanthemum Leaf, but found that it was also staring at Lu Cheng.

Seeing Lu Cheng's gaze, Ju Cao Ye turned her head away arrogantly.

What should I do if my child is picky eater?

Lu Cheng pondered for a moment, then grinned and said, "Mr. Wu, give me the energy cube of chrysanthemum leaves."

Wu Quan looked at Lu Cheng and asked in surprise, "You can also make energy cubes?"

Lu Cheng nodded: "Is there a fruit mixer nearby?"

"The research institute has it, and I ask the students to carry it over."

Seeing that Lu Cheng was going to make energy cubes on the Wu Quan was also interested.

After waiting for a while, a small fruit mixer was placed in front of Lu Cheng.

Taking out a suitable tree fruit, Lu Cheng took a deep breath and gradually became familiar with the technique.

Looking at Lu Cheng's skilled technique, Wu Quan's eyes also had a hint of surprise.

Being able to master high-end speed at such a young age... Even in terms of technique, it is not inferior to many senior breeders!

The machine stopped turning, and Lu Cheng made a very high-quality energy cube with banana fruit, sweet and sweet, supplemented by peach and peach fruit.

The fragrance even made Chrysanthemum Leaf look here unconsciously, and finally turned her face flushed and turned away.

Holding the pot of fragrant energy cube, Lu Cheng handed it to the chrysanthemum grass leaf, and said with a smile, "It's time for dinner."

Chrysanthemum Leaf's expression changed slightly.

It was as if the gods and humans had been fighting for a long time. After a long while, the red-faced chrysanthemum leaves suddenly buried their head in the bowl and began to chew.

Looking at the chrysanthemum leaves with his index fingers moving, Wu Quan clapped his palms: "I forgot that sweetness has the effect of stimulating the appetite of elves!"

"You pay more attention to the combination of tree fruits, but you may have neglected the seasoning aspect."

Lu Cheng smiled and said, "If you use the right seasoning, you might get twice the result with half the effort!"

Looking at the energy cube made by Lu Cheng, Wu Quan slowly showed a smile.

"Don't worry, within a week, I promise to let your Lizard King master the flames of the sun!"

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