My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 385: 40 meters long, Guangwu broadsword!

Magic University, Institute of Plant Science.

The sunny day released by the tropical dragon makes the environment hotter and the energy full of vitality makes the walking grass in the greenhouse stretch its leaves unconsciously.

Beneath the dense palm trees, a dragon-bell-shaped frog flower has a solemn expression, and on its back is a very bright red flower in full bloom.

Six speckled petals bloomed, gradually condensing a scorching light wheel, the surging grass energy continued to accumulate, and finally formed a dazzling light ball!

The sunlight was so dazzling that the flames of the sunflowers of the Frog Flower had almost no charge, forming a turbulent beam of light that burst out!

The flames of the sun pierced through five walls of light in a row, and didn't stop until it slammed into Mrs. Hua Jie's six-petalled flower defense.

This level of sunshine and flames made Lu Cheng open his mouth involuntarily.

Behind Mrs. Hua Jie, a tall and slender girl couldn't help but smile: "Mr. Wu's wonderful frog flower was also the champion of the Central South Division."

Wu Quan waved his hand and motioned to Lu Cheng's Lizard King to come up and demonstrate, and said with a smile, "Speaking of which, you two are old acquaintances."

That girl, Lu Ning, the coordinator of Modu University, has now served as the captain of the Modu University team.

Looking at Lu Cheng, Lu Ning teased: "I didn't expect you to come to Moda to steal your teacher. I'm not afraid that the coach will drive you out!"

Lu Cheng shrugged, "I didn't want to pick five at the beginning."

It's because you are too powerful.

Lu Ning choked, and the Lizard King clenched the dragon's teeth with a serious expression, and came to the side of the wonderful frog flower.

"Don't be nervous." Wu Quan smiled kindly, "In a week, you should have mastered the core trick of Sunshine Flame."

"The most important thing right now is to put these experiences into practice, so as to complete the move of Sunshine Flame!"

Lu Cheng has been at Modu University for a week.

During this time, Nine Tails has successfully mastered meditation, which also makes it more profound.

In addition, Lu Cheng borrowed the venue of Modu University to let the fossil pterosaur master Yanhui.

This speed-oriented flying skill, displayed by the fossil pterosaurs, is particularly deterrent.

Lu Cheng also specially found several members of the freshman team of the University of Magic as sparring coaches.

Of course, the effect was not very ideal, but it left a lot of psychological shadow on those young people.

In addition, what is more important is the sunshine flame of the Lizard King.

Taking a deep breath, the Lizard King clenched the dragon's teeth tightly, his eyes gradually sharpening.

Looking at this scene, Lu Ning asked curiously, "Mr. Wu, is the Lizard King's sunshine flame also related to sword moves?"

Hearing this, Lu Cheng smiled, while Wu Quan coughed, "You'll know when you see it."

Holding his breath, the surging energy gathered from the Lizard King in all directions.

Under the sunny weather, the vitality of grass-type energy makes the power of sunshine flames even more amazing.

But what surprised Lu Ning was that the Lizard King's sunshine flames were completely different from Frog Flower!

The flame of sunshine, also known as the sun beam, has two complementary energies of sunlight and grass.

The flame power born in sunlight and grass-type energy form a scorching beam, which is exactly the usage of Frog Flower.

But for the Lizard King, this surging power does not necessarily need to be used to blast it out!


The surging power continued to gather, and finally hovered on the dragon tooth of the Lizard King, forming a scorching beam of light.

The beam of light continued to expand, and a huge lightsaber with a length of more than ten meters was formed!

Lu Ning opened her mouth in shock.

Concentrate the power of the flames of sunshine on the blade, thus expanding the attack range of the Lizard King.

No one has ever seen Sunshine Flames being used in this way!

Looking at this scene, Wu Quan actually smiled: "Elves are creatures with countless possibilities."

"No one ever said that the beams of the sun's flames must be emitted."

"Using the sun beam to strengthen the weapon, this is also a unique method of your Lizard King!"


The Lizard King excitedly waved his dragon teeth, and his lightsaber, which was more than ten meters long, cut through the wall of light with a clatter. It was even more crisp than cutting tofu!

"There should be the second half of this move, right?" Lu Cheng looked at the Lizard King expectantly.

The Lizard King proudly raised his chest and placed the dragon's teeth in the center, the dazzling light flashing.

The violent energy forms a giant dragon, which roars out with the power of sunshine and flames!

The roaring light dragon seems to have the style of the Shimada family!

This scene made all the onlookers forget the work they were doing.

Even Wu Quan couldn't help but be amazed.

This kind of powerful sunshine flame is no less than her wonderful frog flower!

"I don't have anything to teach you anymore." Wu Quan was relieved but shook his head helplessly.

"Mr. Wu, you are being humble!" Lu Cheng said seriously.

"Huh?" Wu Quan was stunned, but saw that Lu Cheng took out another dense training plan.

"I remember, your frog flower has mastered the ultimate absorption!" Lu Cheng grinned, revealing his snow-white teeth.


The days passed quietly in the boring and boring training.

The day of the national competition is getting closer and closer, and Lu Cheng's reputation in Modu University has started again.

"Have you heard that Lu Cheng, the master of the flight department, is on a par with Director Wang of the training department!"

"Have you heard? Director Wang of the Training Department said that this child is not under me!"

"Have you heard that Master Lu hanged Director Wang!"

The Lizard King, who has mastered the flame of sunshine and the ultimate absorption, has successfully completed the task set by Lu Cheng.

And the "guangwu form" of the sunshine flame also has a follow-up training program.

As long as the Lizard King's energy reserve is strengthened, the 40-meter Guangwu Greatsword is not a dream at all!

The Lizard King's sunshine and flames, together with the sunny days of the nine is one of Lu Cheng's tactical systems.

The national competition is divided into various divisions. Due to the different competition systems, players need to prepare for the possibility of doubles and even triples.

Joint defense, tactics, pre-judgment... These complex training contents constitute the core of the wonderful battle of the national competition.

And the sunny day of the nine tails can also lay a solid foundation for Lu Cheng's sunny team in the future, and you don't have to be afraid when you encounter a system that grabs the weather.

Thinking of Du Zhe's field-level Da Qingtian, Lu Cheng couldn't help but make up his mind.

Back at Jiangnan University, Lu Cheng and Du Zhe began to bargain:

"You teach me about sunny days, and I'll help Jiangnan University win a championship!"

Du Zhe stared and said, "Could it be that if I don't teach you, you will abstain from fighting?"

Lu Cheng sneered: "Which of the players from Jianghan University over the years is not famous for the weather system?"

"Also, in case I encounter the sandstorm system of the Emperor, do you have the heart to watch your beloved disciple get slapped in the face!"

"If you don't teach me, I will announce that you have entered the heavenly king!"

Seeing Lu Cheng's fearless appearance, Du Zhe sighed.

I, Du Zhe, just want to live an ordinary life.

"That's it." Du Zhe took off his watch, and his expression became more serious, "Come to Jiangda's weather room in the afternoon."

"The fourth-level sunny area, let me teach you nine tails, what is a real sunny day!"

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