My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 386: The national competition, the regional battle is open!

When Lu Cheng followed Du Zhe to study the sunny day, the national competition had officially kicked off.

This competition is divided into six divisions: Northeast China, North China, Central South China, East China, Southwest China, and Northwest China. A total of more than 40,000 people have signed up for the competition.

Counting the number of people who have won eight badges and the veteran players over the years, 40,000 is already quite a number.

In each competition area, the top 100 contestants will be determined, and they will go to the imperial capital to participate in the finals.

Counting the invited seed players, in the finals of the imperial capital, there will be nearly 700 people competing for the final championship seat.

Among these contestants, most of them are elite-level trainers who have graduated from college, senior-level trainers who have been trained for many years, and the inheritance of various gymnasiums.

It is very rare for a trainer to become a master at such a young age as Lu Cheng.

Among this group of master trainers, the most eye-catching is Mu Haoyun, the beloved disciple of the Dragon King Jiang Ziqian.

On the top of the snow mountain, Mu Haoyun is driving a sonic dragon to fight a flying dragon.

The dazzling dragon star group fell from the sky, and the wings of the flying dragon set off a strong airflow.

The veteran dragon king, Mu Kun said coldly, "This shouldn't be your full strength."

"Losing to the younger generation is certainly a way to paralyze the enemy, but you are too lax!"

I am really inferior to others!

Just as Mu Haoyun was about to say this, his expression suddenly changed.

The flying dragon roared, and two powerful dragons fought fiercely on the top of the snow mountain!

Road to Champions.

The inheritance of Jitian Taoist Temple, Xingfeng.

No, to be precise, now it should be the steel master Xing Feng.

It can be said that this half year of training on the road to the championship was the most difficult half year of punishment.

But fortunately, even in the face of the siege of four senior-level trainers, he successfully fought back and became famous in one battle.

The outcome of the competition, that extremely rare metal monster has also successfully evolved into a giant gold monster with the potential of a quasi-god.

Sitting on the back of the giant golden monster, Xing Feng rubbed his scruffy beard and said in deep thought, "Just count the days, it's time for the national competition to start."

He patted the giant gold monster, Xing Feng smiled: "Let's go, giant gold monster, let's meet this year's opponents!"

In the direction of the imperial capital, the giant golden monster floated away.

The storm is coming.

Even the active and veteran heavenly kings are gradually coming to the imperial capital to sit for this national competition.

"The North China Division has already started." The Fire Element Heavenly King Tu Ming frowned, "The graduates of this year's Imperial University are really not to be underestimated!"

"Jiang Tianwang's son, doesn't he also participate in the competition?" The ordinary ordinary Tianwang smiled and said, "The champion of the North China Division should have no suspense."

"It's hard to say." Thinking of Jiang Xun's rigid appearance, Jiang Ziqian frowned and shook his head thoughtfully, "It's hard to say!"

"I think the Northeast Division is worth seeing this year." The rock king, who hasn't been out of the mountain for a long time, looked at Han Qing and said, "My sister should have reached the level of an ice master, right?"

"It's only one step away." Han Qing nodded slightly, with an interesting taste, "Isn't anyone paying attention to the East China Division?"

"There is a trainer that I am very interested in."

"The elf professor specially hired by Jiangda University, the current flying king of the alliance, the champion of the National University League, and more importantly, this trainer is only twenty years old now..."

The situation fell silent for a while.

Jiang Ziqian coughed and suddenly felt a little worried about his son's future.

Why is the gap between people so big?

The King of the Ordinary Department smiled and said, "I have heard that it should be Lu Cheng from Jiangnan University, but hasn't he graduated yet?"

"We may be about to usher in the youngest regional champion."

Tu Ming crossed his hands and said solemnly,

"Of course, in the Council of Heavenly Kings, there will also be a new Heavenly King."

Everyone looked at Tu Ming in unison, showing a look of surprise.


In the weather room, Lu Cheng asked Du Zhe curiously, "If you were to be the king of heaven, what name would you choose?"

Du Zhe licked the gleaming duck feathers of the scallion oil soldier, showing a distressed look: "The king of green onion ducks? The king of messengers and birds?"

Lu Cheng's face darkened: "These two sound like the name of a restaurant chain."

Du Zhe laughed and let go of the scallion soldiers with thick eyebrows and big eyes, "Compared to this, you should continue the training on sunny days."

"It's not me who said that in any field related to weather, you can't take it down in ten or eight years!"

Lu Cheng was a little puzzled: "Are you sure?"

Du Zhe just wanted to nod his head, but he was stunned for a moment. He looked at Jiuwei in the weather room and opened his mouth involuntarily.

In just half an hour, the nine tails have completely adapted to the sunny weather in the fourth-level area, and can even use the sunlight here for him!

Back then, Du Zhe's fire-breathing dragon was almost burned by the sunlight here.

But... just half an hour?

Lu Cheng couldn't help but smile.

Jiuwei's ignition is not only reflected in the control of the flame, but also in the affinity for the fire energy.

Sunny days are the most favorable weather for fire elves.

And now, this scorching sunlight seems to have awakened the dormant genes in Nine-Tails.

You must know that in the Tokyo Shrine, the nine tails with the characteristics of sunshine, but the existence called "Amaterasu"!

Du Zhe shook his head and sighed: "If you keep going like this, in less than two months, you will be able to perfectly master the sunny weather!"

Lu Cheng frowned.

"Two months, that's too long!"

Du Zhe wished he could spit Lu Cheng to death with a mouthful of old blood.

Are you so good at comprehending domain-level moves?

You must know that your teacher and me, the dignified king of green onion and duck, took more than half a year to let the fire-breathing dragon master the domain-level sunny day!

Hey, why does this name feel weird?

Lu Cheng looked at Jiuwei, smiled and said, "You should be able to do it in two weeks, right?"

In an instant, a golden flame ignited on Kyuubi's body.

The flame enveloped Nine-Tails' body, and UU Reading plated a layer of bright gold on its red pupils.

"Ugh!" Nine Tails nodded confidently and earnestly.


Two weeks later, the East China Division preliminaries.

"Chengcheng, the West Lake Hall has a game today, don't be late!"

Early in the morning, Mother Lu hurriedly called Lu Cheng to get up, for fear of delaying his game.

The East China competition area includes seven provinces and one city including Shanghai, Zhejiang, and Jiangsu, and there are also competition points in Jiangcheng.

The final of the East China Division was held in Magic Capital.

As a large-scale competition area, nearly 10,000 people have signed up in the East China competition area alone.

In order to win the 100 places in the finals, the 10,000 people in the East China Division will have to compete fiercely.

But Lu Cheng himself didn't have much of a burden.

After all, this is just a competition area audition, and there is still a month left before the real national competition.

Chong Lu's mother waved, and Lu Cheng took the bread, like an ordinary high school student who was going to school, and went to the West Lake Hall.

Mother Lu shouted, "The weather forecast said it's going to rain today, so bring your umbrella!"

"No need!" Lu Cheng waved his hand, leaving a handsome back to Lu Ma.

With the sunny weather of the nine tails now,

At least, Lu Cheng no longer needs to bring an umbrella when he goes out!

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