My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 393: East China Division, Finals (1/4)

Magic City, the International Fairy Arena.

A huge Poké Ball sculpture stands on the square, a few waves fly over the flag, and the fluttering ball pulling the banner flutters in the wind.

In front of the competition center, there was already a long queue.

These audiences are here to watch the East China Division Championship held today!

"Sugar Man, Sugar Man, there are representatives of the contestants!"

The enthusiastic stall owner greeted with a smile.

The little girl stood in front of the booth, blushing suddenly and refused to move.

And that lifelike sugar man is a gorgeous nine-tailed!

"The East China division should be the last division, right, followed by the national competition?"

"Have you heard about Master Lu's championship declaration before? It's too domineering!"

"Tsk tsk tsk, if you can't even win the regional championship, wouldn't it be a shame."

"It's hard to say, I heard that Chen Heng is an alumnus of Magic Capital University, and he has a tactical system of his own!"

While the audience were discussing, they walked towards the interior of the arena.

Entering from the corridor, the venue suddenly opens up.

The cheers showed the momentum of a tsunami.

Before the game started, the atmosphere in the stadium was already quite lively.

On the vast giant field, it is the battlefield of artificial turf, which is the size of a standard football field.

Looking around, you can see banners of different colors, large LED lights and ribbon **** dancing with the crowd.

A group of fans even brought a whole red tyrannosaurus dragon and staged a dragon dance scene.

"Lu Cheng, come on!"

"Lu Cheng, champion!"

The cheers were thunderous.

At this moment, the lights dimmed suddenly, and the flickering spotlight hit the host.

"Gentlemen and ladies, welcome to the East China Division, the scene of the finals!"

Before the game started, the fans seemed to hold back their energy and began to roar and cheer.

"Lu Cheng, come on!"

In the crowd, Lu Dad and Lu Mom also appeared.

Wearing red belts and nine-tailed T-shirts, they were standing in the front row of the auditorium, shouting to cheer for Lu Cheng.

"Next, there are players from both sides please appear!"

In an instant, all the spotlights turned on, illuminating the channel of the players.

"From the blue side, the veteran who has won the top four in the East China Division and participated in two consecutive games, Chen Heng!"

Wearing clothes sponsored by major companies, Chen Heng walked out of the aisle and greeted the audience with a smile.

He has also accumulated a considerable number of fans after participating in the competition for two consecutive years.

"Come on, you can see Mr. Chen Heng's tactics again!"

In the auditorium, there are several students from Magic Capital University who are discussing excitedly at the moment.

"But the opponent is Lu Cheng...he's simply not human!"

A student who participated in the college league, recalled the scene of being pierced by five, and couldn't help shivering.

As soon as these words came out, the students of the Demon University fell silent.

"Let's, let's cheer for Teacher Chen Heng, hahaha!"

The tone was weak and full of insecurities.

On the other hand, Lu Cheng has not yet appeared, and his voice has reached its peak.

"Next, let's welcome—" the host deliberately lengthened his voice.

"The youngest master trainer, Lu Cheng!"

Lu Cheng walked out of the aisle.

Whenever the spirits fight, his blood will boil.

Especially standing on this kind of stage made him feel warm and confident.

He enjoys the elf battle!

The cheers almost lifted the ceiling. Between the applause of the mountains and tsunamis, Lu Dad and Lu Mom burst into tears.

Just seeing their children appear on the stage, they are beyond excited!

The host was reporting Lu Cheng's dizzying long list of titles in a fast pace of speech.

"The best individual in the National University League, the most influential young scholar..."

But Lu Cheng just looked around and raised his hand abruptly.

Everyone's eyes focused on Lu Cheng, curious, puzzled, and puzzled.

The hand was spread out into a palm, and when it reached the highest point, it suddenly clenched into a fist.

For a while, the entire venue was inconceivably quiet.

Looking at the silent venue, Lu Cheng smiled slowly.

He stepped onto the battlefield.

The clubhouse is boiling.

The wall of light rose slowly, wrapping the trainer inside, almost isolating the interference of outside sounds.

Chen Heng sighed helplessly: "It's nice to be young!"

Lu Cheng also smiled and said, "Uncle, I won't let out water."

Chen Heng smiled and said, "I just like to teach young people like you a lesson. For the national competition, it will be good for you to practice for three more years!"

"That won't work." Lu Cheng laughed dumbly, "After all, I made a declaration of winning the championship."

"It's not hype?" Chen Heng was taken aback, "You're serious!"

Lu Cheng smiled slightly and took out the Poke Ball.

"Crazy, really crazy."

Chen Heng shook his head, muttering, and at the same time took out the Poke Ball.

Outside the light wall, the narrator's passionate voice sounded.

"The players on both sides are ready to take their places. Let's see what the first elf choice of the two sides is!"

"Come on, Fossil Pterosaur!"

"Go, Hazelnut Ball!"

Once the domineering fossilized pterosaur appeared, it received countless cheers.

On the other hand, looking at the hazelnut ball, it looks like a pair of pine nuts covered with barbs, revealing a pair of long and narrow eyes, which looks unremarkable.

Lu Cheng frowned.

If it was Hazelnut Ball, then Chen Heng's tactics should be...

Chen Heng smiled and shouted, "Hazelnut ball, use the poisonous diamond!"

The commentator also shouted at the same time: "Chen Heng player still chose the saling tactics that he is best at!"

Lu Cheng also made a decision in an instant, "Fossil pterosaur, Yan Hui!"

At the same time, the analysis of Saling's tactics emerged in his mind.

The saling tactic is a tactic that uses invisible rocks, salings and poisonous lings to limit the speed and consume the physical strength of the opponent's elves.

In addition to using high-speed rotation to crack, you can also use violence to forcibly solve the opponent's joint defense.

However, in this process, we must pay special attention to these hidden poisonous rhomboids.

Once poisoned, it will cause a lot of burden to the elf's physical strength.

The command of both sides sounded at the same time, but the speed of the fossil pterosaur was even better.

Cutting the airflow in the air, the sharp wings swooped to form a white light of swallowing!

"The Fossil Pterosaur avoided the poisonous diamond sprayed by the hazelnut ball!"

The narrator exclaimed, "Even, this Yan Hui directly hit the key point of the hazelnut ball!"

The dark green scales of the hazelnut ball were cut off by this Yanhui, revealing the flesh dripping with green blood.

But Chen Heng's face was the same as usual, but instead he showed a smile.

"Hardness feature! Hardness prevents the hazelnut ball from being killed by one hit." The commentator shouted,

"And right now, the field is already full of sharp and highly poisonous poisonous diamonds!"

Although the poisonous diamond sprayed by the hazelnut ball didn't hit the fossilized pterosaur, it was covered with dark green stingers under the fossilized pterosaur's body.

Once Lu Cheng sends out a new elves, they will inevitably be affected by these poisonous lings!

Lu Cheng frowned.

Under the 6V6 system, sprite replacement is allowed.

Although Hazelnut Ball's physical strength is at stake, Chen Heng's next elf must be a joint defender that can perfectly resist the fossil pterosaur.

Lu Cheng narrowed his eyes.

Grass-type, water-type, steel-type... which one would it be?

Chen Heng took back the hazelnut ball and threw the pokeball, all in one go.

The red light flickered. Before the elf appeared, Lu Cheng had already made a decision.

"Fossil Pterodactyl, Flaming Fang!"

: . :

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