My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 394: Saling Tactics (2/4)

The red light flickered, and what appeared in front of the fossilized pterosaur was a majestic armored bird!

The armored bird's defense is quite good, and at the same time, it can cooperate with the invisible rock and blowing, causing a lot of damage to the elves.

More importantly, the rock and flight-type moves of the fossil pterosaur are not very effective against the armored bird.

Right now, only Flaming Fang can defeat its edge!

Hearing Lu Cheng's command, Chen Heng was suddenly shocked.

Did this kid actually guess it?

However, with the defense of the armored bird, it is not a problem to bear this flaming tooth!

"Tailwind, Armored Bird, use Invisible Rock!" Chen Heng shouted loudly.

The fangs of the fossilized pterosaur burst out with dazzling firelight, mercilessly embedded in the steel wings of the armored bird.

But the armored bird blew away the fossilized pterosaur with airflow.

At the same time, there was a violent roar on the ground, and sharp rock thorns rose from the ground!

In Lu Cheng's half, there were also poisonous diamonds covered with barbs and sharp rock thorns.

Fortunately, the Fossil Pterosaur is a flying elf, otherwise, once it hits the ground, the consequences will be unimaginable!

The fossilized pterosaur roared and fought with the armored bird.

Despite the surging airflow, under the headwind, the fossil pterosaur was even faster!

Lu Cheng sneered, "Fossil pterosaur, continue to use the teeth of fire!"

There was a sharp chirping sound, the armored bird screamed in pain, and its body was shaky.

Chen Heng only felt his scalp tingling.

What the **** is going on with this fossilized pterosaur!

In addition to mastering the teeth of fire, the lethality has reached this level.

With just two fangs of fire, the armored bird with excellent defense has been injured to such a degree!

Chen Heng gritted his teeth and looked at Lu Cheng, trying to read his command from his expression.

Lu Cheng also looked at him and smiled slightly: "Fossil pterosaur, continue!"

Is this man's head so iron?

The armored bird can't be hurt anymore, anyway, Saling's mission has been completed.

Next, leave it to the other elves!

"Armored bird, blow it away!"

Seeing the Fossil Pterosaur swooping towards the Armored Bird, the strong air flow almost lifted the Fossil Pterosaur out of the arena.

Once he flew off the field, it was considered a waiver, so Lu Cheng had to take back the fossilized pterosaur and replace the elf.

And Chen Heng also got a chance to breathe, so he sent his third elf.

"Please send elves from both sides at the same time!" The referee's urging whistle sounded.

The next moment, the red light flickered, and a plump Frog Flower slammed to the ground.

But before it could stand firm, the whole field began to roar violently.

A row of rock pillars rose up, directly hitting the wonderful frog flower!

"What!" Chen Heng exclaimed, "You clearly haven't sent an elves yet!"

"That was the attack of the fossilized pterosaur just now." Lu Cheng smiled, "I said to continue, but I didn't say to continue the Flaming Fang!"

Using the power of the waveguide, Lu Cheng can command relatively concealed.

And the order Lu Cheng gave to the fossil pterosaur just now was the sharp stone attack!

The whole field is like a raised earth dragon, including the previous invisible rock, which has now become the best support for the sharp rock attack.

Under the attack of sharp stones, the highly poisonous poisonous diamonds and sharp rock thorns all flew towards the wonderful frog flower!

For a time, the wonderful frog flower curled up in pain.

With its own attributes, it has endured it anyway, but its physical strength has been reduced a lot.

"My God, look, Lu Cheng's red tyrannical carp dragon is here!"

"But Miao Frog Hua completely restrained the tyrannical carp dragon. Lu Cheng made a mistake in his judgment this round, right?"

"No, look at it, the parasitic seeds of the frog flower don't work at all!"

As soon as the domineering Tyrannosaurus appeared, it received countless cheers.

However, Chen Heng's wonderful frog flower was not to be outdone, and wrapped the body of the tyrannical carp dragon with vines, the dark green light flickered, and the vines were full of coquettish flowers!


However, the carp dragon just stared at the frog flower coldly, and the violent dragon dance actually tore off the vine of the frog flower!

With the hard shell of Tyrannosaurus Carposaurus, the parasitic seeds would have no effect at all without the help of vines.

The flowers under the parasitic seeds withered instantly, and Chen Heng's complexion gradually became solemn.

In terms of attributes, I definitely have the advantage.

You can't change the spirit, and you can't fight it to the end!

"Fantastic Frog Flower!" Chen Heng waved his hand violently, "Using the ultimate absorb!"

The narrator exclaimed: "Once the ultimate suction of the wonderful frog is hit, the situation may be reversed!"

The auditorium suddenly became noisy.

"But with such a huge body, how can you avoid the ultimate absorption!"

"Is it possible that the tyrannical carp dragon can still fly?"

Chen Heng's pupils suddenly dilated.

He was watching Lu Cheng's movements all the time, and his throat couldn't help but grunt.


Buckling his belt, Lu Cheng shouted, "Tyrannosaurus, Mega evolves!!"

The evolution this time is more amazing than any previous time.

Under the gaze of the audience all over the country, the tyrannical carp dragon roared up to the sky, and even the red scales all over his body seemed to be stained with blood!


The violent aura ravaged the venue, and the air was turbulent, splashing a lot of broken rocks.

Chen Heng shouted: "Don't worry about it, continue to use the ultimate absorb!"

The wonderful frog flower also roared, the petals behind it burst into a fiery light, and the surging energy passed through the field and slammed into the body of the tyrannical carp dragon!

When everyone opened their mouths and looked shocked—

The red Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon flew up.

"Reverse scale!!"

The super violent carp dragon under the exception is like a heavy chariot, crushing the wonderful frog flower from the air!

With an overwhelming momentum, it descended from the sky with amazing momentum, and the blood-red tyrannical carp dragon almost annihilated everything!

Chen Heng's face was ashen, and he shouted, "Miaohuahua, protect!"

The protection opened in time to form an emerald green barrier in front of the wonderful frog flower.

The next moment, he heard an earth-shattering roar.

Boom! !

The blood-red tyrannosaurus gnawed at the protection of the wonderful frog flower.

This is only the first round!

With a thud, the turbulent tail of the water broke through the protection, and the tyrannical carp dragon slammed into the wonderful frog flower fiercely!

Chen Heng's half-court was the trace left by the sharp stone attack of the fossil pterosaur just now.

The wonderful frog flower was knocked several meters away, and the sharp rocks left bloodstains on its back.

A trickle of pale green blood flowed out, even if it was the wonderful frog flower with outstanding defense, it was on the verge of collapse at this moment!

Chen Heng twitched his lips and was about to withdraw the wonderful frog flower, but the red light was blocked by a huge figure.

"It is also an important part of the game to prevent the opponent from changing the elves."

Lu Cheng grinned, and waved his arm abruptly: "The tyrannical carp dragon, the tooth of ice!"

Despite being in a chaotic state, the tyrannical carp dragon still roared in fury.

Sen Ran's ice teeth were embedded in the body of Frog Frog, causing it to let out a final cry.

The referee waved the flag: "Miaohuahua has lost the ability to fight, please send the next elf!"

: . :

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