My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 396: Riolu evolves! Division Champion! (four four)

As soon as the cute and small Leo Lu appeared on the stage, he was greeted with exclamations.

"What kind of elf is this? It's too cute!"

"It seems to be a rather rare Leoru, but it hasn't evolved yet. Can it win the auspicious egg?"

"Isn't it free to send this little guy on the field?"

But there were also many experienced trainers who looked at Leo Road with interest.

"How about that Leoru?" Xie Cheng, a veteran fighting king, asked Zhang Xiaoqian next to him.

As the champion of the Central China Division, the martial arts master Zhang Xiaoqian once used the flaming chicken to wear five pieces in the competition.

With his vicious eyes, he naturally saw the extraordinaryness of Leo Lu.

"I mastered the wave missile before it evolved." Zhang Xiaoqian moved his wrist and looked at Leo Lu with some anticipation, "When it evolves, he should be able to quickly understand the true meaning of fighting, right?"

Xie Cheng smiled and said nothing.

If I'm not mistaken...

Looking at Leo Lu, Xie Cheng's eyes narrowed slightly.

In addition to the wave missile, this Leoru also mastered the skill of sword dance!

on the playing field.

Seeing Leo Lu, Chen Heng's expression was also a little stunned.

But he still commanded cautiously: "Auspicious eggs, use the poison!"

Even a fighting-type elves can't last long after being hit by a deadly poison!

But Lu Cheng just smiled and looked at Leo Lu and nodded silently.


Leo Lu jumped up excitedly, and immediately looked at the "poisonous gas egg" flying with great concentration.

Dodging sideways, Leo Lu flew forward dashingly, and at the same time, his aura suddenly increased!

"Sword Dance!" the commentator exclaimed, "This Leoru has actually mastered the sword dance!"

Lu Cheng couldn't help but smile.

The sword dance was taught to the Lizard King, so how could Li Yixing keep secrets from Leoru?

And with Riolu's "Heart of Mischief" feature, Sword Dance's speed is faster than that of the Lizard King!

Heart of Mischief: In the battle, the priority of using change-type moves is increased!

Geely Egg couldn't even keep up with Leo Lu's movements, and took small steps in panic, but Leo Lu had already jumped behind Geely Egg.

"Leo Lu, use tile splitting!"

With a thud, the auspicious egg was knocked to the ground heavily!

Geely Egg, who was struggling to get up, was hit by Leoru's storm-like combo.

"Leo Lu, bullet fist!"

"Olu Olu Olu!"

The bullet fist left a shadow of fist in the air, and the strong fist wind set off an air current.

Chen Heng's face was ashen: "Auspicious eggs, use protection!"

In this situation, we had no choice but to avoid its edge!

Two short hands were crossed in front of him, Geely Egg covered his head, and a pale green light wall appeared.

But Leo Lu smiled, arched his body, and hit the auspicious egg directly with his uppercut!

Fake attack, cracked the protection of auspicious eggs!

The auspicious egg, screaming in pain, was covered with blue-purple scars.

Seizing the opportunity, Chen Heng shouted, "Geely eggs, use raw eggs!"

Laying eggs can restore a lot of physical strength of Geely Eggs, which is why Geely Eggs are so cancerous.

But how could Lu Cheng let him succeed!

"Leo Lu, Bo missile!"

Holding his breath, Leo Lu's eyes instantly became sharp.

The hands are together, the palms are opened and closed, and the surging fluctuations are condensed in its hands.

The white energy set off a strong wave, making Chen Heng's eyes show a look of horror.

In an instant, the wave missile ripped apart the space and surged out!

Boom! !

The wave missile plowed through the ground, and the auspicious eggs were directly hit by the splashing gravel.

After rolling in the air for a few seconds, the auspicious egg fell heavily from the air!

Although the injury is serious, the strong defensive power still makes Geely Egg have the power to fight.

Just as Chen Heng wanted to continue the command, he was suddenly stunned.

"Geely Egg is out of the battle area, Leo Lu wins!" The referee blew his whistle.

Under Leo Lu's wave missile, Geely Egg was blasted off the field and disqualified for combat!

Chen Heng opened his mouth and finally sighed helplessly.

And Leo Lu stood proudly on the field and let out a proud cry.


The applause sounded like thunder, and the audience cheered one after another.

Lu Cheng also smiled and nodded at Leo Lu: "Good job."

Leo Lu grinned happily.

In an instant, a dazzling white light enveloped Leo Lu's body like a tide!

The audience suddenly became restless, and everyone's eyes widened.

"Leo Lu is about to evolve!"

"My God, evolution in the game is also in Lu Cheng's calculations!"

Lu Cheng smiled and looked at Leo Lu in the white light.

The bond between him and Leo Lu has long reached the evolutionary requirement of intimacy.

And what Leolu needs is just a chance to prove himself.

In the final of the East China Division, he defeated the opponent's ace elf.

This is the perfect gift for Leoru!

In Leoru's evolutionary light, there is a rare and beautiful rainbow light.

Those rainbow lights gradually dissipated like butterflies, revealing the figure of Lucario.

A solemn look, strong limbs, and sharp steel protrusions on the back of his hands.

The tall Lucario looked at his body with some curiosity, and immediately waved it subconsciously.

He waved his fist easily, but there was a sound of breaking the wind!

This made Lucario look excited and shouted excitedly, "Luca!"

"The game isn't over yet." Lu Cheng smiled, "The rest of the armored bird will be handed over to you!"


Looking at the high-spirited Lu Cheng and Lucario, Chen Heng shook his head with a sigh, and said with a smile, "It's nice to be young..."

five minutes later.

The armored bird with disordered breath fell from the sky in agony.

He received continuous damage from wave missiles and bullet fists, and even Armor Bird couldn't take it.

Lucario, who defeated Geely Egg, Hazelnut Ball and Armor Bird in a row, won the cheers of the audience!

The lights dimmed suddenly, and the host's excited voice sounded:

"The champion of the East China Division has already emerged, and he is—"

The lights swayed wildly in the arena, which made Lu Cheng laugh.

"Lu Cheng!!"

The salute sounded, the colorful ribbons flew down, and the peas and pigeons flew into the sky with olive branches in their mouths.

"Damn it, I'll just say that the champion is Lu Cheng!"

"Brother Cheng, you are awesome!"

Li Heng and Lu Cheng shook hands and said helplessly, "I admit now is the age of young people."

Lu Cheng also smiled and said, "Just because your auspicious eggs didn't shrink, we are friends!"

Li Heng was taken aback.

Dad Lu and Mom Lu were already weeping with joy.

In the two years since Lu Cheng became a trainer, they have gained countless excitement and joy.

In the auditorium, the martial arts master, Zhang Xiaoqian walked away slowly.

"Don't you see?" Xie Cheng turned around and said towards Zhang Xiaoqian's back.

"I don't see it."

"That Lucario might become your opponent."

Zhang Xiaoqian's footsteps paused slightly.

"Then let it come."

On the championship podium, the host's excited voice is still echoing.

"The champion of the East China Division has already been produced. In addition to the youngest master, Lu Cheng has refreshed the record of the youngest division champion!"

"Do you have any expectations for the national competition?"

Looking at the microphone in front of him, Lu Cheng slowly smiled.

"Isn't my expectation already obvious?"

The audience was already screaming.

The cheers and applause were like thunder, one after another.

"My goal is only the champion."

"That's all."

: . :

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