My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 397: Lucario's training (1/3)

Elf Forum, National Competition Section.

The ruthless water sticker Rotom: I dropped the turtle, Lu Cheng actually won the division championship.

Calel Scallion Duck: The sword points to the national competition, Xiaolu Cheng rushes!

Strawberry-flavored sticky beauty: Lu Cheng, always drop God!

Lu Cheng happily wrote about the national competition.

As he expected, the post about the champion of the East China Division was instantly topped the homepage.

"Lu Cheng: The youngest champion in the East China Division!"

Below Piaohong's post, there are all kinds of remarks in a clear style.

"Shit, you don't really have to stand upside down to wash your hair, right?"

"I'm starting to panic, I'm starting to panic!"

"This wave, this wave is the division champion!"

What's more eye-catching is the video of Lu Cheng's Riolu evolving in the game.

This video was once cut into a promotional video to warm up the national competition held in the imperial capital.

The national competition has gathered many players from seven divisions, as well as many powerful invited trainers.

In order not to pull his hips in the national competition a week later, Lu Cheng was still training as usual.

Jiangcheng, Yixin Taoist Hall.

"Lucario, use Bullet Punch!"


Lucario let out a long howl, and his momentum continued to rise, turning into an afterimage that flew towards the strange force in front of him.

The strange force rushed in, stretched out four big hands, and grabbed Lucario's fist with a grin.


The fist wind stirred up an air current, and a white wave of air swayed across the field.

Gao Minglang nodded and said: "Yes, in terms of skills, it is no less inferior to strange power."

"But it's okay." Gao Minglang smiled, "The strength is still not enough!"

The strange force also grinned and knocked Lucario to the ground in response.

Lucario's back fell to the ground and let out a cry of pain, but immediately stood up.

"Luca!" It grinned and challenged the strange force again.

"As expected of an unyielding spirit."

Gao Minglang couldn't help sighing, "With this kind of aptitude, it should be time to enter the master level."

Lu Cheng stopped the training, looked at Lucario, and fell into contemplation.

After evolution, Lucario's strength has infinitely approached that of a gym-level elves.

In the training at Yixin Gym, Lucario also successfully mastered the moves of Enhance Fist, Thunder Fist and Frozen Fist.

For fighting spirits, Lucario has a unique talent.

The understanding of Bo missiles also laid the foundation for Lucario to train special attack moves.

It can be said that Lucario will become the most comprehensive striker in Lu Cheng's team!

"By the way, Lucario can understand the moves of close combat." Gao Ming said sternly,

"However, this requires a lot of fighting skills and actual combat experience."

"I have already taught this kid what I should teach. Next, it depends on your own cultivation!"

"Don't worry." Lu Cheng smiled, "I'll let it play more recently."

"Luca!" Lucario bumped his fist excitedly, making a muffled sound.

Lu Cheng thought to himself.

When Lucario has comprehended domain moves and entered the master level, then he can try to evolve Mega.

Anyway, Lucario's Mega Stone is also in his hands, all he needs is constant attempts and a strong bond.

At this point, Lu Cheng, who possesses the power of waveguide, is as confident as any trainer.

"Speaking of which, what about Gao Chi?" Lu Cheng smiled, "He should have become a fighting master too!"

Gao Minglang frowned, "He was training on the Road to Champions some time ago... It seems that he met an old-fashioned fighting king!"

Lu Cheng was slightly startled: "The King of Fighters?"

Gao Minglang nodded and frowned, "He is a veteran of the Four Heavenly Kings, his name is Xie Cheng, and he is famous for Kuaiquan Lang and Feizu Lang."

"Zhang Xiaoqian, the champion of this year's Central China Division, is also his apprentice."

"I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing for Gao Chi..." Gao Ming sighed and said a little uneasy.

"Don't worry." Lu Cheng patted Gao Minglang on the shoulder and comforted, "No matter who comes, the champion is mine!"

Gao Minglang was startled, turned his head and saw Lu Cheng's confident smile.

"Stinky boy, see if I don't teach you a lesson, come on, strange force!"

"It's just right, Lucario, strengthen the fist!"


Imperial Capital, the fast swimming frog training center.

"Fantastic power, Explosive Fist!"

"Flaming chicken, accumulating flame attack!"

The terrifyingly powerful blasting fist blasted out a wave of air and slammed it towards the flaming chicken.

But the flames on the flaming chicken rose suddenly, like a sonic fighter, avoiding the blasting punch at an alarming speed.

At the same time, the whip leg carried the flame and kicked the strange force!

The man with a strong body and eyes like a wolf, said with some disdain: "Even if he has no defense, as long as he is crushed by speed, he can still easily avoid it!"

Gao Chi fell silent, but his eyes suddenly turned cold: "Weird strength, Qi and fist!"


When the man lost his voice, the qi and fist had torn apart the airflow and hit the belly of the flaming chicken!

The flaming chicken that flew upside down screaming, ate a full amount of Qi Hequan, and was almost dying!

"Qi Hequan is a late attack move." Gao Chi looked at the man with a very serious look, "The fist move I practiced is not a burst fist!"

Although it is the inheritance of Yixin Gym, Gao Chi has already stepped out of his own fighting path.

The late attacking Qi Hequan, even in a desperate situation, has the possibility of reversing it with one punch.

Fighting master, Zhang Xiaoqian shook his head mockingly, "I despised you, Junior Brother."

"Senior brother, the game isn't over yet!" Gao Chi's eyes were extremely focused.

Zhang Xiaoqian grinned and waved his arms: "Don't hide it, Flaming Chicken, speed up with all your strength!"

"Master of the fighting department, Zhang Xiaoqian?"

Lu Cheng looked at the information of the champions in each competition area, UU reading www.uukanshu. com has gone through all possible threats.

"The fighting department is not very restrained by my team." Lu Cheng frowned,

"But Huyan Xing from the Southwest Division turned out to be using fire and poison tactics..."

"Looks like I'll have to find a chance to train Lucario's Healing Bell and Drop of Life moves."

"As for Jiang Xun's dragon team..."

Lu Cheng grinned and took out the crystal clear icicle slate in his backpack.

The Icicle Slate has been recharged using Unmelted Ice and Ice Stone.

And Regice's registration has also come down.

If he really met Jiang Xun, Lu Cheng wouldn't suggest letting him experience what an ice-type fights a dragon-type is.

The national competition is still a week away.

Lu Cheng, who went to Yixin Gym to train Lucario every day, put the purple dragon egg into the incubator where Nine Tails was hatched.

The automatic infrared temperature can speed up the hatching of the elf eggs as much as possible.

In the middle of the night, Lu Cheng finished his day's training and threw himself on the bed exhausted.

"Hey, what's the sound?"

Looking at the reputation, Lu Cheng couldn't help swallowing.

The dark purple elf egg began to shake violently.

Then there was a click, and a gap opened.

: . :

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