My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 403: The Will of the Black-haired Girl (2/5)

Lu Cheng suddenly sighed.

"President Deng, you have really become stronger."

"You can't escape." Deng Ruyun said sternly, "This kind of flame, even the nine tails will be hurt!"

"Maybe." Lu Cheng smiled slightly, "But I'm going to win this round."

"What!?" Deng Ruyun's pupils suddenly widened.

"The tyrannical carp dragon." Lu Cheng took a deep breath and pressed it on his belt with a clatter, his eyes extremely sharp.

"Evolve with Mega!!"

In the fiery sea of ​​fire, a dazzling white light suddenly bloomed.

With a loud bang, the strong airflow blew the flames.

In the sight of everyone's shock, the ferocious Super Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon uses its wide fins to soar!

The fire soared into the sky, and the purgatory formed by the oath of fire suddenly burst out with five dazzling fire lights, as if to block the tyrannical carp dragon.

But under the exception, the violent carp dragon is like an unstoppable chariot, roaring out from the sea of ​​fire!

"My God, the tyrannical carp dragon flew out of the flames!"

"The tyrannical carp dragon has mastered the air, and the physical strength of the firestorm beast is also in jeopardy!"

"No, the Firestorm Beast is eating something...Fuck, it's a tree fruit!"

Chewing the spicy dragon fire fruit, the flame of the Firestorm Beast once again raised a level.

"Firestorm beast, use big characters to explode flames!"

The firestorm beast with fierce eyes roared and blasted out an extremely hot fire!

The raging fire group, under the blessing of dragon fire fruit and fierce fire, blasted out a violent cyclone!

Boom! !

The flames exploded on the body of the tyrannical carp dragon, splashing dazzling sparks.

But the Tyrannosaurus did not fall.

The tyrannical carp dragon hovering in the air, like an ancient giant beast, glared at the fiery beast and let out a mocking low roar.

In the sky like ink, thunder exploded and rainstorm poured down!

Praying for rain reduced the power of the flames, allowing the tyrannical carp dragon to resist the large-character explosion!

"It's over." Lu Cheng looked up at the sky and muttered.

The torrential rain poured down, and the green grass field after the earthquake gradually became muddy.

The rain kept accumulating, devouring the rocks, and gradually eating away at the land under the firestorm beast's feet.

Deng Ruyun's black hair was wet from the heavy rain, her lips were pale, but her eyes were still extremely tenacious.

"Firestorm beast, high-speed star!"

The high-speed star flew towards the tyrannical carp dragon, but was swallowed by the turbulent waves in an instant.

At the same time, the water had submerged the belly of the Firestorm Beast, causing it to roar unwillingly.

All the audience were shocked.

The tyrannical carp dragon turned the entire site into the sea by praying for rain!

The turbulent ocean waves hit the Firestorm Beast, the white waves swelled, and there was a dull sound of thunder in the sky.

Even the heavenly kings in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows were shocked by this scene.

"This kid..." Tu Ming murmured, "Have you begun to touch the field of changing nature?"

This is the symbol that belongs to the Heavenly King class, enough to change the power of mountains, rivers, lakes and seas!

The tyrannosaur hovered over the sea.

Amidst the waves, is the Firestorm Beast struggling with all its might.

Deng Ruyun bit her lower lip and was about to take back the Firestorm Beast.

However, at this time, Lu Cheng's eyes narrowed.

"Tyrannosaurus, use the tide whirlpool!"


The tide swirled, blocking the red light of the Poké Ball, and instantly devoured the Firestorm Beast!

"Firestorm is incapacitated!" The referee waved the flag.

There was an uproar on the field.

"This ability to change the weather is too powerful!"

"When you choose to pray for rain, Lu Cheng's command is also outrageously accurate!"

In front of the floor-to-ceiling window, Han Qing looked at Tu Ming and said, "In this environment, there should be no chance for a girl to come back."

Tu Ming pondered and frowned: "The key is how to interrupt the terrifying rainstorm."

"In the green grass field of the competition, there are drainage facilities. As long as the field factor is solved, it is still possible to win."

The red light flickered, and Deng Ruyun sent his second elf.

The Fierce Arrow Eagle, whose wings are burning with flames, soars in mid-air, evaporating all the rainwater it touches.

At this moment, with a bang, the violent carp dragon descended from the sky and dived into the sea.

"Release the Mega form." Tu Ming pondered, "Is it for that characteristic?"

Jiang Ziqian nodded slowly and said sternly, "Overconfidence!"

In the field, the Fierce Arrow Eagle tried his best to use the Great Sunny Day move.

Although the torrential rain stopped, the tyrannical carp dragon used the dragon dance to rush towards the fiery arrow eagle.

It crushed it vigorously and directly hit the Fierce Arrow Eagle's wings, causing it to fall down with a wailing cry.

And the characteristic of overconfidence has also brought the power of Tyrannosaurus to a new level!


The roaring red tyrannical carp dragon raised its head and looked down on the audience!

"Player Lu Cheng's violent carp dragon has defeated two elves of player Deng Ruyun in a row!"

The commentator shouted, "Right now, Deng Ruyun only has the last trump card left!"

The dark clouds dissipated quietly, and even the turbulent waves disappeared due to the drainage system.

On the messy and muddy grounds, the red scales of the Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon shone brightly.

"It should be the elf." Lu Cheng smiled slightly.

Deng Ruyun nodded lightly and released her last elf.

The flame monkey roared to the ground, the flames subsided, and its eyes were sharp, like a beast waiting for an opportunity.

in the audience.

Jiang Xun slowly left, silently clenching the Poke Ball tightly.

He felt the strength gap between him and Lu Cheng.

But no matter what, if you want to defeat yourself, you will have to pay ten times the price!

The two dragon dances, coupled with the characteristics of overconfidence, made Tyrannosaurus an irresistible **** of war.

Even the Blazing Monkey couldn't resist the tyrannical carp dragon's move in this state.

"Game start!"

As the referee's flag fell, Lu Cheng preemptively said, "Tyrannosaurus, use the water tail!"

The turbulent water flow, the powerful dragon tail, the tail of the water flow almost obscures the sky.

However, before the end of the water stream, a fiery red figure jumped out first!

"What, the flame monkey's speed is even faster than the tyrannical carp dragon under the two dragon dances!" The commentator exclaimed.

The shadow clone turned into an afterimage, and was instantly torn apart by the tail of the water.

However, the body of the flaming monkey rushed towards the tyrannical carp dragon, and the iron fist burst into a dazzling white light.

"Flame Monkey, use melee combat!"

Everyone was shocked by the speed of this flaming monkey.

Looking at the scarf in front of the flame monkey's neck, Lu Cheng's eyebrows raised.

Are you particular about scarves?

Paying attention to the scarf can greatly increase the speed of the elf, but it can only use the same move.

This is also the reason why the speed of the flaming monkey is even faster than that of the carp dragon.

The roaring flaming monkey rushed towards the tyrannical carp dragon with bared teeth and grins, his iron fist like a dazzling scorching sun.

Lu Cheng sighed softly.

"Tyrannosaurus, use inverse scales!"

The two elves who roared violently collided.

Boom! !

A powerful force enough to destroy the field made two elves fly out at the same time.

The audience only felt that their ears were still buzzing.

And the referee swallowed his saliva and raised the flag abruptly: "Both elves lost their combat effectiveness at the same time!"

"According to the rules, contestant Lu Cheng wins!"

The cheers erupted suddenly.

Even though it was one wearing three, Deng Ruyun still won the applause of all the audience!

Between the cheers of the mountain and the the players from both sides shook hands.

"It's a pity." Lu Cheng smiled and said, "It was almost."

"Yeah." Deng Ruyun lowered her head, shook hands gently, and said softly, "It's almost."

Lu Cheng was taken aback.

Putting his hand lightly on the girl's shrugging shoulder, Lu Cheng smiled and said, "Don't worry, I will take your will and win the championship!"

Deng Ruyun's actions were stunned.

Taking a deep breath, she raised her cheeks and smiled brightly: "Come on!"

Player channel.

Lu Cheng frowned, and beside him was the nine tails who had not yet appeared.

"Did she just...was crying?"

Lu Cheng asked Jiuwei anxiously.

Jiuwei turned her head away, expressing that she did not want to talk to Lu Cheng.

On the other side.

Deng Ruyun walked out of the passage.


She wiped away her tears desperately.

The speechless flaming monkey leaned back against the wall and looked at the girl helplessly.

"I'm fine." Deng Ruyun's eyes were flushed, she took a deep breath, and repeated.

"I am okay!"

"Gah." Blazing Monkey shrugged, and slowly handed the scarf to Deng Ruyun.

The girl burst into tears and laughed.

: . :

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