My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 404: Round land shark evolution! The fangtooth shark! (Three/Friday)

National competition, second round!

The results of the opening game have already been announced. Except for individual games, the outcome is no different from the audience's expectations.

After all, the champions of each major region participated in the opening match.

To win points from them is undoubtedly as difficult as the sky.

What shocked people was the match against the seeded player Xing Feng against Sun Shunxin, the champion of the Northwest Division.

Sun Shunxin's tactic is to deceive the space, that is, the space team that allows the low-speed elves to act first.

And Sun Shunxin, who is proficient in ghosts, is also good at using the same fate, curse, and ghost fire.

In the end, against Xing Feng, his giant golden monster used the eye of miracles to tear open the fraud space directly.

Then he used the Comet Punch to complete one pass and three.

Even against the champion of the division, he can have this kind of suppressing power. Xing Feng's strength is really astonishing.

In addition to Xing Feng, Mu Haoyun and Southwest Division champion Huyan Xing also attracted widespread attention.

On the Elf forum, it is about the strength of these players.

The ruthless water sticker Rotom: I'm dripping turtles, these players are all wearing three clothes, it's too scary.

Want to raise Lie to bite Lu Shark: No matter what, I support Lu Cheng, yesterday's tactic was so beautiful!

Black Fire-breathing Dragon: One thing to say, the format of the second round is doubles, so we should be able to see more tactics.


Lu Cheng frowned and reviewed the videos of the various competitions.

Gaining experience from the opponent's battle is also an important part of the trainer.

What is certain is that Mu Haoyun's strength has made a qualitative leap compared to the flying competition.

And his senior brother, the inheritance of punishment style of Jitian Taoist——

Lu Cheng smiled bitterly and murmured, "I hope I won't run into him so early."

The national competition will last for a whole month. The competition system of the points competition also determines that the players need to carry out high-intensity continuous battles.

In the afternoon of staying at the Xiongbao Hotel, Lu Cheng arrived at the venue and started the second round of battle.

In the doubles format, the opponent sent a double intimidation combination of Heluga and Wind Speed ​​Dog.

Although it aimed at the physical attackers in a big way, the attack surface and zone defense were a little weak.

Lu Cheng sent a combination of Lucario and Fossil Pterosaur.

Lucario's wave missile has been mastered quite well, and it has a "wave fist" style.

The Fossil Pterosaur was used as an empty hand, constantly using rockslides, causing the opponent to constantly recoil.

In the end, Lu Cheng easily won the second round of doubles.

"Ding - your ranking is promoted to super ball, pay attention to check."

The mobile phone beeps the beep of the competition APP.

After winning both rounds, Lu Cheng became the first batch of players to advance to the super ball level.

This also means that he can avoid the next preliminaries and directly enter the final sixty-four competition.

Of course, Lu Cheng can also choose to continue to compete for points.

If you are promoted to the "Advanced Ball" level, you can be recommended to the top 32.

And if you reach the master level in the points competition, even if you fail unexpectedly, you can still get the title of master.

"Idle is also idle." Lu Cheng murmured, "Let's continue to train Lucario in the points competition."

In the evening, Lu Cheng and Gao Chi met in the restaurant of the Xiebao Hotel.

"How is it, is the points match going well?"

Gao Chi nodded and pondered: "The 3V3 competition system is okay, but I'm not very good at doubles."

"In terms of points, as long as you don't encounter too strong opponents, you can still advance to the top sixty-four."

Lu Cheng nodded.

The points competition will last for three days, and it is also a part of the knockout round, which is quite cruel.

But no matter what, you can't treat the elves and your stomach badly.

Lu Cheng asked for a crab claws of the iron-clawed lobster.

It has to be said that the shrimp meat of this lobster is extraordinarily sweet, and the meat is divided into white and tender silk strands, which is delicious with the sauce.

Gao Chi was going to prepare for tomorrow's points match, and Lu Cheng returned to the guest room and received a call from his grandfather.

"Chengcheng, grandpa saw your performance in the national competition!" The old man's energetic voice sounded, and he laughed loudly,

"As expected of you, you don't even need to send a second elf!"

Lu Cheng also smiled and said, "Grandpa, do you still remember the agreement between us."

"Ah, yes." The old man was slightly startled and smiled, "Stand on the stage of the national competition."

"Chengcheng, you have done better than your grandfather."

"Next, let's head for a higher mountain!"

Hanging up the phone, Lu Cheng felt the heavy pressure on his shoulders again.

But in any case, only under pressure can trainers keep making progress.

Touching the nine tails, Lu Cheng unconsciously showed a smile.

Lu Cheng opened it and saw a silent black-haired girl standing at the door.

"President Deng, what's the matter?" Lu Cheng scratched his head.

"This, for you." Deng Ruyun handed the package to Lu Cheng, "It should be helpful to your game."

Lu Cheng was slightly startled, and subconsciously said, "What about scarves?"

Deng Ruyun nodded earnestly: "If you become the champion, you will bring great honor to the entire Jiangnan University!"

Paying attention to the scarf greatly improves the speed of the elves, but they can only use the same move.

For tactics, it also provides more tactical options.

Lu Cheng smiled slightly and said, "Then I'll accept it!"

"How much do I want to give you?"

"No need." Deng Ruyun stared at Lu Cheng and smiled, "When you lose, give it back to me!"

"That's probably hopeless."

Lu Cheng pondered for a moment, and suddenly his eyes lit up,

"By the way, let me help you make the Dragon Fire Fruit Energy Cube of the Fire Beast!"

But when Lu Cheng regained his senses, the girl had disappeared.

With Deng Ruyun's departure, several small heads protruded from Lu Cheng's shoulders.

"Jie O." The fossilized pterosaur spread its wings and shook his head helplessly.

"Wow." Even Yuan Lu Shark lay on Lu Cheng's shoulder and sighed.


And the ever-changing monster was shaking the soothing bell with a dazed expression.

Seeing the exquisite scarf in Lu Cheng's hand, light suddenly burst into his small eyes.


The points race is still going on in full swing.

Because both Xing Feng and Mu Haoyun maintained an overwhelming victory in the battle, the plan to recommend the top 32 was declared bankrupt.

Lu Cheng also simply treated the points match as a training match.

After all, he has a lot of points advantage, no matter how bad he is, he can advance.

Therefore, Lu Cheng even sent a round land shark in the 3V3 battle.

In the points match, Lu Cheng didn't encounter too strong opponents.

The only thing that gave him a headache was a shrinking tactical player from the Central South region.

"Smelly mud, use shrink!"

On the 13th, on the battlefield, the trainer in front of Lu Cheng shouted.

The narrator's voice also sounded at the same time:

"This is already the second time that Lu Heng has used shrinking! The Fossil Pterosaur's attack is completely ineffective!"

Lu Heng's first two elves are Shrink Fat Keding and Shrink Geely Egg.

Lu Cheng finally let Lucario use the wave missile to solve the two elves, but he also lost the ability to fight.

Unexpectedly, the third elf of this gate species would still shrink the stinky mud!

Lu Cheng couldn't help but have a headache.

Although there are some cancers, I have to admit that shrinking tactics is quite effective as a magic trick.

"The champion of the East China Division is nothing more than that!" Lu Heng smiled, "Stinky mud, use shrink!"

This is the third shrink he has used!

The stinky mud has been seen to the extent that it is invisible to the naked eye. On the field, only the sludge bombs it spewed out.

The Fossil Pterosaur was directly sprayed, and even the speed slowed down, and it was forced to fall from the air.

The commentator exclaimed: "It seems that Lu Heng's shrinking tactics have achieved miraculous results!"

Can't fight, can't fight, can't see and can't see, this cancerous tactic made the audience angry.

Am I paying to watch you fight with the air!

A lot of boos sounded, seeing that the shrinking of the stinky mud was about to be lifted,

Lu Heng shouted loudly, "Smelly mud, continue to use shrink!"

Even the referee couldn't stand it any longer and signaled a yellow card for a violation.

Lu Cheng frowned, and suddenly his eyes lit up.

Recalling the fossilized pterosaur, Lu Cheng threw the pokeball of the round land shark.

Seeing the round land shark, Lu Heng was stunned for a moment, and immediately laughed: "The round land shark that hasn't evolved, can't even touch the shadow of the stinky mud!"

"Stinky mud, use a sludge bomb!"

Seeing the venom spraying out, Lu Cheng gave an order: "Avoid!"

With a dashing twist, the round land shark burst out laughing.

At the same time, Lu Cheng gave the final order: "Use the Dragon God to dive!"

Lu Heng's complexion suddenly changed.

Dragon God swoops, it will hit the spirit in the shrinking state and will cause double damage!

In Lu Heng's exclamation, the round land shark roared and fell to the ground.

The surging purple energy spreads all around!

Being attacked by the dragon god, the stinky mud dungeon shrank and turned into a pool of sewage stinky mud lost its ability to fight, contestant Lu Cheng won! "

Following the referee's voice, Yuan Lu Sha suddenly narrowed his eyes and jumped with joy.

Suddenly, it froze in place, and the white light of evolution bloomed from its body.

The white light envelops the round land shark, making it continue to expand in size.

After a while, a dragon-type elf covered in dark purple scales, a fangtooth land shark appeared in front of Lu Cheng's eyes!

"Kaka!" The fangtooth land shark narrowed his eyes and waved his claws excitedly.

"Lu Cheng's round land shark has actually evolved after the game!" the commentator exclaimed.

Even Lu Cheng was stunned.

The evolution has been completed in less than a month after hatching. This speed is really astonishing!

But thinking about it, it should be Lu Heng's stinky mud that gave the round land shark a lot of experience.

In the previous points match, Lu Cheng also let the round land shark appear.

The high-intensity battle is in line with the desire of dragons to be keen on fighting.

Looking at the sharp-toothed land shark waving its two claws, Lu Cheng couldn't help but smile.

"Welcome to join, fangtooth land shark!"

"Chaka!" Fang Fang Lu shark waved his claws excitedly, and was about to hug Lu Cheng.

Lu Cheng's expression changed.

"Don't, wait a minute, don't!"

: . :

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