My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 407: Shadows and Nightmares, Darkrai Comes (4400)

Waves of nothingness emerged at the feet of Nine Tails, and dozens of violent shadow **** roared out!

The grinning Geng Ghost turned into a phantom in the sky, and the shadow clones surrounding the audience flew towards the nine tails.


The shadow clone was torn apart by the shadow ball in an instant, Gengar's sharp claws swung toward the nine tails, but the body was also knocked into the air.

The narrator shouted in a hoarse voice, "This is the ultimate showdown between Mega Gengar and the Nine Tails!"

Between the fields, there are traces of the collision of two elves' energy fluctuations.

Under the surging fluctuations, several cracks split open in the already messy field!

The audience only felt chills behind their backs and goosebumps all over their bodies.

"Is this... the showdown between the division champions."

"This Nine-Tails fought three times in a row, yet it still has such destructive power!"

"Mega Gengar's shadow stepping is so buggy! It's impossible to fight when you get into the shadow!"

The white waves spread out, and in the dust, the trembling Nine-Tails and the grinning Geng Gui appeared.

Lu Cheng frowned.

Huyan Xing smiled slightly: "In the battle just now, Jiuwei has already been poisoned by Gengar!"

As soon as the voice fell, there was an uproar in the venue.

"When did it happen, I didn't see Gengar's actions clearly at all!"

"This is Huyan Xing's poison-type elf, it can make the opponent suffer from severe poison without knowing it!"

Looking at the shadow where the nine tails were firmly pinned in the distance, Lu Cheng's eyes narrowed.

"Using the poison planted by shadows?" Lu Cheng murmured, "It's really hard to guard against."

"As long as there is a shadow, my Gengar is invincible!" Huyan Xingyan smiled.

"Come on, Gengar, use the shadow ball!"

Gengar's figure suddenly became extremely huge.

Tear the corner of his mouth all the way to the side of his ear, Geng Gui grinned and made a grimace.

A turbulent giant shadow ball gathers in its mouth!


However, at this moment, a cluster of holy white flames bloomed from Kyuubi's body!

Using the sacred fire to burn the poison, the nine tails let out a scream of pain, and a large drop of sweat fell to the ground, making a sizzling sound.

The flames surging, the pupils of the nine tails flowed with dark gold, and the tail was quietly covered with ink-like darkness!

"Just here." Lu Cheng suddenly said.

Nine tails froze in place, and the ink color on the tail also quietly retreated.

The turbulent shadow ball slammed on the emerald green barrier in front of Jiuwei.

Nine tails jumped back, gasping for breath, her physical strength was already at the limit!

Forcing the use of sacred fire to eliminate the poison will bring a great burden to the Nine Tails.

Lu Cheng was reluctant to let Jiuwei risk the dark disease and use the fetters to evolve.

"Are you explaining any tactics?"

Huyan Xing smiled and said, "But the power of the poison will continue to rise."

Lu Cheng didn't answer, looked at Jiuwei with a smile, and said softly:

"I feel your thoughts."

"Next, leave it to other partners."

Shaking her sweaty tail, Jiuwei smiled and showed her small fangs.

With a thud, Nine Tails fell weakly to the ground.

Lu Cheng's eyes became extremely sharp.

"Nine tails are incapacitated!" The referee took a deep breath and waved the flag, "The game continues!"

There was a commotion on the field.

"My God, Huyan Xing actually solved Lu Cheng's nine tails!"

"This is the nine tails that can cause mushroom clouds with big characters!"

"Using three elves to target the Nine-Tails, such a tactic is too risky."

"However, Lu Cheng probably doesn't have an elf that can restrain Gengar."

"Also, Mega Gengar's terrifying shadow-stepping feature..."

All the audience fell silent in unison.

In front of the Southwest Champions, they felt an unparalleled oppressive force!

Mega Gengar's strange laughter echoed in the venue, Huyan Xing raised her hands and smiled, but her eyes were extremely cold.

"The elf you have left should be Lucario."

"The last...let me guess, a fossilized pterosaur that is proficient in crunching?" Huyan Xing smiled.

"It's a pity, Gengar's stepping shadows can even be captured by flying elves!"

"Quick, send your next elf!"

Looking at Lu Cheng's waist, Huyan Xing gradually narrowed her eyes.

With Huyan Xing's words, Mega Genggui showed a sneer.

On the field of play, everyone held their breath and was silent.

Mega Gengar's hideous laughter still echoed, sending chills down everyone's spine.

The corners of Lu Cheng's mouth suddenly rose.


Holding the dark ball tightly, Lu Cheng's eyes were extremely cold.

"I think I also have an elf that controls shadows."

Red light flashes.

But no spirits appeared from the dark ball.

The audience was discussing in confusion, but the next moment, a piercing chill extended from the spine to the limbs.

With a click, that indescribable fear exploded in everyone's mind!

Huyan Xing's smile solidified on her face.

"This, what kind of spirit is this!"

An audience member with trembling hands pointed to the elf slowly emerging from the shadows.

It was as if an invisible hand was tightly strangling his throat.

Everyone's eyes widened and they were speechless.

Like a whisper from hell, creepy laughter came from all directions.

From the shadow of Rumo, a ghost-like elf slowly rose up.

The white turbid mist continued to surge, instantly filling the entire venue.

Huyan Xing's face was ashen, she looked at the shadow and said dumbly, "This, what kind of elf is this?"

Rising from hell, his body is covered with nightmarish black edges and corners.

The turbid fog was billowing, and a pair of huge ghost claws seemed to be able to tear apart the space easily.

And on the misty face, a flocculent face that was inconspicuous and unattractive gradually emerged, but gradually condensed into a solid face.

Huyan Xing suddenly screamed, and her whole body began to tremble violently.

On the face of this ghost figure, she actually saw her dead father, that stern face!

The live broadcast screen suddenly began to fluctuate violently, and after a while, it returned to normal.

There was silence in the Armed Forces.

"What did you see just now?" Xie Yuan swallowed hard, sweating like rain.

"Big stinger." A member said with a wry smile, "It's the one I met in the forest when I was a child."

Guo Zhang gasped heavily and did not speak.

What he saw was the same nightmare that he didn't want to remember!

On the venue, an audience member couldn't hold on, and burst into tears.

Even the Mega Gengar was shaking like chaff, and his entire face turned pale.

"This is my second elf." Lu Cheng said indifferently,

"The elf in charge of nightmares, Darkrai!"


Darkrai lifted the endless nightmare.

In everyone's eyes, the floating black gas and scarlet jagged scarves were reflected.

And, under the surging white turbid mist, on the hazy face, the azure blue eye like sea water lit up.

The silent venue was boiling at this moment.

"This, what kind of spirit is this!"

"Is that the hallucination it caused just now..."

"Is this Lu Cheng's second elf, I haven't seen it in the illustrated book at all!"

The narrator's eyes were moist.

He had just met his mother before his death, and felt lonely and missed.

Like him, many viewers saw their relatives at the moment just now.

He looked at the mysterious elf with trepidation.

The dark shadow covering the sky, and the young trainer in the dark red cloak.

This legendary picture is firmly engraved in everyone's heart!

After a cough, the commentator said excitedly:

"Audience friends, I just received news from the event side."

"This is the first confirmed case that only exists in the legendary elf, Darkrai."

"Competitor Lu Cheng will be the first trainer to use Darkrai, and will be forever recorded in the history of national competitions!"

At any time, the discovery of any new elves is enough to go down in history.

What's more, this is a fairy that only exists in legends!

"Lu Cheng's strength is enough to capture the legendary elves..."

"This is the champion of the East China Division, and this is the youngest master, Lu Cheng!"

"Road God, come on!!"

The excitement brought by the new spirit, the domineering power of Darkrai when he appeared.

The tension, fear and nostalgia under that nightmare.

Everyone spontaneously cheered for Lu Cheng and Darkrai.

At a young age, he became a master trainer.

Now, he has even captured an elves that only exist in legends.

Maybe this trainer will grow into a king.

The trainer in charge of the legendary elves - Lu Cheng!

Huyan Xing trembled uncontrollably, Darkrai's nightmare feature almost made her lose her fighting spirit.

But she still bit her lower lip tightly, and said with red eyes, "The game is not over yet!"

"As long as there are shadows, Mega Gengar won't..."

Before she finished speaking, Huyan Xing's eyes widened.

Under everyone's unbelievable gaze, Darkrai actually emerged from Gengar's shadow.

With a click, all the sharp claws were sunk into Gengar's abdomen!

Geng Gui's eyes widened, and he didn't seem to have recovered from the question why he couldn't avoid it.

Just now, he had clearly burrowed into the shadow!

"Instead, it was Darkrai of Lu Cheng who entered Gengar's shadow!" the commentator roared exhaustively.

Lu Cheng smiled, but his tone was extremely cold: "Forgot to tell you, Darkrai also has the ability to control the shadows!"

Huyan Xing took two steps back in shock, her pupils shrank suddenly, and she shouted loudly, "Geng Gui, get out of the way!"

In the field, the struggling Gengar tried to escape from Darkrai's claws.

However, Da Klei firmly nailed Gengar's shadow, and grinned and swung the shadow claw into Gengar's shadow.

Like a mirror, the shadow claw swung into the shadow, the injury actually appeared directly on Gengar's abdomen, causing it to spray a lot of black blood!

"Actually, he actually restrained Geng Ghost in all aspects." Huyan Xing's face was pale, and she muttered incredulously, "Even the ability to step on shadows..."

"Darklay is evil." Lu Cheng said coldly,

"Now, it's my attacking round!"

At the moment when Huyan Xing was in a trance, a singularity of nothingness rose from Darkrai's ghost claw.

The singularity continues to expand, engulfing everything around it.

The terrifying dark black hole tore Geng Ghost's body, causing it to utter a painful cry!

"It's over." Lu Cheng's eyes narrowed, "Darklay, eating dreams!"

Under the dark black hole, Gengar was firmly grasped by countless pairs of ghost hands stretched out by the shadow, and was forcibly dragged into the shadow.

The endless nightmare, even Gengar, is completely powerless to resist!

Immediately after that, Dream Eater turned into a pair of ghost claws that covered the sky and ripped apart Gengar's body.

The pale-faced Gengar disarmed the Mega evolution and fell to the ground in pain.

Glancing at the fallen Gengar, Darkrai looked at Huyan Xing indifferently.

Huyan Xing trembled all over.

It sounded like a hoarse whisper from the abyss in her head.

She heard Darkrai's voice clearly.


Inside the venue, it was silent.

"I actually knocked down the Mega Gengar in an instant..."

"Does Darkrai also have the power to enter the shadow?"

"After all, it's a legendary elf, Lushen is really amazing!"

Huyan Xing's complexion turned pale, and she took two steps back weakly.

But the quality of the trainer still made her take out her next Poké Ball.

"Come on, come on, Fire Queen Lizard!"

As soon as the extremely poisonous flame queen appeared, it let out a groan.

The turbulent shadow ball instantly exploded on the body of the Flame Queen Lizard.

At the same time, Darkrai quickly appeared behind the Flame Queen Lizard!

Huyan Xing shouted: "Flame Queen Lizard, substitute!"

But Darkrai's amazing strike was as fast as a ghost, and the sharp ghost claws directly pierced the flame queen lizard!

With a thud, the Flame Queen Lizard fell to the ground.

"One round, one round, the Fire Queen Lizard will be solved!" The commentator's eyes widened.

"This speed is too amazing!"

"This, is this really a master-level battle... How can I already see the demeanor of the Heavenly King!"

Taking back the flame queen, Huyan Xing, who looked gloomy, sent her last elf.

Despite the fact that the spore mushroom has a rather difficult spore property.

But whether it's hypnosis or poison powder, it's totally ineffective for Darkrai's black misty body.

With the sudden explosion of the dark black hole, Expose Ball Mushroom was blasted out of the field directly.

The referee took a deep breath and waved the flag: "Bruce Ball Mushroom has lost its ability to fight!"

"Contestant Lu Cheng wins!"

Darkrai, who appeared in front of the world for the first time, completed the feat of one against three!

There was long-lasting applause in the venue.

The audience looked at Darkrai and his trainer with awe.

"The legendary elf was actually subdued by Lu Cheng, and he was even trained to this level."

"This, this is no longer the Road God, this is clearly the Demon King!"

"Nine-tailed Gardaclyi, Lu Cheng is considered qualified to be promoted to the Heavenly King, right?"

"I only know that the God of the Road is awesome!!"

The cheers of the mountain and the tsunami sounded, and the applause was like thunder.

Taking back Darkrai, Lu Cheng looked as usual and walked towards the player's passage.

Huyan Xing seemed to have lost all her strength and looked at Lu Cheng's back in awe.

The **** in charge of nightmares, a trainer who is too young.

But, he's **** handsome!

In the player channel,

Holding the dark ball tightly, Lu Cheng smiled and said, "Thank you for your hard work, Darkrai."

Darkrai's pitiful voice resounded in Lu Cheng's mind.

"Just tell me, I'll beat a few more chickens like this!"

Lu Cheng laughed dumbly.

With a serious look in his eyes, Lu Cheng said softly to the Nine-Tailed Poké Ball:

"In the final, I will prove to the world our bond."

Inside the Poké Ball, Kyuubi's face immediately turned red, and she let out a shy low-pitched cry.


Lu Cheng smiled.

Thirty-two rounds are over.

The battle between Lu Cheng and Huyan Xing, the two champions of the competition, instantly pushed the competition to a climax.

And the legendary elf also made Lu Cheng the most watched player in the competition.

In addition to being amazed, people couldn't help but have a new understanding of Lu Cheng's championship declaration.

This is not bragging at all, but absolute confidence in one's own strength.

And Lu Cheng does have the power to compete for the championship!

But at the other side of the venue, Gao Chi was in a tough fight.

The Mega Flame Chicken, which was surging with surging flames, hit the monster with its ghostly speed.

The terrifying flame kick left a coke-like trace on the belly of the monster!

At this moment, Wei Li's eyes suddenly froze.

Qi Hequan burst out, but it fell directly into the air!

The fatal tile-splitting fell on the shoulders of strange force.

The flame chicken's trainer, fighting master Zhang Xiaoqian said coldly:

"Junior brother, you are still too slow."

With a thud, the strange force collapsed.

Gao Chi clenched his fist silently, but let it go sullenly.

The referee waved the flag,

"The winner, Zhang Xiaoqian from the Central South Division!"

Turning his arms, Zhang Xiaoqian looked at the group on the big screen.

"Is that Lucario's kid?" Zhang Xiaoqian's eyes narrowed.

"Interesting, interesting!"

: . :

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