My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 408: My heart and my actions are as clear as a mirror (1/4)

"Have you watched the competition between the champions of the two divisions in Group A, even the legendary elves have appeared!"

"It is said to be called Darkrai, as expected of the road god!"

"Even the foreign media were alarmed. Didn't you see that there are often foreign media running around these two days?"

After the match with Huyan Xing, Lu Cheng became the most watched player in the competition.

But Lu Cheng refused all interviews.

For him, it is better to train hard than to spend time on boring things.

What makes Lu Cheng a little worried is about Gao Chi.

In the top 32 match, Gao Chi lost to Zhang Xiaoqian, the champion of the Central South Division.

It is also the master of Xie Cheng, the martial arts king, and the two brothers from the same sect started a fist-to-meat fighting contest.

But unfortunately, Zhang Xiaoqian's flaming chicken is too fast.

Even if the strange force has no defensive characteristics, it can't keep up with the movements of the flame chicken.

In the end, Gao Chi regretted losing the game and missed the top sixteen.

In front of the Xiebao Hotel, Gao Chi had already packed his luggage and was carried by the strange force.

Lu Cheng came to see Gao Chi off.

Relatively speechless, the two silently collided their fists and gradually revealed smiles.

"Be careful of his flaming chicken." Gao Chi frowned, "Its speed can even avoid certain moves."

"You... be careful!"

"Fighting master?" Lu Cheng murmured, patted Gao Chi on the shoulder, and said with a smile,

"Don't worry, I will find a place for you!"

Gao Chi was slightly startled, and suddenly said, "You, wouldn't you want Lucario to appear?"

"Since it's fighting, then it's natural to use fighting to solve it."

Lu Cheng's eyes were stern, but he smiled and said, "Don't worry, I won't be impulsive."

Gao Chi nodded slightly and opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't say anything.

"Let's go." Gao Chi waved his hand.

Lu Cheng nodded slightly.

Walking out of the gate, Gao Chi suddenly turned his head and said seriously:

"Lu Cheng, come on!"

For the top 32 competition, the 3V3 competition system is still adopted.

This kind of high-intensity battle has extremely high requirements for tactics and the choice of elves.

They are all high-level trainers who can enter the national competition, and it is quite rare to have one pass through three.

However, there are still people who have crushing strength.

Group B, the seeded competition area.

The dust was flying, and as King Nido fell to the ground, the entire venue was silent.

"One, one wears three?"

"The battle ended without even seeing Xing Feng's second elf!?"

"This is too terrifying, after all, the opponent is also a two-time veteran!"

King Nido's trainer looked ashen, and in front of him was a man with long hair and a melancholy temperament.

With a loud metallic sound, the giant golden monster with scarlet eyes was taken back by the man.

This natural aura made all the audience shut their mouths unconsciously.

On the venue, a dashing figure was left behind.

in the player channel.

Xing Feng yawned with thick dark circles under his eyes.

"Too sleepy." Xing Feng murmured, "Fortunately, the giant gold monster can solve it on his own."

At this moment, the radio rang.

"In Group B, Mu Haoyun won!"

Xing Feng looked up at the LCD screen in the corridor.

In the picture, Mu Haoyun is elegantly showing thanks to the audience.

It was also a crushing victory. With just one fire-breathing dragon, Mu Haoyun completed the feat of one piercing and three!

"Are you going to face him next time?" Xing Feng turned his neck and turned around indifferently.

"Let's go and watch Junior Brother's game."

Yawning, Xing Feng's eyes gradually became sharp.


In the free training room of the competition.

For all contestants, it represents the highest technology of elves training.

Looking at the latest LCD screen, Lu Cheng nodded slightly.

I have to say that the organizing committee has done a relatively reliable job in this regard.

There are metal walls full of technology on all sides, and the corridor extends inward and is divided into small compartments.

Through the player's certification card, they can enter the compartment and use the training ground freely.

When Lu Cheng was about to enter the compartment, the hatch next to him suddenly opened.

The well-built man wiped his sweat and glanced at Lu Cheng inadvertently.

Like a beast waiting for an opportunity, the man's eyes suddenly became sharp, but returned to normal in an instant.

With a grin, as a greeting, the man gradually walked away.

Lu Cheng frowned.

"The champion of the Central South Division, is Zhang Xiaoqian?"

Glancing at the blackened field inside the cabin door, Lu Cheng had a new understanding of his flaming chicken.

Shrugging his shoulders, Lu Cheng walked into the training hatch.

The air valve is opened, and the high-strength hatch can almost isolate the large self-explosion of several times the intensity.

And the partition material all over the room can even resist the volt attack of the electric elves.

Gravity simulations, virtual venues, power testers, and more are all available.

Lu Cheng put on professional protective gear and started training.

The red light flickered, and Lucario and the fangtooth land shark looked around curiously.


When he saw Lu Cheng, Fang Lu Shark's eyes suddenly lit up, and he rushed towards Lu Cheng excitedly.

Fortunately, Lu Cheng was wearing protective gear, hugged the Fang Lu Shark, and said with a smile: "Okay, hurry up and go to training!"

Fang Fang Lu shark grinned and nodded earnestly.

Lu Cheng didn't plan to let the fangtooth land shark appear in the national competition.

But since it has evolved, the round land shark still has to adapt to its body shape as soon as possible, so as to master more powerful moves.

He patted the fangtooth land shark on the head, and let it exercise its own splitting and slamming moves first.

Afterwards, Lu Cheng looked at Lucario with a little more concentration in his eyes.

Feeling the master's emotions, Lucario also became serious and let out a low growl.


"The next battle may be more difficult for you." Lu Cheng smiled.

"However, I believe in your strength and fighting skills honed day and night."


Lucario's eyes became sharp, and with a thud, two iron fists slammed together.

Lu Cheng nodded and said solemnly, "Next, I will let the Lizard King attack you as quickly as possible."

"What you have to do is to avoid the attack with the smallest movement, and counterattack!"

Lucario's current fighting skills are quite good.

The waveguide training from Li Yixing and the true biography of Yixin Gym gave Lucario a deep understanding of waveguide and fighting.

Right now, what Lu Cheng wants to let Lucario master is a move that claims to push the speed to the extreme.

Godly speed!

Once Lucario has mastered this move, even the accelerated flame chicken can't dodge it at all!

The red light flickered, and the Lizard King smiled at Lucario.

Immediately, he clenched the dragon's teeth tightly.

And Lucario also took a deep breath, his eyes awe-inspiring.

Lu Cheng couldn't help but nodded secretly.

In terms of strength, there is still a gap between Lucario and the Lizard King.

If the Lizard King is brought on stage, Lu Cheng is confident that the speed of the Lizard King will never be lost to the Flaming Chicken.

However, Lucario also needs to fight with real guns and swords in order to grow.

For Lu Cheng, the battle with Zhang Xiaoqian is an excellent opportunity for Lucario to grow up!

Looking at the two elves whose shapes met, Lu Cheng gradually revealed a smile.

"Lizard King, there is a flash of lightning."

"Lucario, defend quickly!"

Between the lightning and the flames, two white lights flickered, and the Lizard King's dragon teeth slashed towards Lucario at an astonishing speed.

With a bang, Lucario blocked the attack with the metal block on his fist.

But the Lizard King's eyes froze, and his left arm flashed with a crystal light, and he suddenly waved it out.

Two-knife flow, cross-cut!

Lucario cried out in pain as his wound was torn open.

Blood was dripping, but Lucario surged up with blood and roared at the Lizard King!

The soft healing bell rang in the venue.

Transformed into an auspicious monster, wearing an apron made of a scarf, and shaking a soothing bell.

Lucario's injury gradually recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

With a full-time nurse, the Lizard King and Lucario can fight without reservation!

Looking at the two elves with high fighting spirit, Lu Cheng's eyes were awe-inspiring.

"Come again!"

Constantly colliding, constantly stirring.

Rao was the Lizard King, and was also shocked by Lucario's fighting spirit.

But this made the Lizard King even more excited.

At the beginning, Li Yixing taught it about the meaning of the heart of justice.

The so-called justice means never having doubts about the decisions you make.

The Lizard King never regretted his decision to follow Lu Cheng.

And the current Lucario's incomparably determined eyes made the Lizard King see who he was at the time!


The Lizard King's eyes became even colder, and the dazzling light enveloped the dragon's teeth in its hands.

The energy spread out, forming a scorching beam of incomparable heat, slamming towards Lucario!

Sunshine flames!


Lucario froze for a while, and the next moment, he suddenly jumped out at an astonishing speed.

Howling angrily, a surging light also gathered in Lucario's hand.

Wave missile!

Boom! !

The powerful air wave erupted, and even the indestructible training cabin shook.

But the figures of the two elves did not waver in the slightest.

Suddenly, the two elves smiled at each other.

Never doubt a decision made.

Never be shaken by the goal in front of you.

This is exactly, the heart of justice!

"The heart of justice?"

Outside the venue, Lu Cheng, who was watching, suddenly grinned.

"It feels like it's time to give it something..."


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