My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 421: Real Men Never Look Back at the Blast (2/4)

The extremely rare and incomparably strong shield sword monster drew exclamations as soon as it appeared.

"The Shield Sword Monster is a composite attribute of ghost and steel type. It has two forms of sword and shield." The commentator explained in time,

"In the Middle Ages in Europe, the Shield Sword Monster was even regarded as the symbol of the king!"

The Shield Sword Monster with faint blue light was suspended in mid-air,

The indestructible shield stretched across his chest, and the eye pattern on the shield stared at Lucario.

"The game starts!" The referee blew his whistle.

Dark purple fluctuations appeared in the air, and the powerful ghost energy flickered, it was a terrifying shadow ball!

The purple light collided with Lucario's waveguide power, creating a roar!

The dust filled the air, and the sword monster with a strong shield had already turned into a blade shape, and the sword body glowing with cold light slashed down at Lucario!

"Quick defense!"

Lucario clasped his fists together to defend against the top of his head, but he was still torn apart by the sword monster with a strong shield, and his entire arms were bleeding!

"This secret attack directly cut Lucario's arm!"

The narrator took a deep breath, "This grasp of timing is really amazing!"

Looking at this sword monster with a strong shield, Lu Cheng's eyes were awe-inspiring.

Taking back Lucario, whose physical strength was in danger, Lu Cheng released the Lizard King who was ready to go!


The cold light flashed, and even the camera couldn't keep up with the speed of the Lizard King.

In the flash of lightning, the sharp blade was already slashing at the sword monster with a strong shield!

However, there was a sour sound, as if a fingernail was grinding through a blackboard.

The harsh metallic sound made the Lizard King's speed stop, and at the same time, Xing Feng's command sounded.

"The King's Shield!"


The blue sparks splashed, and the Lizard King took advantage of the situation and jumped back, stretching his figure in the air.

With one hand on the ground, the Lizard King stared at the Sword Monster with a Shield Shield, his eyes sharp like a knife!

"Is it because of that battle that the Lizard King was sent?"

Xing Feng smiled slightly, his eyes burning with vigorous fighting intent.

"Looks like I should get serious too!"

The Lizard King does not have an advantage in attributes against the Shield Sword Monster.

But for the battle back then, even if it was an inverse attribute, Lu Cheng still sent the Lizard King!

"Lizard King, move at high speed!"

Under the night, the Lizard King's figure was like a ghost, leaving afterimages in the field.

But the sword monster with a strong shield just suspended there quietly, transforming into a shield shape, with a faint blue light flashing in its one eye.

Suddenly, a flash-like afterimage flashed across the field.

"Iron wall!"

The indestructible shield, instantly flashing the cold light of steel, faces the flying shadow.


The splash of sparks was actually a dart formed by three blade blades!

Xing Feng's eyes were awe-inspiring, and he shouted: "Behind you, use guard!"

An afterimage pierced through the night, and the blade blades of both arms surged with surging fluctuations.

"Two consecutive splits!"

The first knife split the barrier formed by guarding it.

The second way, directly hit the one-eyed sword monster with a strong shield!

The Lizard King fell to the ground.

Terrifying energy condensed in front of the sword monster with a strong shield.

Several violent shadow **** roared out!

"Lizard King, use the leaf blade after seeing the cut!"

The Lizard King's eyes froze, staring at the five shadow **** whistling, and his figure jumped out again.

In the dark night, a little cold light flashed!

I saw a beautiful arc of the full moon, and with just one knife, all five shadow **** were smashed by the middle!

However, the sword monster with a strong shield has already flew out rapidly, and the clanging blade of the blade burst out with a dazzling light.

"The sword monster with a strong shield." Xing Feng's eyes were stern, "Use the holy sword!"

For a time, the entire venue shone brightly, and the holy sword surging with infinite energy slashed head-on!

"Lizard King!" Lu Cheng snapped his belt and shouted, "Mega evolution!"

"Cha O!!"

The surging energy poured into the Lizard King's body continuously, and the blade that was several times sharper was swung towards the holy sword.

The entire venue was instantly illuminated by a dazzling light!

Hearing the roar of the Lizard King, the sword body of the Shield Sword Monster sank into the Lizard King's body, and instantly spurted a large amount of blood.

And the Lizard King used the pair of dragon claws to directly grab the hilt of the Shield Sword Monster.

With a hiss, he pulled it straight out of his wound!

"Cha O!!"

The Lizard King cried out in pain, the severe pain made his body shaky, but those bloodshot eyes were still as sharp as knives!

Lu Cheng took a deep breath and shouted, "Throw it out and use Flying Leaf Storm!"

Blood splattered, and the Lizard King firmly grasped the sword hilt of the Sword Monster with a strong shield, preventing it from struggling to escape.

The blue veins all over his body swelled, facing the looming wall of light, the Lizard King suddenly threw it out!

The terrifying grass-type energy formed countless sharp blades around the Lizard King, emerging from the void one by one.

The sword monster with a strong shield in mid-air stabilized its figure, and used the side of the shield to aim at the gathering Flying Leaf Storm.

"The King's Shield!!"

The Shield Sword Monster has transformed into a shield form.

The sharp blade formed by the flying leaf storm tore through the night and roared towards the shield!

ding ding ding-

Countless blade blades were inserted into the shield of the king, causing cracks in the shield of the sword monster.

Xing Feng narrowed his eyes, took out the Poke Ball, and tried to take back the Sword Monster with a strong shield.

This is the time we've been waiting for!

Lu Cheng's eyes were awe-inspiring, and he shouted, "Lizard King, chase after him!"


Stepping on the ground, the terrifying bouncing force made the Lizard King jump up suddenly,

Facing the sword monster with a strong shield in the red light, he swung a deadly pair of knives!

In the darkness of night, the sword monster with a strong shield fell from the sky, shining like a shooting star.

The Lizard King landed on one knee, crossed his arms across his chest, and waited quietly.

Boom! !

The Shield Sword Monster fell to the ground and lost its ability to fight!

In the silent venue, cheers erupted suddenly!

"It's really a wonderful battle!" The commentator shouted excitedly, his eyes suddenly widened again.

The Lizard King was shaky and fell to the ground with a thud.

"Is it the same fate as the Shield Sword Monster..." Lu Cheng murmured.

"This is the genetic move of the Coffin of Death." Xing Feng nodded and said in a deep voice, "It just so happens, I'm very lucky."


Unexpectedly, this strong shield sword monster has inherited such a precious move of the same fate.

The red light flickered, and with a rumbling vibration, all the audience's eyes widened.

The incomparably huge red carp dragon, like a giant beast under the night, let out a furious roar!

In front of the Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon, there was an emperor penguin with cold eyes, his arms covered with steel were like giant swords, and the crown above his head reflected a faint cold light.

The composite attribute of water and steel, Emperor Nabo!

"Emperor Naboo's arms can easily sever ice floes, and have extremely terrifying power!" the commentator shouted,

"And the properties of water and steel also provide Emperor Nabo with excellent resistance!"

There was a lot of discussion in the audience.

"Lucario is injured, and there are no electricity-type elves in Lu Cheng's team."

"Have you forgotten that Regais, that terrifying railgun!"

"Just for this size, the speed of the tyrannical carp dragon is too bad!"

During the conversation, Emperor Nabo rushed out quickly, and the long beak glowing with cold light was exactly the peck drill move!

With his head lowered Tyrannosaurus looked like a child, staring at the emperor Nabo who was rushing towards him, showing a hideous smile.

"Tyrannosaurus, earthquake!"

Violently vibrated, the tail hit the ground, and the cracked gap instantly swallowed Emperor Nabo!

The audience's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Second, instant kill!?"

"This earthquake is too terrifying, is it possible that Lushen is proficient in the ground system!"

"I heard that the master of the Gongsun Rong in Chang'an once taught Lu Chengdi's skills!"

"The judgment was wrong." Xing Feng grinned broadly, "I never imagined that the Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon would have mastered the earthquake."

As he spoke, Xing Feng had already released the fourth elf.

The red light flickered, looking at the elf that appeared, Lu Cheng couldn't help frowning.

Suspended in mid-air, a self-exploding Magneto with a dangerous red light in its eyes!

A powerful magnetic force locked the tyrannical carp dragon. Before Lu Cheng took it back, the terrifying electric light had already swallowed the tyrannical carp dragon!

The lightning exploded, and the entire venue was covered with electric light, illuminating it into snow-white.

The electric light retreated, and this terrifying 100,000 volts directly made the red tyrannosaur lose its combat effectiveness!


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