My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 422: My sword is my bone (3/4)

The self-exploding Magneto was suspended in the air, with a dangerous red light in its one eye.

The terrifying power of 100,000 volts made the stadium shudder.

Such a huge red carp dragon was instantly killed by a self-exploding magnetic monster!

"The four-fold restraint of the electricity system instantly kills the tyrannical carp dragon." The commentator said solemnly,

"This self-destructing magnetic monster is enough to be called the trump card of Xingfeng players!"

Is it electrical properties?

Lowering the brim of his hat, a playful smile appeared on the corner of Lu Cheng's mouth.

In my team, there seems to be an elf who is not afraid of electricity.

Throwing a black high-level ball, a violent roar resounded throughout the venue.

"Jie Ou!!"

"Lu Cheng actually sent a fossil pterosaur!" the commentator said in surprise,

"However, the electrical properties still double restraint the fossil pterosaur!"

Xing Feng was also slightly startled, but he didn't dare to be careless.

Right now, Xing Feng, who was commanding earnestly, showed even more amazing strength than usual!

"Magnetic explosion, use the lock!"

Beep, beep—

With a burst of crackling electric light, the red-eyed self-exploding Magneto had already locked on the Fossil Pterosaur.

The magnets on both sides aimed like a cannon, and the terrifying electric light gradually converged into a huge ball of light!

"Rock collapse!"

The roaring fossilized pterosaur fluttered its wings towards the self-exploding magnetite suspended in the air, and the rumbling rock blocks fell on the head of the self-exploding magnetite!

But the self-exploding magnetite could neither avoid nor flicker, the terrifying electromagnetic cannons had already gathered and burst out, instantly illuminating the entire field!

Pierced through the airflow, the terrifying electric column continued to bombard the fossilized pterosaur, making the audience worry aloud.

"This, will this put the fossilized pterosaur in danger!"

"This is an electromagnetic gun! A fossilized pterosaur with flying attributes can't stand it at all!"

"Wait, look, what is that!"

With a roar, the fossilized pterosaur, covered with sharp rocks, carried the electromagnetic gun and fluttered out!

The electric light flickered, and the one eye of the Exploding Magneto became (⊙?⊙), looking a little dazed.

Twice the weak electricity, and the electromagnetic gun hits it to confirm.

The target has not lost the ability to fight, can't understand, can't understand!

"Fossil pterosaur." Lu Cheng waved his arms and shouted, "Flaming Fang!"

"Jie Ou!!"

The fossilized pterosaur flew out quickly, its fangs biting at the self-exploding magnetite, deeply embedded in its flying saucer-shaped body.

The crushed half revealed precise parts, and the crackling flashed with electric light.

At the same time, the bomb inside the self-exploding Magneto was attached to the fossilized pterosaur.

The magnet bomb that was instantly adsorbed on the fossilized pterosaur burst into a dazzling white light!

Boom! !

Both elves were damaged by the explosion at the same time.

The aftermath dissipated, and the fossilized pterosaur, which was rolling several times in the air, rushed towards the self-exploding magnet once again!

Half of the self-exploding Magneto was already charred black, and its computing speed dropped directly, even shaky.

Xing Feng shouted: "Discharge!!"

In an instant, a terrifying electric light burst out around the self-exploding magnetite, illuminating the entire night!

With such a large-scale discharge, the fossilized pterosaur could not get close to the body of the self-exploding magnetic monster.

"Rock collapse!"

However, as a burst of rumbling rocks rolled down, the self-exploding Magneto that was smashed into a state of confusion!

Self-exploding Magneto: ?▽?

"Fossil Pterodactyl, Flaming Fang!"

Taking advantage of the flinching state, the fossilized pterosaur's flaming teeth slammed into the self-exploding magnetite, directly causing it to fall from the air.

"Jie Ou!!"

Circling in the air, the scarred fossilized pterosaur erupted with a proud roar!

"Road God is awesome!!"

"Damn it, this fossilized pterosaur is absolutely amazing, and it can even win the self-destructing magneto!"

"There are two left, Xing Feng only has two elves left!"

Xing Feng took a deep breath and retracted the self-exploding magnetic monster, his eyes awe-inspiring.

"Junior Brother, I admit your strength... But, I have a reason to win!"

For my armored bird, I am bound to become the strongest trainer in the world!

"It's a coincidence." Lu Cheng smiled slightly, his eyes awe-inspiring, "Me too."

A cold light flashed, Xing Feng threw a black high-level ball.

The red light flickered, and the commander of the chop was as sharp as a knife, and the blade flashed with a sharp cold light.

This one seems to be composed of blades, and the whole body is full of sharp-edged elves, which made the audience's scalp tingle.

Are you in COS Shirou, even the bones are made of knives!

In the auditorium, Lin Yuan, who was watching the battle, suddenly narrowed her eyes.


Xingfeng's ace elf, Commander of Slash!

When he was practicing at the Jitian Taoist Hall, Xing Feng was the best at using the two elves, the Sword Monster with a Shield and the Commander of Slash.

And now, this commander of slashing has obviously reached the peak of the master level.

Even, the commander of slashing and slashing who has mastered the domain will be infinitely close to the quasi-king level!

This commander of slashing made Lu Cheng aware of a hint of crisis.

But the Fossil Pterosaur is gaining momentum, and it's okay to keep it fighting.

Lu Cheng's eyes narrowed: "Fossil pterosaur, use sharp stones to attack!"

"Jie O!"

With the roar of the fossilized pterosaur, sharp rock thorns suddenly ridged on the ground, heading towards Commander Chopping.

However, Commander Chopping Slash just stood there quietly, with a restrained breath, like a sheathed blade.

When the sharp stone attack came to the commander of the chop, it suddenly opened its eyes.

The momentum skyrocketed, and the swung knife cut off a whole row of rock pillars in the middle!

Lu Cheng's eyes widened in disbelief.

This sword stance is even more astonishing than the Lizard King's Iai Slash!

The Fossil Pterosaur's eyes were wide open, and in a fit of rage, he opened his hideous mouth, and directly used his quenched fangs to pounce on Commander Chop.

But Commander Chopping just stood there, patiently waiting for Xing Feng's command.


A cold light flashed.

The fossilized pterosaur was stiff in mid-air.

With a thud, it fell directly from the sky!

"Broken, the guillotine actually hit!" The commentator swallowed and shouted,

"This move is a very restrictive move, and it seems to be easy to come by in the hands of the commander of the chop!"

"It's very powerful." Xing Feng said suddenly, staring at Lu Cheng seriously.

"This is its domain, Guillotine!"

A drop of cold sweat fell from Lu Cheng's forehead.

The guillotine can instantly kill an elves.

If the speed is not as good as this commander of slashing, it is very likely that he will be fatally struck by one blow!

Suddenly, Lu Cheng took a deep breath and slowly smiled.

"It's a coincidence, I also have an elf with a guillotine."

Xing Feng was taken aback.

As the red light flickered, in Lu Cheng's half court, a sharp-eyed commander of Chopping also appeared.

That stern aura was on par with Xing Feng's slashing commander, and even better!

The whole venue was in an uproar, and then there were loud discussions.

The narrator shouted: "Two commanders of slashing, two commanders of slashing and slashing appeared on the field at the same time!"

Lin Yuan, who was watching the game, was suddenly stunned.

This kid Lu Cheng... When did you subdue Commander Chop?

Xing Feng frowned, but he had absolute confidence in his heart.

But when it comes to speed, Commander Cleaver's sword can't be defeated by any elf!

Xing Feng's eyes were awe-inspiring, and he shouted, "Commander of Chopping, Guillotine!"

Lu Cheng smiled slightly and lowered the brim of his hat quietly.

A cold light flashed.

The two chopping commanders shot at the same time.

The dazzling knife light almost illuminated the entire venue!

The voice got stuck in the throats of all the audience, leaving only a dry hoarseness.

Lu Cheng's slashing was the first to slash the opponent to the ground!

It was actually Lu Cheng's commander of slashing and slashing, even better!

Lin Yuan's eyes widened in disbelief.

how is this possible!

This commander's action of chopping and beheading is obviously the same as that of Xing Feng.

But why, they can still do it first! ?

Also, when did Lu Cheng develop such a powerful commander of slashing and slashing!

The commentator twitched his lips and shouted, "One, there is only one elf left in Xingfeng!"

Xing Feng froze in place, as if he couldn't believe what had just happened.

Lu Cheng smiled slightly: "Senior brother, you are only female, I am only male."

Xing Feng fell into a life of doubt.

The speed of drawing the sword of the Commander of Emotional Slashing is also divided into male and female! ?

In the end, are you a steel master, or am I a steel master!

Xing Feng took a deep breath.

Only the last elf remains.

But this game is not without the possibility of winning!


The giant golden monster covered in cyan suddenly burst into red light in his eyes.


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