My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 423: Dawn (Thursday/Thursday)

The composite attributes of the steel and super energy systems, the incomparably powerful quasi-god, the giant gold monster!

The powerful racial value and unique resistance have created an almost invulnerable giant gold monster.

As for Xing Feng's giant golden monster, it has obviously received sufficient experience and has already reached the level of a quasi-king level!

The giant golden monster stood quietly, behind the X-shaped metal, its scarlet eyes glowed with a cold light.

The terrifying mental fluctuations permeated this venue, and the momentum alone is enough to make people shudder!

"This is my last elf, the giant golden monster." Xing Feng said solemnly,

"It was this elf that I conquered on the road to the championship back then."

Looking at the giant gold monster, a look of nostalgia flashed in Xing Feng's eyes, but it turned into a decision in an instant.

In this game, I am bound to win!

The giant golden monster lay across the field, exuding an incomparably powerful aura.

Lu Cheng suddenly took back the Variety Monster.

In the stadium, a dazzling golden light suddenly lit up.

The eyes of all the audience were attracted by this nine tails.

No one has ever seen a nine-tailed being so beautiful.

The golden hair, the flowing red pupils, and the supple tail.

This nine-tailed, even participating in the coordination competition, can easily win the championship!

The audience couldn't help exclaiming in surprise.

"This is too beautiful!"

"Don't be deceived! This nine-tailed flaming character can create mushroom clouds!"

"It doesn't matter if you look handsome, the elves are still so beautiful!?"

Looking at the nine tails, Xing Feng narrowed his eyes.

"I didn't expect it to grow to this level of strength."

Lu Cheng nodded and said with a smile, "Senior brother, try your best not to leave any regrets!"

Xing Feng's eyes were awe-inspiring, and he burst out with an extremely powerful fighting spirit, and shouted: "Giant Golden Monster, Mega Evolution!"

A tide-like light flickered from the pendant on Xing Feng's chest.

Infinite energy flowed into the giant golden monster on the field, causing it to radiate an incomparably dazzling light of evolution!

"The giant golden monster of Xingfeng can even evolve into a Mega!"

"It's hidden too deep, I've never seen him use it before!"

"It's not impossible for an elf like the giant gold monster to wear three in one go!"

In the dazzling rainbow light, the giant golden monster let out a dull growl.

With the sound of a metal collision, in the humming metal sound, an extremely sturdy giant claws suddenly stretched out from behind the giant golden monster.

From the original two metal claws to the four giant claws now, the giant gold monster after Mega's evolution has double the power!

"The giant gold monster itself is a sophisticated supercomputer." Xing Feng said solemnly,

"After the super evolution, the computing power of the giant golden monster will be further improved."

"In other words..." Xing Feng's eyes were awe-inspiring, "In human judgment, it can't compare to the speed of the giant golden monster!"

As soon as the voice fell, the giant golden monster blasted out like a cannonball, and two pairs of deadly iron claws clenched into fists.

The four giant claws flashed with dazzling light and landed like a comet. The powerful comet fist made a violent rumbling sound!

Nine tails' eyes flashed red, and she jumped back gracefully, and the emerald-like barrier instantly rose.

However, even if it was defended, it couldn't resist the comet fist of the super giant gold monster, and it was torn into pieces in an instant!

Between the venues, a raging sea of ​​fire swayed suddenly!

The terrifying heat wave repulsed the giant golden monster.

However, the red light in the eyes of the giant golden monster was even more intense, and the additional effect of the Comet Fist actually made its attack even higher!

He didn't need Xing Feng's command at all. With his powerful computing power, the four iron fists of the giant golden monster slammed into the ground.

In an instant, the terrifying earthquake shook the venue, and the cracked hole came swiftly toward the nine tails!

The shadow clone was torn apart by the earthquake in an instant, jumping quickly on the ridged rock formation, and a surging flame condensed from the mouth of the nine tails.

"Big character explosion!!"

In an instant, the flames illuminated the sky red.

The blooming flame almost formed a roaring fire dragon, which devoured the giant golden monster in an instant!

However, the giant golden monster has disappeared.

Using electromagnetic levitation, the giant golden monster in mid-air stared at the nine tails, and the turbulent mental fluctuations surged out!

The blue light soared, and this terrifying mental force actually distorted the space, making the vision seem to be delayed for a moment.

Everyone's eyes widened.

A dazzling purple light bloomed in front of Kyuubi's body.

The power of this beautiful and powerful supernatural power is even comparable to that of the Mega Golden Monster!


In an instant, the purple light in Jiuwei's eyes skyrocketed, and the terrifying supernatural power actually sent the giant golden monster flying!

The audience exclaimed in surprise.

"Why is this Nine-Tails capable of reaching this level of supernatural powers!"

"Are you sure that the nine tails do not have super power attributes? Even the super power type giant gold monsters have been blown away!"

Xing Feng had a horrified look in his eyes, and shouted: "Rock block!"

With the roar of the giant gold monster, the rock that crashed to the ground formed a towering rock wall, instantly blocking the Nine-Tails.

And the rocks are still falling, and it's almost time to see the nine tails completely buried!


Jiuwei raised his neck and screamed, and all of the falling rocks were lifted into the air by a dazzling supernatural power!

Lu Cheng's eyes were stern.

With the current flames of the Nine Tails, this giant golden monster cannot be swallowed up.

What if you add the power of sunny days.

On a sunny day, the surging flames of big characters are enough to burn everything to ashes!

"Nine tails." Lu Cheng said slowly, "Sunny day!"

Everyone's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Crazy, Lu Cheng is absolutely crazy!"

"It doesn't work at all when using Daqingtian at night. Isn't that common sense?"

"Where does the sun come from in the middle of the night, this trick can't be used successfully!"

However, it was this command that made the heavenly kings who were following this game invariably show a horrified look.

Change the mountains, rivers, lakes and seas, and even change the nature...

This power is enough to make the world change color, it is the symbol of the king of heaven!

It's hard to believe that this nine-tailed animal has already reached the level of a heavenly king! ?

The dazzling light condensed at the tail of the nine tails, like a dazzling sun, the light group continued to expand, and even illuminated the entire venue!

Xing Feng's expression changed, and he shouted, "Giant Golden Monster, Comet Fist!"

The giant golden monster, who was calculating quickly, also felt the sense of crisis, his eyes flashed red, and the powerful Comet Fist swung towards the defenseless Nine-Tails.

But at this moment.

Its daybreak.

All the audience raised their and looked at the sun in the sky in unison.

The narrator said in a trembling voice: "The sunny day of the nine tails... the use was successful!"

Using the surging fire energy to form a short-lived artificial sun, it can even summon sunny days in the dark.

The scorching sun illuminating the entire Howang's Nest made all the audience look shocked.

Under the shimmering sunlight, Nine-Tails gracefully stood on the rock, her soft hair shone with a beautiful golden light.

Even the supercomputer-like giant gold monster was disturbed by the scene in front of him.

Trapped in complicated calculations, the giant golden monster suddenly roared and flew out, and the terrifying Comet Fist suddenly swung towards Nine Tails!

But Nine-Tails just stared at the giant golden monster.

Like a queen looking down on her subjects.

Dazzling fire!

The white flame scorched the giant golden monster's body, causing it to roar, but even it couldn't get rid of the sacred fire that originated from Ho-king.

In the end, the giant golden monster fell to the ground with a bang, covered with charred scars.

The referee was stunned for a few seconds, and then blew the whistle: "The Giant Golden Monster has lost its ability to fight!"

"In the semifinals of the national competition, Lu Cheng won!"


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