My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 424: Fire-type ultimate move, explosive flames

From the silent venue, earth-shattering cheers burst out.

"Road God is awesome!"

The commentator sighed: "The two contestants staged a wonderful contest for us!"

"Let's just say, Lu Cheng is already a trainer at the Heavenly King level, and this sunny day is too flamboyant!"

"Lu Cheng is already the youngest semi-finalist in the competition! Is it possible that he will set another record!?"

"I'm so excited! Xiaolu Cheng is rushing!"

Spotlights lit up the entire venue, and the holy flame symbolizing victory was burning brightly.

The two trainers shake hands.

A trace of regret flashed in Xing Feng's eyes, and then he showed a sincere smile.


"Don't worry, Senior Brother." Lu Cheng smiled slightly.

"I will help you win the championship trophy back!"

With the broadcast of TV, the influence of this semi-final match became more and more intense.

More and more people know that this competition has produced an amazing and talented trainer.

And this trainer, in addition to being quite accomplished in scientific research, has conquered two legendary elves!

It's hard to imagine how high this trainer will grow in the future!

"Lushen actually trained a commander of slashing and cutting? This guillotine shows me!"

"Hahaha, the ten-year-old fan came uninvited, this should be the ever-changing monster of the Road God!"

"One thing to say, Lu Cheng's strength is very strong, but compared to Dai Liancheng, he is still too young."

"Are you kidding me, that's the nine-tailed quasi-king level, and there are two legendary elves!"

Looking back at the video of this game, even the trainers who were following Lu Cheng were surprised.

Even Du Feng, the king of heaven, couldn't help but smile when he saw that move on a sunny day.

He taught the Nine-Tails Great Sunny Day, and Du Zhe also understood the difficulty of casting Great Sunny Day in the dark.

This ability to forcibly change nature is the symbol of a heavenly king-level elves!

"This kid is hiding so deeply." Du Zhe laughed dumbly.

Several heavenly king trainers who came to the imperial capital even more praised Lu Cheng.

"The youth group of this year's World Championship should have a chance of winning." The ordinary king, Yuan Fan, smiled slightly.

"But all countries will also be prepared." The Fire King Tu Ming said solemnly, "It is not good for Lu Cheng to reveal his strength too early."

" underestimate his ability to grow." Han Qing smiled slowly.

Half a year ago, Lu Cheng, who was still training in the gym, was just a trainer who had not even entered the master level.

And now, Lu Cheng has actually stood on the stage of the national competition, competing with the quasi-celestial king Dai Liancheng.

A ray of light flickered in Han Qing's beautiful eyes.

When next year's World Championship, Lucheng will surely shock the world!

Jiang Ziqian did not make a sound.

He frowned, as if thinking about it for a long time, and slowly said, "Lu Cheng wants to participate... It seems that it is not only the youth group."

All the heavenly kings were stunned, and all looked at Jiang Ziqian.

Jiang Ziqian coughed and said, "He seems to plan to formally apply for the examination of the Heavenly King-level trainer after the national competition is over."

It was like a blockbuster was dropped on the Council of Heavenly Kings.

The expressions of these heavenly kings suddenly became strange.

Three years after his debut... A king-level trainer?

Impossible, this kid must be crazy!

"Of course, this is just my personal guess." Jiang Ziqian coughed.

"However, it has been confirmed that Du Zhe of Jiangnan University will conduct a half-year examination of the heavenly king at the end of the year. Please supervise it together."

Until the end of the meeting, everyone was still recalling what Jiang Ziqian said just now.

After the national competition is over, will the evaluation of the Heavenly King Trainer be conducted?

Judging by this trainer's amazing growth rate...

It doesn't seem impossible!


The youngest top four players in the competition, two legendary elves, broke the competition record several times...

This dazzling halo gathered on the same person, which shocked the world.

And Lu Cheng has already rejected no less than ten waves of interview invitations.

Soaked in the training cabin, Lu Cheng concentrated on preparing for the final against Dai Liancheng.

Replaying the battle he played, Lu Cheng learned his lesson while thinking about the future development direction of several elves.

Nine tails' current strength is already at the bottleneck of the quasi-king level.

But through the clear sky, with the added power, the flame of the Nine Tails can briefly break through the limit of the quasi-king level, reaching a level similar to that of Tu Ming Helujia's flame.

The gap between the two should be in the condensation and release of fire energy.

It can be said that compressing energy is a key part of how to break the bottleneck between the quasi-celestial king and the heavenly king.

"Da Qingtian increased the flame energy of the Nine Tails through external force." Lu Cheng murmured,

"Then I should be able to use other means to forcibly compress the energy..."

After thinking about it, Lu Cheng planned to let Jiuwei wrap himself in a vortex of flame first, and then use ignition to enhance the induction of fire energy.

At the same time, the supernatural power and the large-character explosion are combined to achieve the purpose of compressing the flame.


Hearing Lu Cheng's thoughts, Jiuwei nodded earnestly.

As the purple light in Jiuwei's eyes lit up, surging flames condensed in his mouth.


The dazzling purple light forms a cover, wraps the flames in it, and slowly forcibly compresses the thick column of fire into the size of a sphere.

Lu Cheng's expression suddenly changed.

The terrifying energy ran wildly in that sphere, and it was about to explode, bursting with dazzling white light like nuclear fission!

"Lie down!" Lu Cheng shouted loudly.

As soon as the voice fell, the Variety Monster turned into a rock-like armor covering Lu Cheng's whole body.

And Jiuwei was also taken aback, the lightning flashed to Lu Cheng's body, and her soft tail protected Lu Cheng.


A terrifying energy exploded, sparks scattered, and the walls on all sides were scorched black.

The aftermath made the entire training cabin hum, and Lu Cheng stuck his head out of Jiuwei's tail with lingering fears and looked around.

Then, he swallowed hard.

If it weren't for the fire-resistant rock armor of the ever-changing monster, coupled with the fire-ignition characteristics of the nine tails, he really wouldn't be able to survive.

This can no longer be called a large-character explosion, it is clearly a large-character nuclear bomb!

Suddenly, Lu Cheng froze in place.

Isn't this explosive flame just like the ultimate ultimate move of the Fire Element, Explosive Flame?

In theory, Nine Tails cannot learn this trick.

But under the influence of supernatural power, UU reading www. Nine Tails forcibly compressed the flames, causing an extremely terrifying destructive power!

With a grunt, Lu Cheng swallowed.

"This idea is good." Lu Cheng murmured, "but I just can't train often."

"Otherwise, I can't afford it at all..."

As soon as the voice fell, the staff of the training cabin hurried over and shouted:

"Mr. Lu Cheng, are you alright!"

They were also stunned when they saw the blackened walls and the damaged facilities.

"It's alright." Lu Cheng said solemnly, "The facilities are aging, be careful."

Saying that, Lu Cheng passed by the staff without looking sideways.

Leaving the back of a master's demeanor.

The staff looked at each other.

Suddenly, a moving light flashed in their eyes.

"Master Lu is a good man!"

"If this hurts Master Lu, we will apologize to the people of the whole country!"

"Thanks to Master Lu for finding out that the facility was aging in time... eh? Why is there a blackened explosion here?"

"We must have been negligent before! Hurry up and fix it, and let Master Lu continue to train!"


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