My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 428: 1 Sword to open the gate of heaven (3/5)

Dai Liancheng was a little stunned, but immediately smiled.

This kid, are you reading my replacement elf first?

If I release Benkilas.

Then this kid should be able to restrain Lucario from Banquiraz by four times.

If it was Lucario who was released, then I would be able to deal with it by sending the Dragon Head Gopher.

No, if Banquilas doesn't appear, he will definitely have nine tails to seize the weather right!

With a dignified look in his eyes, Dai Liancheng threw Banquilas' Pokeball.

However, when the sandstorm rolled in, Dai Liancheng was suddenly shocked.

The figure standing in the sandstorm is Lucario with sharp eyes!

"The replacement elves from both sides have appeared!" Ding Lei shouted, "In terms of attributes, Banquilas doesn't have an advantage."

"Lucario's fighting moves can cause four times the damage to Banquilas, and a single blow is enough to change the situation!"

Even though he was a quasi-king class Banquilas, Lucario still stared at him proudly.

A terrifying sandstorm raged in the field, and a cold light flashed in the eyes of the two trainers at the same time!

"Looks like I made the right bet." Lu Cheng smiled slightly.

Dai Liancheng smiled, and his expression gradually became focused.

Right now, it is obviously too late to replace Banquilas.

We can only give priority to killing this Lucario!

The dazzling brilliance bloomed in Dai Liancheng's bracelet, and his expression gradually became extremely cold.

"Banquilas, Mega Evolution!"

"Player Dai Liancheng used Mega Evolution!" Ding Lei shouted, "Banquilas after Mega Evolution will become a complete beast of war!"

With a furious roar, the light of evolution enveloped Banquilas, and a sharp bone spur suddenly stretched out from his back.

Banquilas, whose body has skyrocketed several times in size, has a pattern on his abdomen like a grimace of grim laughter, and the sharp spines that are full of deterrence make his whole body full of scarlet blood.

The ferocious Mega Bangiras turned into Godzilla in the sandstorm and let out a furious roar!

"This, this is already a monster!"

"Dalian City's Banquilas is already a quasi-celestial king! How can Lucario stand up to this!"

The sandstorm raged, but Lucario just stood there quietly.

Holding its breath, in the sandstorm, it still felt the power of the ubiquitous waveguide.

Everything has a waveguide.

Just how to calm down and feel the current of all things in the violent airflow.

At this moment, Lu Cheng seemed to have gained Lucario's vision.

The shared power was continuously flowing into Lucario's body.

Lucario, who has entered a state of meditation, has reached a new peak in his aura and special attack!

"Lucario, Bo missile!"

"Banquilas, earthquake!"

The sandstorm that covered the sky, like an indestructible barrier, resisted in front of Banquilas.

Lucario couldn't break through the sandstorm at all, so he could use close combat.

But it can still feel the waveguide.

Use this surging waveguide power to condense the most powerful punch!


Lucario's eyes suddenly opened, turning blood red.

The hair on the back of the head fluttered because of the powerful mental power, and terrifying mental fluctuations erupted in this place!


The earthquake roared, and it was about to swallow Lucario!

The wave missile turned into a dazzling light ball, and the violent energy hovered above the light ball.

One blue and one red, two mutually exclusive but fused forces, turned into a terrifying wave guide!

"Luca!" Lucario shouted suddenly.

This is my last wave missile!

Boom! !

In an instant, the entire venue became clean.

The rock pillars in the audience were completely destroyed by this wave of missiles, and even Banquilas was directly blown away by this wave of missiles.

The sandstorm quietly dissipated.

The scarred Banquilas was forced to release his Mega form, with a hideous face and a painful growl.

But the earthquake had already swallowed Lucario, fell into the crack, and fell into a coma.

"Lucario is incapacitated!" The referee waved the flag.

The whole venue was silent.

"I never imagined that Banquilas of Dailiancheng would be so powerful." Lin Yuan couldn't help but sigh.

Xing Feng reluctantly said, "Four times the damage, but I couldn't kill it in seconds... But this should also be in Dai Liancheng's calculations."

"As long as there is Yangsha from Banquilas, Dailian City's joint defense will be indestructible." Lin Yuan sighed,

"Lucario's suicide attack should also be one of Lu Cheng's tactics."

"It's a pity." Dai Liancheng said in a deep voice, "Just a little bit, and Banquilas will be killed in seconds."

Lu Cheng didn't reply, he took back Lucario, who was covered in bruises, and said softly to the Poké Ball, "Thank you for your hard work."

"Please send the elves!" The referee's whistle sounded.

"What's your next elf?" Dai Liancheng frowned when he took back Banquilas, whose physical strength was in jeopardy. "Regais, or Darkrai?"

"Guess." Lu Cheng's eyes were stern.

"In the face of absolute strength, I don't need this." Dai Liancheng said coldly.

The red light flickered, and the beautiful and noble Nine Tails appeared in front of everyone once again.

However, the exclamation this time was much weaker because of Lu Cheng's disadvantage.

"Dai Liancheng sent the sea rabbit." Ding Lei took a deep breath and said solemnly, "I have to say, Dai Liancheng's joint defense strength is one of the few in the country!"

The sea hare beast has the attributes of water and ground, and it just restrains the nine tails of the fire type.

Obviously, Dai Liancheng successfully predicted the elves that Lu Cheng was going to send.

"Sure enough." Dai Liancheng sneered, "You should be fighting to let the Nine Tails break the shield, right?"

"It's a pity... Sea Rabbit, use the turbid current!"

The Aplysia looked like a blue soft-bodied creature, and from its sticky cavity, a dirty turbid current was sprayed out.

With the help of the shadow clone, Nine Tails lightly avoided the turbid current.

At the same time, a red light pulled it back into the Poké Ball.

Dai Liancheng was stunned.

"My shield-breaker isn't the Nine-Tails." Taking out the Poke Ball, Lu Cheng's eyes were awe-inspiring.

The dazzling sunlight pierced through the dark clouds, Dai Liancheng couldn't help but raised his head, and suddenly his complexion changed.

This kid, unknowingly, gave Da Qingtian's command to Jiuwei!

Dai Liancheng subconsciously wanted to take back the sea rabbit beast and sent Banquilas.

However, Banquilas' physical strength was already in jeopardy because of Lucario's suicide attack just now!

A drop of cold sweat ran across Dai Liancheng's forehead.

Could it be that all of this is in this kid's calculations! ?


A sense of crisis suddenly exploded on Dai Liancheng's A black shadow flashed, and the speed at which the eyes could not capture, made Dai Liancheng's scalp numb.

"Sea Rabbit, use the power of the earth!"

The surging power of the earth formed ripples that spread around.

But in mid-air, a blade of light with a length of forty meters tore apart the entire sky.

Everyone looked at the dazzling blade of light, and their eyes widened in unison.

"This, what kind of move is this!"

"This is already a sword to open the gate of heaven!"

The Lizard King glides in the air, the dragon's teeth in his hand are coated with the surging breath of the sun beam.

That dazzling blade of light, with an incomparably terrifying aura, slashed down on the sea hare beast!

Boom! !

In an instant, everything seemed to be quiet.

This sudden, solar beam that does not need to be charged at all, is like a giant sword swung by a giant.

In the sky, it seemed that the sword had swayed the clouds away.

A sword.

In the center of the field, a deep crack like a ravine was split open!


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