My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 429: 9 tails, the bond evolves! (Four/Friday)

In the silent stadium, the referee's whistle sounded.

"The sea hare beast lost its ability to fight!"

No one could have imagined that the reversal of the situation happened in this short moment.

The site has been leveled, even leaving deep ravines.

The two quasi-king-level trainers almost had to demolish the entire venue before they were willing to give up!

Ding Lei took a deep breath and said, "After a short break, let's usher in the second half of the showdown!"

The venue boomed.

The terrain in the second half is the most common and classic battle ground.

This will be the ultimate showdown between two trainers, using commanders and elves!

Dai Liancheng's expression gradually became serious.

It was because he underestimated this young man's spirit.

Even though he was still young in command, his strength in cultivating elves made Dai Liancheng feel ashamed!

"Dai Liancheng doesn't dare to release Banjilas." Lin Yuan said in a single sentence, "He is afraid that Banjilas will be instantly killed by a single blow."

"But the battle for the weather has to continue." Xing Feng pondered.

"This battle should be a battle for the weather."

"Speed?" Dai Liancheng muttered to himself, his eyes narrowed, "Come on, Scorpion King!"

Between the venues, I saw a black shadow passing by, and the speed was comparable to that of the Lizard King!

"Sandstorm." Dai Liancheng said solemnly, "Use high-speed movement!"

Lu Cheng quickly calculated.

The accumulation of sandstorms should take some time.

In this period of time, the Scorpio King must be dealt with first!

"Lizard King, move at high speed!" Lu Cheng's eyes were dignified, "Use Iai Slash!"

Between the venues, only the afterimages left by the high-speed movement remained.

The Scorpion King didn't want to fight the Lizard King at all, so he just hovered in the air.

However, a sword light flashed, causing the Scorpion King to break out in cold sweat.

Almost, this Ihe Slash will cut off its wings!

"Scorpion King, continue to use high-speed movement!" Dai Liancheng shouted loudly.

There was a lot of discussion in the audience.

"What the **** is he trying to do, is he procrastinating?"

"But there's no room for sandstorms at all!"

Seizing the opportunity, the Lizard King's Iai Slash suddenly smashed the Scorpion King down.

The scream of pain sounded, and the dragon tooth of the Lizard King fell on his head.

"Scorpion King, Sword Dance!"


Using the pliers to block the Lizard King's Igai Slash, the Scorpion King cried out in pain, but showed a wicked smile that his plan had succeeded.

Lu Cheng was suddenly shocked.

"Take the baton!"

A red light shot out from Dai Liancheng's Poké Ball.

The giant pincer mantis, who took the initiative to replace him, just threw a punch and knocked the Lizard King back!

The giant pincer mantis with red eyes, condensed the destructive power of high-speed movement and sword dance, and the thin wings behind it flapped rapidly.

The astonishingly powerful slashes continuously fell on the Lizard King's body. In just a short while, the Lizard King was covered in black and blue!

"Come back, Lizard King!" Lu Cheng's eyes narrowed and he threw the Poke Ball, "Darklay, use the black mist!"

Jie Jie's weird laughter reverberated on the field, and in an instant, black mist filled the field, instantly swallowing the giant pincer mantis!

The black mist can restore the state of the spirit to its original state.

This also means that the previous Buff bonus of the Giant Claw Mantis is gone!

"Quickly turn back!" Dai Liancheng frowned and shouted loudly.

Before Darkrai's dark black hole was formed, the giant pincer mantis flew rapidly, and the sharp giant pincers staggered, leaving an amazing wound on Darkrai's body.

At the same time, the ferocious beast appeared again, and the sandstorm was rolling in!

The wound on this Banquilas' body was still bleeding, panting, and his physical strength was at stake.

Lu Cheng's eyes narrowed.

Finally, wait until this elf appears!

Gorgeous golden light flickered, Lu Cheng once again sent his ace elf, Nine Tails!

"Big character explosion!!"


The surging flames collided with the sandstorm.

In the violent roar, Dai Liancheng's command sounded.

"Banquilas, attack with sharp stones!"

Rows of sharp rock thorns rose up and turned into rolling earth dragons roaring towards Nine Tails.

However, the purple light in Jiuwei's eyes skyrocketed, and the terrifying supernatural powers directly stopped the sharp stone attack!

"Go on, Banquilas!" Dai Liancheng shouted, "Use earthquake!"

A violent roar sounded, and everyone's eyes showed shocking expressions.

This kind of terrifying judgment can complete the conversion of offense and defense in an instant.

Could this be the true strength of Dai Liancheng?

But at this moment.

The sea of ​​fire suddenly swayed!

That surging purgatory, the realm of flames that surrounds the nine tails.

Located in the center of purgatory, the nine tails, like the lord of flames, flashed a coquettish red light in his eyes!

"Banquilas!" Dai Liancheng roared, "don't worry about it, continue to use the earthquake!"

The earthquake roared.

But the ink-like darkness has quietly covered the nine-tailed tail.

The soft hair is like the pure white of snowflakes, reflecting the radiant light.

The two pupils, one purple and one red, symbolize powerful spiritual power and a flame that can burn everything.

And the beautiful and flirtatious black tail is as mysterious as the night, but it also reveals an indescribable charm.

Blossoming white fire lotus blooms around the nine tails.

That tidal stream of rainbow light instantly illuminated the entire venue!

"This, is this the light of evolution?"

"How is it possible for Nine Tails to evolve Mega!"

"Could it be that there is a brand new evolutionary form in the Nine Tails?"

Right at this moment.

The heavenly kings who were following this match widened their eyes in disbelief.

According to legend, it is a miracle that can only be mastered by trainers who are recognized by the elves and form a bond with the elves.

For hundreds of years, there are only a handful of trainers who can have this evolution.

This is the evolution that belongs to Lu Cheng and Jiuwei alone, the evolution of bonds!

It's enough to imagine what kind of shock this young man will make the world after this game!

But at this moment, Lu Cheng didn't have time to think about it.

At this moment, his spirit seemed to resonate with Nine Tails.

The rolling earthquake.

And, condensed in the mouth of Jiuwei, that violent explosion flame!

Boom! !

The flames burst out!

The smoke filled the air, and the entire venue was affected!

The audience only felt a buzzing sound on the side of their ears.

When the aftermath dissipated, everyone looked at the arena and swallowed in unison.

Is this kind of terrifying flame really capable of being unleashed by the Nine Tails?

And the earthquake that was enough to destroy the stadium was enough to make Kuo completely incapacitated!

"Look at it!"

A burst of exclamation sounded in the stadium.

"This, this is too beautiful!"

The nine tails standing in the exudes a sparkling golden light.

Every move is full of beauty and nobility.

And that unique black tail adds a touch of mystery and coquettishness to the nine tails.

The rumbling earthquake was forcibly stopped in front of Nine Tails' supernatural powers!

And the surging flames of the explosion exploded on Banquilas' body, and the strong air wave directly blew it away!

The whole venue was silent.

In front of the floor-to-ceiling window, Jiang Ziqian took a deep breath.

"Now, you should have no objection to Lu Cheng's assessment, right?"

Many heavenly kings nodded with a wry smile.

Bonds evolve.

That's enough to make all trainers evolve crazy.

It actually appeared on Lu Cheng!

This is the bond between the elves and the trainers, the most intimate proof.

It's hard to imagine how high Lu Cheng's future will reach!

"Take good care of this child." Looking at the trainer in the field, Jiang Ziqian said deeply.

"One day, he will grow to the point that we all look up to!"


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