My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 433: Egg flash, I have egg flash!

Among the flying elves that can carry people, the most popular ones are the large elves such as the blue bird and the tropical dragon.

More extravagant trainers choose dragon-type elves such as the Flying Dragon and the Fast Dragon.

In the Hawaii area, it is said that there is also a business project for renting flying fire-breathing dragons.

However, these fire-breathing dragons generally have little combat power, and it is no exaggeration to say that they are tool pets.

"The elf I recommend to you is the fire-breathing dragon."

Du Zhe called the fire-breathing dragon on the top of the mountain and rubbed its head.

"The fire-breathing dragon is first-class in both manned capability and air combat."

"Of course, the difficulty of cultivation will also increase." Du Zhe laughed.

"But I believe it's not too difficult for a national champion!"

Lu Cheng had to admit that he was a little moved.

But the fossilized pterosaurs in his team seem to have a natural hostility to fire-breathing dragons.

If this hostility can be resolved, he really wants to subdue one.

"Have you seen the lair on the top of the mountain?"

Du Zhe pointed to the hill that was more than thirty meters high.

"Then above is my fire-breathing dragon, the elf egg hatched."

"If you can get it." Du Zhe squinted and smiled.

"It's not too bad to give you this elf egg!"

Lu Cheng was refreshed.

The descendant of the Heavenly King-level fire-breathing dragon!

Predictably, this little fire dragon definitely inherited powerful moves.

In terms of potential, it is not too much compared to Lucario!

It was as if he felt the powerful breath of Du Zhe's fire-breathing dragon.

The advanced ball containing the fossilized pterosaur suddenly shook violently.

The red light flickered, and the fossilized pterosaur fluttered out and let out a deterrent low roar at the fire-breathing dragon!

The fire-breathing dragon narrowed his long and narrow eyes and stared at the fossilized pterosaur with interest.

Then, it fluttered its wings and soared, standing on the top of the mountain, provoking the fossil pterosaur.

If you can do it, try it!

Du Zhe folded his arms, as if to see how Lu Cheng would react.

Actually, he wanted to give this fire-breathing dragon's elf egg to Lu Cheng.

After all, Lu Cheng really lacks qualified flying spirits.

Although there are a variety of monsters, the physical strength of the transformation will never last long.

And the fire-breathing dragon can not only be used as a qualified means of transportation,

The strength of Lu Cheng's team will also be greatly improved.

Right now, it depends on what choice Lu Cheng makes!

Rubbing the head of the fossil pterosaur, Lu Cheng's eyes flashed coldly.

"Fossil pterosaur, I'll help you catch a little brother back!"

"Jie O!"

The Fossil Pterosaur was suddenly in high spirits, and fluttered its wings towards the Heavenly King-level fire-breathing dragon!

This is the first time that Lu Cheng has faced a trainer at the level of heaven after winning the national championship!

In addition to passing Du Zhe's assessment, Lu Cheng also wanted to see the gap between himself and the Heavenly King.

Right now is the best opportunity to test your strength!

"Fossil pterosaur, rock collapse!"

As the fossilized pterosaur flapped its wings, a large piece of rock fell against the fire-breathing dragon, and there was a violent rumbling sound in the hatching garden.

This made a few Bobo and little Radha shiver in shivering.

Several students from the Department of Breeding heard the sound and were greatly surprised.

"Why did Mr. Du's fire-breathing dragon fight with other elves!"

"Heavenly king-level fire-breathing dragon, how can that fossil pterosaur withstand it?"

"Fuck, that's Senior Lu Cheng, the champion of the national competition!"

Facing the rumbling rock blocks, the fire-breathing dragon vibrated its wings, and the scorching airflow surged out!

The red light soared into the sky, and the hot wind swept the rocks, blowing the rocks back directly!

The double damage of the hot wind and the rock avalanche almost made the fossil pterosaur fall from the air.

But a layer of indestructible rock armor was already covering it.

Sharp rock spikes were drilled all over his body, his wings grew, and even his lower jaw seemed to be a bit stronger.

The original return of the fossilized pterosaur, dashed straight towards the fire-breathing dragon!

The fire-breathing dragon showed disdain and waved its claws at will.

Surging purple energy fluctuations, terrifying dragon shadows roared out!

Dragon claw enough to tear apart space!

"Fossil pterosaur, Yan Hui!"

But the fire-breathing dragon's eyes suddenly widened.

Fossil pterosaurs are not the target of it.

It's the crimson elf egg behind it!

Yan Hui crossed a graceful trajectory.

Passing sideways, the fossilized pterosaur grimaced at the fire-breathing dragon.

Then, with a click, he grabbed the elf egg behind the fire-breathing dragon!


The fire-breathing dragon's eyes were wide open, his eyes were blood red with anger, and the monstrous flames were about to burst out!

"Just here, Fire-breathing Dragon."

Du Zhe's messenger bird suddenly landed on the shoulder of the fire-breathing dragon,

He took out a beautifully packaged gift, and immediately made the fire-breathing dragon stunned in place.

"I think this trainer has passed your test, fire-breathing dragon." Du Zhe smiled slightly.

"I don't think you will have any concerns about entrusting the child to him, right?"

Hearing this, the fire-breathing dragon took a deep look at Lu Cheng and let out a dull low roar.

Then it flew back to Du Zhe's side unhappily, turned its back to the fossil pterosaur, and remained silent.

Fossil pterosaurs are also exhausted.

The battle with the fire-breathing dragon just now, although it was only a short moment, had completely exhausted its physical strength.

But also because of this, it looked at the elf egg with a hint of rarity in its eyes.

"Jie O!" Fossil Pterosaur roared at Lu Cheng.

"Do you approve of it?" Lu Cheng smiled slightly and touched the head of the fossil pterosaur,

"It's really difficult to get you to recognize others."

"Jie O." The fossilized pterosaur nodded solemnly.

Fossil pterosaurs can still distinguish the difference between the enemy and their own people.

And the fire-breathing dragon of the Heavenly King level, with the current strength, still can't defeat it.

But the fossil pterosaur firmly believes that it will always surpass that fire-breathing dragon one day!

Not only the fossilized pterosaur, but Lu Cheng was also reflecting on the battle just now.

At the beginning, he once had a duel with Li Zhen, who was at the level of the king of heaven, in Jiangcheng.

At that time, Lu Cheng took advantage of Regais' power, but he almost failed to last five minutes.

But now, Lu Cheng can already have a few rounds with Du Zhe, who is the king of heaven.

"In addition to the training of elves, the trainer of the heavenly king also needs to have eyesight and judgment of timing."

Du Zhe smiled and said, "There are even some ways of changing the sprites, and even throwing the sprite balls, but there are hidden secrets."

"But I think, when you finish the pilot's license examination, you will be able to learn a lot from Senior Li Yunfei."

Lu Cheng nodded earnestly and said with a smile, "Thank you, teacher!"

During the conversation Perhaps due to the fluctuations of the battle just now, the crimson elf egg suddenly shook violently.

Looking at the claw hole on the eggshell, Du Zhe said with a strange expression, "Your fossilized pterosaur, did you just break the eggshell..."

The Fossil Pterosaur was startled and looked down at his claws.

I saw a little mucus on the sharp claws.

Seeing that the fire-breathing dragon's face was dark, it was about to explode.

Lu Cheng's expression also changed, and he quickly wrapped the elf egg with the power of the waveguide.

The power of the waveguide has the energy to heal and even sense the spirits of spirits.

For a new-born elves, this kind of soft energy could not be more comfortable.

A burning sensation came down the waveguide.

Lu Cheng was slightly surprised.

It seems that he is a very lively little guy.


Suddenly, the eggshell suddenly shattered.

The weak flames on the tail flickered for a while, then jumped up.

The little fire dragon with a golden body and covered with golden scales suddenly opened his round eyes.


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