My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 434: Isn't the black fire-breathing dragon fragrant?

The golden scales shone brightly, the small fire dragon with a round head and a round head looked left and right, and the flames on its tail were burning.


Looking around, Little Fire Dragon's big blue eyes looked at Lu Cheng, and tilted his head very cutely.

"Mr. Du, I read it right, isn't this..."

Lu Cheng swallowed and poked Du Zhe's arm with difficulty.

Du Zhe's forehead quietly smeared cold sweat, and after a while, he recovered and coughed pretendingly.

"Uh, this should be the flashing form of the little fire dragon."

Lu Cheng only felt his heart beating wildly.

Looking at the little fire dragon again, there was a different meaning in his eyes.

Good guy, in the game, you may not get a single egg flash even if you hatch thousands of boxes.

In the end, I almost refused. Would you give Lao Tzu a little golden fire dragon?

Du Zhe glanced at Lu Cheng with complicated eyes and coughed hard.

"Then what... What did you just say, you don't want a fire-breathing dragon?"

With a click, Lu Cheng pushed the Poké Ball up and buckled it on the little Fire Dragon's head.

"Kaka?" Before the little fire dragon could react, it became a red light and flew into the Poké Ball.

Only a thud was heard.

Perfectly subdued!

Lu Cheng's innocent eyes widened, "I think fire-breathing dragons are pretty good."

Du Zhe, who was unable to complain, couldn't help but hold his forehead.

"Forget it, this little fire dragon was prepared for you." Du Zhe shook his head.

"However, this kind of hatching flash is extremely rare. I suggest you to check it and prepare some energy cubes or something."

"Don't worry!" Lu Cheng grinned and said with a thumbs up,

"Thank you for your little sparkling fire dragon, Mr. Du!"

Du Zhe only felt that a knife had been stabbed in his heart.

The sincere thanks of the disciple, plus finding a good host for the elves.

This should be double the happiness, why is it like this?

"That's enough." Du Zhe shook his head and suddenly looked deeply at the fire-breathing dragon.

The fire-breathing dragon was suddenly startled.

"Then what, why don't you try again and hatch a few more elf eggs?"


"Kaka?" When he arrived at his new home, the little fire dragon, who had not yet reacted, looked around ignorantly.

Seeing Lu Cheng, the little fire dragon leaped into Lu Cheng's arms, shaking his head and dawdling.


Perhaps because it was hatched by the power of the waveguide, the little fire dragon was very close to Lu Cheng.

Unlike Lu Cheng's other troubled children, this little fire dragon seemed extremely well-behaved and sensible.

Before drinking the moo milk, it will open its blue eyes and ask Lu Cheng's permission.

Even if the ever-changing monster swayed in front of it again and again with the bell of appeasement.

It just blushes and expresses its emotions with its wagging tail.

"dinner's ready!"

When Lu Cheng was holding an energy cube and preparing dinner for the elves.

The little fire dragon lay on Lu Cheng's shoulder, staring at the energy cube with curious eyes.


"Oh, this is an energy cube." Lu Cheng took a piece of spicy cherry fruit and handed it to Xiao Huolong.

"Try the taste?"

Little Fire Dragon earnestly picked up the red square, sniffed it, and immediately stuffed it into his mouth.

Suddenly, Xiao Huolong blushed, tears oozing from the corners of his eyes, but he still swallowed Sakurako downright.

"Kaka!" The little fire dragon kept fanning the wind with its small claws.

"It seems that you don't like spicy food." Lu Cheng smiled.

"Jie O!" Fossil pterosaur also laughed wanton, obviously very satisfied with the little fire dragon being deflated.

Suddenly, a knife light flashed, and the fossilized pterosaur was instantly silent.

The Lizard King sat cross-legged on the ground with a pair of sharp dragon teeth sticking beside him, and slowly lifted the steaming teacup.

As a loyal fan of spicy taste, the Lizard King is not very good at eating spicy food, and even has a dark history of using fire-type moves when eating spicy food.

It felt offended.

"Then try this."

The little fire dragon raised the golden energy cube, aimed it at the light, and squinted one eye for a long time.

In the end, it seemed to make up its mind, ah woo took a bite of the golden energy cube.

Suddenly, the little fire dragon's eyes burst into flickering light.

"Kaka!" The little fire dragon, dancing with joy, came to the Fossil Pterosaur with the half energy cube.

"Jie Ao?" Fossil pterosaur was slightly startled.

"Kaka!" Little Fire Dragon smiled and handed out the energy cube.

Good things need to be shared together!

Like a fossilized pterosaur illuminated by holy light, it suddenly froze, and then flew towards the outside angrily.

Lu Cheng didn't stop it, but looked at his newly conquered sparkling fire dragon with a smile.

Although his personality is not very combative, his future strength may be limited.

But just because of the flash spirit, Lu Cheng had no reason not to accept it.

Touching the little fire dragon's head, Lu Cheng took it back into the Poké Ball.

There must be some time before it evolves into a fire-breathing dragon.

But Lu Cheng's promotion assessment could not be delayed.

If possible, Lu Cheng hopes to participate in the Heavenly King Exam with Du Zhe before next year.

Just about this idea, but Lu Cheng didn't tell everyone including Du Zhe.

I must wait until next year, when Lu Cheng and Du Zhe appear on the battlefield at the same time, everyone will be shocked!

Moon stars are rare.

It was already early autumn, and there were some cicadas chirping from the window screens.

Lu Cheng was planning to visit Li Yunfei tomorrow, leaning back in his chair and yawning.

There was a rustling sound, and Lu Cheng looked back, only to find that the little fire dragon was walking towards it with his eyes closed.

Yawning, the little fire dragon climbed onto Lu Cheng's shoulder and fell asleep.

Newborn elves will have this kind of nature to love their masters.

It's just that I didn't expect to see such a docile personality in a warlike race like the fire-breathing dragon.

"Isn't it good too." Lu Cheng touched the chubby head of the little fire dragon and smiled slightly.

Suddenly, a crisp cry sounded outside the window, very much like Mavere's voice.

Lu Cheng was slightly startled.

After confirming that it was not an auditory hallucination, he carried the little fire dragon on his shoulders back to the cushion.

Pushing open the window, UU read www.uukanshu. com Lucheng glides downstairs with the help of the claws of the fossil pterosaur.

Under the moonlight, Mu Wen was holding Maville, and a little light reflected in her eyes.

"I heard that you are leaving again tomorrow." Mu Wen smiled, "So I plan to fulfill our previous agreement."

"What agreement?" Lu Cheng was startled.

Suddenly, the smell of mint smelled like milk.

A cool kiss pressed against his cheek, followed by a burst of burning heat.

Mu Wen lightly tapped her toes, blushing, and forcibly defended: "Of course, it's not allowed to spend the night before marriage!"

"Isn't it normal for people who like each other to spend the night together?" Lu Chengzhang came right out of his mouth.

Mu Wen opened her mouth, as if it was difficult to find a line to refute.

Lu Cheng grinned and took the initiative to pull Mu Wen.

Jiangcheng can still see the stars, if you look carefully.

A plump wandering meow, licking its paws leisurely on the rooftop.

The docile little fire dragon, lying dozing on the back of the fossilized pterosaur, rubbed his eyes involuntarily.



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