My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 435: Special flight training? Bungee jumping training!

Changbai Mountains, Tianchi.

Surrounded by peaks, covered with snow, under the blue sky surrounded by white clouds, there is a sparkling lake.

The clouds and mist were swaying, the surrounding peaks were reflected in the Tianchi Lake, and the beautiful figures of a few green croakers swayed in the air.

Stepping on the rattling basalt, Lu Cheng looked at Tianchi, and could not help but let out a white breath.

What he did not expect was that the location of the special flight training was actually located in this Tianchi volcano!

Changbai Mountain is a dormant volcano, but there are still traces of volcanic activity, and lava worms can still be found near the hot springs.

The Changbai Mountains to which it belongs, traverses the north and south, and in addition to rare tree fruits, there are also a large number of powerful wild elves.

Due to the good protection of the Changbai Mountains, the elves nearby were not affected by industrial activities.

In addition to the green cotton bird that Lu Cheng saw just now, he even saw an evolved natural bird soaring past.

"That's the messenger from the nearby altar."

Suddenly, a gust of wind came, and a sturdy tropical dragon climbed up between the sea of ​​clouds on the peaks.

Its huge banana leaf stretched out and snorted lightly, while Li Yunfei was sitting on its back, smiling.

"Welcome here, National Champion!"

"Is there an altar nearby?" Lu Cheng was a little curious.

"It's the same as what you saw at Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, but the night-like giant bird is also enshrined here."

As the tropical dragon settled down, Li Yunfei patted its head, and the tropical dragon disappeared into the sea of ​​clouds again.

"It's different in Tibet. On the holy mountain, Xerneas, the tree of the world, is enshrined."

Lu Cheng never imagined that such two opposing beliefs could appear on the east and west sides.

But when I think about it, I am relieved. The underworld is vast, and there may be a small border island where dreams are still inhabited.

"I have already heard the purpose of your visit." Li Yunfei said with a smile,

"So, have you determined the flying elf you want to use?"

For Uranus trainers who may face aerial combat, the flying elves are no less than their second life.

Therefore, Tianwang trainers often prepare a few more elves with flying ability.

Some trainers even use floating balls, electromagnetic levitation and even superpowers as means of flight.

The red light flickered, and Lu Cheng threw two Poke Balls.

The little golden fire dragon with a round head and a round head was looking around curiously, and when he saw Tianchi, his eyes suddenly lit up.

And the fossilized pterosaur raised his head disdainfully, as if he was despising the little fire dragon's fuss.

Li Yunfei let out a sigh.

"Are you planning to let the little fire dragon evolve during this time?"

"As for the fossilized pterosaur, it may not have the ability to carry people, and it can only be carried and flown by grabbing the trainer."

"It's fine, senior." Lu Cheng smiled, "I have another elf."

With an earth-shattering roar, a fiery flying dragon with blood-red eyes rose from the sea of ​​clouds, causing Li Yunfei's complexion to change.

Just when Li Yunfei was about to take out the Poké Ball to fight, the Flying Dragon turned into an ever-changing monster, and fell into Lu Cheng's arms with a bang.

"Mum?" Slime's innocent sesame eyes widened.

"Okay...Okay, I was overthinking it."

Li Yunfei coughed in embarrassment and said solemnly, "Flight training is easy to say."

"But the most crucial point is to overcome the fear of heights."


"That's right." Li Yunfei said solemnly,

"There are many trainers who never dare to take the first step in the sky because they are worried that they will fall off the elves."

"I've seen many powerful trainers who would rather use clumsy vehicles than feel the charm of the sky."

"So... the first step in special flight training is to overcome your fear of heights!"

Lu Cheng naturally believed in such a powerful senior as the Flying King.

"Then what should I do first?"

"It's very simple!"

Li Yunfei smiled, raised his hand and released a wonderful frog flower.

"Miaohuahua, use vines!"

While Lu Cheng's face was stunned, the tenacious vine instantly bound Lu Cheng.

"The first step is to jump from here!"

Li Yunfei pointed at the vast sea of ​​clouds and grinned.

Lu Cheng's expression changed.

"you sure?"

"This is just the first step." Li Yunfei said with a smile, his eyes flashing a cold light.

"Otherwise do you think Heavenly King is so easy to be?"

Taking a deep breath, Lu Cheng looked at the thick cloud and came to the cliff with trembling legs.

With a rustling sound, the small pebble rolled off the cliff with a click, and it took several seconds before it fell into the cloud and mist.

Lu Cheng couldn't help swallowing.

"You... Are you sure the vine is firmly tied?"

"Don't worry, you're old and sturdy!"

"Don't, don't! Let me make mental preparations!"

A full ten minutes passed.

"...Are you better prepared?"

"Quick, quick!"

Lu Cheng gritted his teeth, blood gushing up.

Damn, isn't it just bungee jumping? It's a big deal...

Just when Lu Cheng trembled and came to the edge of the cliff, his eyes were determined.

A sudden force directly pushed Lu Cheng down.

The wind whistled in his ears.

In an instant, Lu Cheng's heartbeat reached his throat, and it soared along with the speed of his descent.

Thousands of consciousness surged through his mind in an instant, and the sudden air pressure made Lu Cheng's eardrum jump wildly.

Lu Cheng's face was blushed, and the howling wind swept across his cheek like a knife.

With a bang, he even heard the sound of the vines breaking!

Li Yunfei, who was on the edge of the cliff, had a cold sweat on his forehead.


When it fell to the lowest point, the vine suddenly rebounded, causing Lu Cheng to fall again.

Lu Cheng only felt that the world was spinning, and the crackling sound in his ears crackled.

Suddenly, the entire vine broke!

Lu Cheng only felt that his brain was empty for a moment.

Miaohuahua pulled back the empty vines and showed an innocent expression to Li Boom! ! "

The waves in the air flew by in shock!

Through the thick sea of ​​clouds—

Lu Cheng only felt that his body was suddenly lifted up by a force.

The natural bird floating beside Lu Cheng showed a snickering look.

A fragrant fragrance floated along the leaves, with a sweet aroma.

Only then did Lu Cheng realize that he was still lying on top of a soaring tropical dragon.


The tropical dragon turned its long neck and smiled honestly at Lu Cheng.

Boy, hurry up!

The thrilling roller coaster is on again!

With the vertical lift of the tropical dragon, Lu Cheng almost rolled off the tropical dragon, and then he firmly grasped its leaves.

And the howling wind made Lu Cheng's tears go wild.

"WDNMD, I'm not playing anymore!"

The wailing howl echoed throughout the mountain range.

Li Yunfei and Miao Frog looked at each other, revealing a simple and kind smile.



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