My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 436: Leap of Faith

"How do you feel?" Li Yunfei said with a smile.

Lu Cheng's legs and feet trembled, his face pale and crawled off the tropical dragon, almost kneeling on the ground.

"Are you sure this is overcoming the fear of the sky?" Lu Cheng gritted his teeth, tears in his eyes,

"Won't this leave a lifetime shadow!?"

"Science has shown that the fear of heights is determined by human genes." Li Yunfei put his hands behind his back, showing the demeanor of an expert.

"Anyone is afraid of heights, but it's a matter of strength."

"So what does this have to do with you throwing me down!"

"Since you can't overcome it, you can adapt." Li Yunfei laughed.

"Do you feel a lot more cordial when you go to see that sea of ​​clouds now?"

Lu Cheng subconsciously looked at the deep sea of ​​clouds and couldn't help shivering.

"People's fear is the fear of the unknown, and trusting your elves is the best way to overcome this fear."

"Didn't you guys say that? The best way to overcome fear..."

"It's about facing fear."

Lu Cheng stood up tremblingly from the ground, gritted his teeth: "Let me dance again!"

Li Yunfei was startled: "Are you still addicted?"

Strongly holding back the spirit of launching the elf challenge, Lu Cheng said with a dark face, "This time I will let the Fossil Pterosaur and the Variety Monster take me to try."

"Excuse me, let the tropical dragons and natural birds take emergency measures!"

Li Yunfei laughed and said, "No problem!"

Taking a deep breath, Lu Cheng, who stood on the edge of the cliff again, was indeed less afraid at this moment.

The feeling of falling straight down just now made his brain hypoxic, and he is still dazed.

Perhaps, this has a lot to do with the fact that his mind is still awake.

However, when facing this towering cliff, Lu Cheng even felt a little...


Yes, that's right, it's just excitement.

It is the excitement of conquering the mountains and the sky, and conquering nature!

"Is this the state of mind of the Heavenly King trainer?"

Lu Cheng muttered to himself, exhorting the Variegated Monster and Fossil Pterosaur beside him:

"Slime, you will become a protective gear to protect me later, leaving a handle for the fossilized pterosaur."

"Fossil pterosaur, grab me by the shoulder later, grab me when I order it!"

The Variety Monster and the Fossil Pterosaur looked at each other and nodded at the same time.

"And... Nine tails, can you use supernatural powers in the Poké Ball?"

"When I fall later, you will use your supernatural power to form a barrier to isolate the wind around me!"

The Poké Ball swayed slightly, and Nine Tails gave a positive answer.

"Okay." Lu Cheng took a deep breath and called to Li Yunfei behind him, "Senior, I'm going!"

"Oh, good!" Li Yunfei nodded with a smile.

"I'll prepare tropical dragons and natural birds!"

Li Yunfei also couldn't help showing admiration to Lu Cheng.

He has brought many young and promising trainers. Usually, after such a hellish start, he doesn't even think about recovering after three or five days.

But unexpectedly, Lu Cheng launched the challenge again in just a few minutes.

Even... there was a little more excitement in his eyes?

"It seems that this kid is the most suitable material to be a trainer." Li Yunfei said with a smile.

Elf training is also an extreme sport.

Not only do you have to lift the 999-kilogram little Nebula, but you also have to fight the Mewtwo.

If you don't have the spirit to challenge, you might not be able to persevere!

"As expected...the youngest national champion!"

In the conversation, Lu Cheng had already come to the edge of the cliff.

A hint of determination flashed in his eyes.

Lu Cheng opened his arms.

A gust of wind whistled past his ears.

A king Yan soared in the sky and made a sharp chirping!

Take a leap!

Li Yunfei's eyes widened.

This action...why is it so handsome!

A purple light curtain appeared beside Lu Cheng.

Because the nine-tailed supernatural powers blocked the wind, Lu Cheng could easily open his eyes.

Lu Cheng and the sea of ​​​​clouds kept approaching, approaching, and finally passing through.

Everything in front of you is receding rapidly.

Time seemed to be delayed dozens of times all of a sudden.

The originally few seconds of time were instantly stretched.

At this moment, Lu Cheng could even clearly see the trajectory of the flowing clouds.

Li Yunfei fell to the edge of the cliff and shouted, "Lu Cheng, it's too late, release the elf!"

After passing through the sea of ​​​​clouds, there is a lake as blue as a mirror.

At this falling speed, it won't be long before Lu Cheng is smashed to pieces.

But Lu Cheng didn't panic at all.

Even, his chest thumped wildly, the excitement intensified.

"Miaohuahua, grab him with the vines!" Li Yunfei roared.

But the vines that jumped out quickly couldn't keep up with the speed of Lu Cheng's fall!

Li Yunfei's face was gloomy, and there was a hint of despair in his eyes.

However, it was at this time.

It is less than 100 meters away from the lake.

With a snap, Lu Cheng pressed down his belt!

"Fossil pterosaur, ever-changing monster!"

"Jie Ou!!"


His body seemed to be wrapped in rocks, and Lu Cheng's falling speed increased again.

But a pair of claws were deeply embedded in the rock on Lu Cheng's shoulder.

Holding the falling Lu Cheng, the Fossil Pterosaur vibrated its wings and burst into a roar that shook the earth!

Lu Cheng's feet almost dragged on the water surface, sliding past.

But at this moment, the fossilized pterosaur pulled up Lu Cheng and suddenly climbed into the air!

Accelerating, leaping, that similar scene appeared in front of me again.

The tropical dragon and natural bird who were planning to rescue looked at Lu Cheng who was passing by in a daze.

And Lu Cheng's back seemed to grow wings, soaring freely in the air.

"Rush for Lao Tzu!!"

"Jie O!"

The fossilized pterosaur grabbed Lu Cheng, gliding through the air, cutting through the airflow, leaving behind a trail of white trails.

Standing on the edge of the cliff, Li Yunfei's expression ranged from despair, to incredible, to shock.

Looking at Lu Cheng who was driving the fossilized pterosaur, Li Yunfei swallowed.

What did you just say? Let him master flying skills in two months?

What's the matter, it's been less than two hours!

This kid's flying skills are about to surpass mine!

"Enough is enough, let's come down to eat!" Li Yunfei shouted.

But Lu Cheng seemed to be addicted.

Let the fossil pterosaur put himself on the edge of the cliff, Lu Cheng opened his arms again.

"Fossil pterosaur, do it again!"

"Jie O!"


Sunset dusk.

Exhausted, Lu Cheng finally stopped trying to make a leap of faith.

"I'm afraid of you." Li Yunfei said with a wry smile, "It's just a little bit!"

"How do you ask me to explain to you, Teacher Du!"

Lu Cheng smiled: "It's fine, senior, just teach me the flying moves you know!"

Lu Cheng has also been greedy for the air combat skills of the flying for a long time.

Through this study, the fossil pterosaurs may be able to master the air combat technology of "free fall".

Sighing, Li Yunfei shook his head, showing a helpless smile.

"I declare in advance that my air combat teaching is very strict!"

"Can it be stricter than breaking the vine?"

Li Yunfei coughed dryly and said, "Take advantage of this time, you can go to the Changbai Mountains to practice."

"Besides Changbai Waterfall, there are ice and water elves."

"In the mountains and forests, it's flying and grass."

"If your elf is injured, you can also go to Changbai Hot Spring, where the hot spring has the effect of healing the elf."

Lu Cheng nodded, suddenly startled.

Hot springs.

Has healing properties.

Why does this setting look so familiar?

Is it difficult...

In the future, his name will be changed from "Lucheng of the Earth" to "Lucheng of Baiyin Mountain"?



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