My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 438: Fairy King Alanza

In addition to the abundant forestry resources, the Changbai Mountains also have rare precious metal veins.

The Dianxi Group, which started out as a gemstone business, has even set up a mining line in Changbai Mountain.

Mining with small broken diamonds, handling by Haoli, and the rest of the employees are responsible for geological surveys.

But what surprised these employees was.

These days, the small gravel seemed to be disturbed, and did not dare to go deep into the ley lines at all.

"Young Master, look at this..."

"Stop the project first." Yu Fengshi, who was in charge of the project, fell into deep thought.

"The nearby Ji province also suffered an elf riot. Maybe something big is about to happen."

at the same time.

An uninvited guest was welcomed in the elf association of the imperial capital.

"Please let me introduce myself."

The brown-haired, blue-eyed, luxurious woman put her hand on her chest with impeccable etiquette.

"I'm Aishalan from the Carlos region. Please allow me to ask the chief king of your country."

For a time, the entire elf association was shaken.

Jiang Ziqian arrived at the imperial capital immediately, and all the heavenly kings held an emergency meeting.

"I don't know what the fairy king came here this time."

Jiang Ziqian frowned, instinctively resisting the fairy king in front of him.

Aishalan had a serious face and spoke in a cautious tone: "I wonder if you have heard of the legends circulating in the Carlos area."

"The big bird of the night in charge of death, and the tree of the world that shelters life."

Jiang Ziqian was shocked, but his expression remained the same.

At that time, his three dragons were seriously injured, and it was because of the gift of Xerneas that he was able to recover.

It is precisely because of this insistence on elves that Jiang Ziqian gained the friendship of Xerneas.

No one can know the power of this **** better than him!

Even in the degree of mastery of life, it is even better than Ho-oh!

"What does this have to do with your trip?"

Tu Ming frowned and said, "As far as I know, that big bird hasn't appeared for hundreds of years."

"Yes..." Alanza nodded cautiously, with a hint of worry in her brows, "When Lapeltal appeared last time, it was said to be the incarnation of the Black Death."

All the heavenly kings present widened their eyes at the same time.

"This divine beast... did it actually possess such terrifying power?"

Jiang Ziqian waved his hand to silence the noisy meeting, and said solemnly, "You are here for Rafael Tal?"

Alanza nodded solemnly: "Because Rafael Tal was conceived in the Carlos region, we have a deeper understanding of it."

"It has the habit of migration. It will converge its wings at extremely cold high altitudes, turn into a cocoon, and wait for the time to recover."

"And according to the observations of our messengers, the day of Lapeltal's recovery is coming soon."

The entire conference room was silent.

"You mean... Lapeltar is about to recover in China?" Han Qing frowned.

Alanza shook her head gloomily: "As for this, we have not observed the specific recovery location."

"It's just that the neighboring countries have issued a warning, hoping to attract attention."

Jiang Ziqian was the first to break the silence, nodding and saying, "Thank you."

The recovery of the divine beast is of great importance.

And with Alanza's title of Heavenly King, she wouldn't lie about this kind of thing.

Alanza smiled in return, but there was deep worry in her eyes.

"Gym owners in all provinces are requested to pay attention to suspicious situations in the territory and report them to the association in time."

"At the same time, everyone from the Chinese Academy of Sciences has made timely observation and preventive preparations."

"Assuming Lafayette's recovery is inevitable..."

Jiang Ziqian looked around with a serious face,

"Please come with me to the front line."



Almost for the first time, researchers began to observe the possible recovery sites of Lapeltal.

And the provincial associations also received instructions from the imperial capital immediately.

at the same time.

The orange warning of Kyrgyzstan has already started.

The flock of birds that covered the sky and the sun swept towards the nearby Baihe Town like a black cloud.

Li Yunfei sat on the back of the tropical dragon, and the pink smoke attracted rioting birds.

The sweet fragrance attracted almost all the birds screaming towards Li Yunfei!

A decision flashed across Li Yunfei's mind.

"Natural bird, use the trick space!"

The natural bird spreads its wide wings and sparkles with crystal blue light in its eyes.

At this moment, the patterns on its body seemed to come alive.

The space was distorted, and the huge lavender space instantly enveloped the entire town!

Under the suppression of the magic space, the speed of these flying elves suddenly slowed down.

"Everyone leave here first, the trainer protects the other residents!"

Lu Cheng shouted at the chaotic crowd.

"I, I'm a trainer!"

"Me too!"

"Those two! You are responsible for dealing with the fish that slip through the net.

"Others, take the residents away from here!"

Under Lu Cheng's command, the chaos in the town was curbed a little.

But those big-billed sparrows still desperately hit the barrier formed by the nine-tailed supernatural powers.

It seems... is escaping from something terrible!

Lu Cheng looked into the sky,

Li Yunfei was already devoured by the massive group of flying elves.

Even though he is a heavenly king-level trainer, many ants kill elephants.

In front of so many violent flying elves, the tropical dragon that Li Yunfei was riding on was already bleeding like a gushing blood!

Lu Cheng's back was chilled, but he still gritted his teeth.

"Fossil pterosaur, take me up!"

"Jie O!"

Grabbing Lu Cheng's waist, the fossilized pterosaur carried Lu Cheng into the sky.

Several desperate sparrows rushed towards Lu Cheng and were instantly cut off by the Lizard King on the back of the fossilized pterosaur!

"Nice job, Lizard King!" Lu Cheng yelled, "Go and save the senior on the tropical dragon's back!"

Standing on the back of the fossilized pterosaur, the Lizard King nodded solemnly, and was about to break through with a flash of electric light.

However, at this moment, in the storm of crows, Li Yunfei's roar sounded.

"Tropical dragon, blow it away!"

Lu Cheng's eyes widened.

The turbulent airflow surged, and with the roar of the tropical dragon, the wide leaf feathers set off an extremely strong wind.

The airflow forms a cavity visible to the naked eye,

Almost in the form of air cannons, the airtight elves were instantly emptied!

Even Lu Cheng almost lost his balance.

At the same time, Li Yunfei threw his Pokeball.

"Bi Diao, Wang Yan, use the storm!"

Two flying elves with gorgeous feathers and sharp eyes fluttered out of the elf ball.

Converging on both sides of the tropical dragon, the two elves spiraled upward, and the turbulent airflow continued to accumulate!

"Tropical dragon, use a grass blender!"

Circling into the sky, Bi Diao and Da Wang Yan set off a sharp-blade-like storm.

At the same time, the blades ejected by the tropical dragon formed the ribs in the storm.

Like a cutting machine, it harvests the flying spirits in the air!

A burst of screams sounded Li Yunfei, who was located in the center of the eye of the storm, conveyed his voice to Lu Cheng through the idea of ​​a natural bird.

"Do you have any means to control them!"

"I'm afraid that if this continues, the flying elves in Changbai Mountain will become extinct!"

Lu Cheng was speechless.

It's because he underestimated the power of a Heavenly King-level trainer.

When dealing with such a town-level disaster, a single king is enough to deal with it!

The swirling feathers, the splashing blood, and the screaming sparrow were cut to pieces by the storm.

Lu Cheng only felt a chill in his back, but his eyes had regained his calm.


The feathers shot by the armored bird crossed Lu Cheng's eyelids, and blood flowed.

Lu Cheng gritted his teeth, and a dark ball appeared in his hand!

"Darklay, I'll leave it to you!"


Darkrai smiled awkwardly and floated out behind Lu Cheng.

The terrifying ghost that covered the sky, with the characteristics of nightmare, almost stopped the birds from flapping their wings!



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