My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 439: The beginning of recovery

Team Rocket Building, scientific research division.

"Doctor, the genetic model of the legendary elves has been established!"

Liu Bosheng came to the screen and suddenly frowned.

"There should be more than just fantasy genes in this mod."

Dr. Gao Cong from the Armed Forces also leaned over his head and said in surprise, "Is this elf a little too small?"

He opened his arms, showing an exaggerated look: "The legendary elves, shouldn't they look like that giant!"

Li Siliang, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said with a smile, "Isn't that legendary dream only the size of a kitten, it looks similar to what it looks like."

"By the way, did Professor Lu tell you the name of this elf?"

As the initiator of the dream-making project, Lu Cheng has the right to name this legendary elf that was born.

"Super dream." Liu Bosheng said.

But there was a worried look on his face.

With the current genetic model, it is impossible to incubate Mewtwo.

Among them, the most crucial factor is missing... that is the human genes proposed by Lu Cheng.

However, combining human genes with dream genes made Liu Bosheng feel an unspeakable sense of fear.

Shaking his head, Liu Bosheng put his hands into his unkempt white hair, and muttered, "Let's wait for Lu Cheng to come back before making a decision."

Mushroom-headed Lu Li was doing serious analysis when he was suddenly surprised.

"Doctor, where did Professor Lu say last time he was going for special flight training?"

"Changbai Mountain, what's wrong." Liu Bosheng said in surprise, "Li Yunfei is the famous flying king of the alliance!"

Lu Li's expression became strange, he pointed at the news in front of the computer screen, and did not speak.

"Now an emergency news is inserted, a riot of flying spirits occurred in the Baishan Mountains, a senior official in Jilin, and an orange warning was issued..."

In the silent research room, Liu Bosheng murmured strangely:

"Isn't this what Lu Cheng did?"


The storm caused by Bi Diao and Wang Yan turned into a terrifying meat grinder, harvesting the life of the mad elves.

Li Yunfei's lips trembled, he turned his head away unbearably, and shouted, "Lu Cheng, can you do anything!"

What responded to Li Yunfei was the huge black shadow that almost covered the entire sky.

Li Yunfei stared at the sky in shock, the violent flying dragon flapping its wings.

The young trainer standing on the back of the Storm Dragon raised the dark ball in his hand.

"Darklay, the dark hole!"

In an instant, the jet-black air flowed furiously along the birthed singularity.

The ever-expanding black hole seemed to devour everything, engulfing those screaming birds in an instant.

Li Yunfei swallowed and looked at the indifferent young man with dry lips.

Why does this method seem more cruel than his meat grinder!

"Senior, be careful of hallucinations, don't look at that black hole!"

With the power of the gentle waveguide, Li Yunfei, who was on the tropical dragon's back, was suddenly shocked and looked around subconsciously.

I saw that the black wings beside me were constantly slashing, and those birds were facing the deep dark black hole like moths to the flame.

The pitch-black air flow continued to circle, and one after another flying elves fell from the sky.

But fortunately, when they escaped the range of dark black holes, they were able to flap their wings again and would not fall to their deaths.

The sober bird fluttered its wings in panic.

Like a bird frightened, in just a short while, most of the dark clouds around Li Yunfei had dissipated!

"That's... Darkrai?"

Looking at the misty, dark elf, Li Yunfei couldn't help widening his eyes.

He had met Lu Cheng's legendary elf at the national competition.

But unexpectedly, this Darkrai exerted a more terrifying and deadly power outside the competition!


Even such a large-scale ranged hypnosis.

It is hard to imagine, if the power of this elf goes out of control,

Or maybe Lu Cheng went astray, how much damage this power will bring!

Li Yunfei couldn't help shivering, and even his throat was a little dry.

Looking at Darkrai next to Lu Cheng, he fell weakly on Lu Cheng's shoulders, with a weak breath:

"Old man, I did my best!"

However, when it looked at Lu Cheng, it couldn't help being stunned.

Lu Cheng's eyelids were scratched by the feathers of the armored bird, and blood was trickling down at the moment.

"Thank you for your hard work." Lu Cheng half-closed his eyes and smiled slightly, "Leave it to me next."

"You, are you okay?" Darkrai stammered, "I can still fight!"

"Oh, just treat it with the power of the waveguide afterwards."

Lu Cheng didn't care much, but looked at the direction where the flock of birds fled, his eyes deep.

"The most important thing right now is to find the reason why these elves are rioting!"


With the screams of birds, a large flock of birds flew out in the direction beyond Changbai Mountain.

Like migration, they seem to be avoiding some impending disaster.

But fortunately, the deadly threatened flock of birds finally escaped the previous riot like headless flies.

It was only at this time that Lu Cheng felt that his breathing was suddenly rapid.

In the battle just now, he almost always used the help of fossilized pterosaurs and Variegated monsters to conduct aerial combat.

This high-load extreme exercise made his heart and lung function work to the limit.

Just now, it was the adrenal hormones at work,

Right now, he was almost out of breath.

Under the fearful eyes of the residents of the town, the Flying Dragon slowly perched and turned into a strange creature, wriggling in front of Lu Cheng worriedly.

Li Yunfei also jumped off the tropical dragon's back and ran towards Lu Cheng.

"It's alright, Lu Cheng!"

"It's okay, it's just a high-altitude battle, I couldn't get used to it all of a sudden."

Lu Cheng waved his hand and showed a miserable smile.

Li Yunfei exhaled, but was suddenly shocked: "You are injured!"

The wound under Lu Cheng's eyelid tingled faintly.

In the thrilling situation just now, he actually noticed the steel feathers of the armored bird.

But for the first time, he chose to release Darkrai first.

"It can only be said that it was fortunate that it didn't hurt the vital point." Lu Cheng smiled.

Li Yunfei's face was suddenly bowed deeply to Lu Cheng.

"I thank you for the elves of the Changbai Mountains and the residents here, Champion Lu Cheng!"

Lu Cheng was startled, he was about to wave his hand, but his face was hideous in pain.

Under the awe-inspiring eyes of the residents, a little loli came to Lu Cheng in fear and handed out a bottle of wound medicine.

"Here...for you." Little Loli's eyes were almost red.

"Don't worry, it's fine." Lu Cheng rubbed her little head and smiled with one eye closed, "Go find your parents!"

Little Loli nodded vigorously and ran towards her parents quickly.


A wet and warm feeling came along the wound.

Jiuwei licked Lu Cheng's eyelids with his tongue and let out a low whimper.

Lu Cheng rubbed Jiuwei's head, smiled slightly, and suddenly looked at Li Yunfei seriously: "Senior..."


Li Yunfei also had a serious face, looking towards the direction where the flying elf was leaving.

"Right now, the most important thing is to find out the reason for these elf riots!"



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