My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 440: Mewtwo's Gene Fusion

Not only the small towns near the Changbai Mountains, but also the surrounding cities have been affected.

In addition to the orange alert issued by the association, the trainers in Kyrgyzstan were also recruited.

Furious sparrows and stingrays spewed out of the forest, flooding into the town overwhelmingly.

Even the Kentaro and Bail sheep raised had red eyes and symptoms of restlessness.

The wind and rain are about to come, the president of the Elf Association of Kyrgyzstan met with the two trainers who solved the Flying Elf riot in Baishan City.

"Let's get straight to the point." Sun Qiankun, president of the association, said solemnly, "Right now, Ji Province needs the help of the two of you!"

The two in front of them, one is a veteran flying king, with profound qualifications.

The other is a new national champion, breaking the record for the youngest champion ever.

With these two participating in the rescue work, it is bound to get twice the result with half the effort!

"As for the imperial capital, they are already recruiting people here." Baishan Taoist pavilion master Meng Baiqing said with a frown.

"The most important thing right now is to find out why these elves suddenly rioted!"

"I agree."

"If you don't solve the source, recklessly dealing with it will only damage the surrounding ecological environment!"

"It is said that someone witnessed the appearance of Absol nearby. I don't know if it has anything to do with the elf riot."

The noise sounded again.

Lu Cheng looked around at the trainers around him.

In terms of qualifications, most of these trainers are senior trainers with the ability to handle emergencies.

But the more powerful combat power, including the gym owner, only has four master-level trainers.

What's more, these masters just came to participate in the meeting, and they are bound to return to the city to guard.

It can be said that in the current Ji Province, the only ones who can be called top-level combat power are Li Yunfei, who is the king of heaven, and Lu Cheng, who is the quasi-king of heaven.

"The Imperial City will send two heavenly kings to help out." Li Yunfei looked around and said solemnly,

"Right now, in addition to guiding the evacuation work, it is also necessary to set up an action team and go to the depths of the Changbai Mountains to find the source!"

The meeting room, which was still noisy just now, became quiet in an instant.

The president of the association, Sun Qiankun, said uneasy: "There are many powerful wild elves living in the Changbai Mountains. Wouldn't it be too risky?"

"The two heavenly kings who have been sent by God are more than enough." Li Yunfei concluded.

Someone secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Lu Cheng opened his mouth and said, "Evacuation and rescue work in various cities and towns, and everyone's contribution, please everyone!"

"this is what we are supposed to do."

"Champion Lu is too polite, let the residents in the neighborhood leave it to us!"

For a time, the trainers present relaxed, and gave the young champion another high look.

The next task is for Sun Qiankun to formulate a rescue plan.

And Li Yunfei, Lu Cheng, and the two heavenly kings who came later went to the Changbai Mountains to start a carpet-like search.

It is foreseeable that this search will be quite firm and even take a lot of time.

But for Lu Cheng, this is the best opportunity to hone his elves.

Li Yunfei also patted him on the shoulder when he was resting, and said sincerely, "Lu Cheng, I will report it to the association and use this as a part of the rescue exercise in your heavenly king assessment."

"If you can really solve the source of this elf riot, I think it's not far from the day you become the king of heaven!"

Lu Cheng always felt that his back was full.

After the battle is over, will you go back to your hometown as the king?

Lu Cheng shook his head uneasily, and took the time to call the Rockets headquarters.

"Brother Liu, can the Rockets be recruited from Kyrgyzstan?"

Liu Shengnan opened his mouth, but did not choose to ask questions, but answered rigorously:

"There are 3 senior trainers and 7 elite trainers. Master Han Qing, who is in the top 16 of the national competition, is also in the Northeast region."

Lu Cheng was slightly startled, and then he remembered that the Han family was an ice family located in the northeastern region.

"Let them assist the association, carry out rescue work, and ... make the Rockets' name."

"Also, on the Foundation's side, donations are also made in the name of Team Rocket."

Liu Shengnan was silent for a while, then said neatly: "Yes!"

"Okay, transfer the call to Professor Liu."

Liu Shengnan suddenly felt that Lu Cheng on the other end of the phone was a little strange.

The boy who met for the first time three years ago has grown into the head of the national organization.

The gap between them can be described as a world of difference.

The phone was connected to the scientific research department, and Professor Gao Cong's exaggerated voice came:

"Lu Cheng, we have already built the Mewtwo model, but the most important thing is actually..."

Before Gao Cong could finish speaking, Liu Bosheng grabbed the phone and shouted:

"Stinky boy, are you in Changbai Mountain? Does the flying riot have anything to do with you! Don't be stupid, you are the one who is going to win the "Naughty Thunderbolt" award!"

Lu Cheng sneered: "It's okay, Doctor, you should talk about the model of Mewtwo first."

Liu Bosheng hesitated for a long time, then decided to speak normally: "The most important thing is the fusion of human genes!"

Liu Bosheng thought that Lu Cheng would be shocked.

After all, for ordinary people, the cloning of this human gene can cause natural fear.

But Lu Cheng just responded silently.

"Have you completed the biological experiment?"

"We've tried it with Little Rada, Ibrahimovic, and the Variety Monster." Liu Bosheng swallowed and said dryly, "If you don't agree..."

"I agree."

The professors lying on the other end of the microphone were all stunned.

"I left a needle of my blood in the cold room of the institute."

"If gene fusion is necessary, use my genes, and I will bear all other consequences!"

Liu Bosheng was stunned for a long time, then said tremblingly, "Lu... Lu Cheng, this is not a joke!"

"I know, but you pay attention, don't instill some strange ideas into the bred Mewtwo."

"Prenatal education, do you understand prenatal education? Lawrence's music, Shelley's's paintings, follow the truth, goodness and beauty!"

"Don't show it philosophy, don't show it philosophy!"

In Lu Cheng's roar, several professors swallowed their saliva, and cold sweat dripped from their foreheads.

Why do I feel that Professor Lu seems to have been prepared for this matter...

It was as if he had long known that Mewtwo needs human genes.

Could it be that Professor Lu deduced Mewtwo's genetic module long before us! ?

This, this is completely beyond the scope of genius!

Taking a deep breath, Liu Bosheng hung up the phone and yelled at the researcher beside him:

"What are you still doing, move, move!"

"Have you heard Lu Cheng's words? If there is any accident, it's all the responsibility of the boss of your Rockets!"

"Don't stand stupidly, Mewtwo's main genes will be fused by me!"

Liu Bosheng rolled up his sleeves, and for a while, he seemed to have returned to his twenties.

A high-spirited research career, once again a dream come back.

After all, I, Liu Bosheng, are also a genius who created artificial cell eggs!



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