My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 480: Return to Jiangcheng


A warm breeze blows across the blue sky, a few peas and pigeons are taking a nap in the treetops, and in the lush green community, two children are arguing about elves.

"My jenny turtle is of the water type, how could your little fire dragon beat me!"

"Nonsense! Haven't you watched Brother Lu Cheng's battle video? People who fight against the attributes can win!"

They were arguing red-faced, and they quarreled for a long time without discussing the result.

"Wouldn't it be better for you to fight directly."

At this time, a passing trainer suggested.

"It makes sense!" The child in red's eyes lit up, "Let's go, let's go to a battle now!"

"Who's afraid of who!" The boy in blue gritted his teeth, suddenly startled, looked at the figure beside him, and stammered.

"Lu... Brother Lu Cheng?"

Lu Cheng touched the heads of the two little boys and said with a smile, "When you grow up, you may be able to apply for the Rockets Middle School."

The kid in blue scratched his head and smirked.

And the child in red's eyes lit up: "Brother Lu Cheng, when did you come back!"

"This morning."

"My mother said, you are already the king of heaven!"

"That's right." Lu Cheng said with a smile, "But it won't be official until after the assessment."

"Is the Heavenly King very powerful? How does he compare to that bearded Heavenly King, and Jiang Tianwang!"

The kid in blue waving his hand exaggeratedly.

"It's not as good as it is now." Lu Cheng smiled, "But it won't be so in the future."

A look of longing appeared on the faces of the two little boys.

Looking at Lu Cheng's back, the little boy in red looked excited and suddenly shouted, "I've decided!"

"What did you decide?"

"I want to be the king of heaven!"

Lu Cheng, who had left Neon, flew on the Flying Dragon for a day and returned to Jiangcheng.

Lu Cheng planned to buy a new house for the second old man, but they all said they were used to it and did not plan to move.

Lu Cheng had no choice but to put the plan on hold for now and instead prepare a new house of his own.

First of all, there must be a large area of ​​training ground, which is enough for the tyrannosaurus to move freely.

Secondly, high-intensity training equipment is required, and it is best to purchase a set of small gravity chambers, weather chambers and other facilities.

Looking at it this way, the prize money from Lu Cheng's major competitions can only meet Lu Cheng's budget.

"Sure enough, a trainer is a gold-burning profession." Lu Cheng sighed slightly.

When he came to the front of the house, Lu Cheng opened the familiar door with the key, pushed it open, and saw Dad Lu staring at the door in a daze.


And Lu Ma, wearing an apron, ran over in a hurry, and her eyes instantly turned red.

"Stinky boy, you know how to come back!" Mother Lu scolded.

"Isn't this because of the food you cooked." Lu Cheng replied with a smile.

"Today is your father's cooking, I'm too lazy to do it." Mother Lu snorted and went to clean the room by herself.

The duck-billed fire beast grabbed a shiny kitchen knife and rushed out of the kitchen with a thud, and immediately burst into flames with joy.

Dinner is still a familiar taste, the taste of home.

Back in his room, the furnishings are exactly the same as before.

The U20 championship trophy placed on the cabinet, an egg incubator for incubating six tails, a small fruit mixer and a fish tank where the king carp was once placed.

Lu Cheng couldn't help but let out a breath, opened the window, and dialed the number he knew by heart.

"Which one?" The other party could clearly see the caller ID, but his voice was very cold.

"Your boyfriend."

"Isn't he dead?" Her voice was a little surprised.

Lu Cheng was taken aback for a moment, then his eyes widened: "Wow, you have more than one boyfriend in your relationship!"

There was a soft giggling from the other end of the phone, which was clear and pleasant. After the light cough, her tone was flat, and she said quietly:

"If you don't come back, it's not up to me to decide whether to live or die."

Lu Cheng's back froze, and he said solemnly, "Can I ask for a decent way to die?"

"Yeah, you still have requirements, let's hear it!"

"If you can, suffocate me."

Mu Wen was stunned for a moment, as if she had been thinking seriously for a while, her entire face suddenly flushed brightly, tender and tender.

"go to hell!"

The scolding sounded, the phone hung up, and the busy tone beeped.

Looking at the falling night, Lu Cheng murmured, " it okay to just apologize?"

"Oh, as expected of me."

The nine tails gracefully jumped out of the Poké Ball, the golden tails spread out like a waterfall, the flowing red pupils stared at Lu Cheng, and shook his head helplessly.

Oh, man!

The process of the Tianwang assessment requires an application to be submitted to the association headquarters in the imperial capital.

Lu Cheng plans to go to Jiangnan University tomorrow, ask Du Zhe about the specific process, and go through the graduation process by the way.

It stands to reason that ordinary graduates who can reach the senior level are already talented, let alone Lu Cheng, a monster who reached the heavenly king before the age of twenty-five.

In terms of graduation thesis, Lu Cheng plans to publish another academic paper. Although the direction has not yet been determined, it is still quite easy.

The night in Jiangcheng is low, and the lights of thousands of houses are beginning to come on.

The TV station began to replay the match Lu Cheng won the championship.

The smell of food and warm laughter wafted from the window.

Lu Cheng came to Mu Wen's house, and no matter how he picked the lock, the door remained untouched.

Lu Cheng was dumbfounded.

Unexpectedly, the lock was changed secretly!

Lin Yuan, who came to the door to water the flowers, looked at Lu Cheng in surprise, and smiled narrowly across the door: "Isn't this a champion!"

"Is she still angry?" Lu Cheng showed a bitter look.

"I don't know." Lin Yuan shrugged and said with a wicked smile, "Just ask her if you are wrong."

With that said, Lin Yuan walked back to the entrance and closed the door with a clatter.

Lu Cheng stood blankly outside the gate, rubbing his chin, and gradually fell into contemplation.

He didn't dare to jump over the wall with the fierce bite of the land shark.

Then there are only two ways left.

One is to stand at the door like a fool until dawn. Although it is not difficult to operate, women are emotional animals after all.

The second is to turn around and go home, and when the anger subsides, the girlfriend will naturally be gone.

But Lu Cheng was Lu Cheng after all. After pondering for a moment, he came to the open-air balcony in the backyard.

In the room, Mu Wen was hugging Maville tightly, and lightly tapped her forehead: "Don't open the door for him!"

"Hey..." She wanted to open the door for Lu Cheng, but slipped to Mawell who was caught half way had no choice but to nod with a bitter face.

At this moment, there was a sudden turmoil in the backyard, and the flower buds perched in the shade of greenery and flowers chirped.

Holding Maville, Mu Wen came to the marble balcony in surprise, her expression suddenly stagnant.

Across the gate of the backyard, the tyrannical carp dragon raised his upper body and showed a flattering smile to Mu Wen.

Lu Cheng stood on the head of the tyrannical carp dragon, staring at Mu Wen in a daze, and then seemed to come back to his senses.

"You are so beautiful today."

"Hey." Maville, who was in her arms, sighed helplessly.

Mu Wen was stunned for a moment, then a radian suddenly appeared on her fair and flawless face.

As if trying her best to restrain her laughter, Mu Wen's face was stern, and she suddenly burst into a smile.

"Be serious." Lu Cheng's eyes widened, "I still have something to say!"

"What do you want to say." Mu Wen smiled, carrying her hands on her back, her beautiful eyes reflecting Lu Cheng's shadow, clear and bright.

"I like you."

Lu Cheng stared straight into Mu Wen's eyes.

The delicate earlobes rose to a cherry color, and Mu Wen raised her face proudly, revealing her snow-white teeth: "I know!"

Lu Cheng was stunned for a moment, and then he also smiled.


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