My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 481: The evolution of fire dinosaurs

It is already April, and the branches of the early spring are blooming with elegant and beautiful cherry blossoms, and large areas are spread on the boulevard.

Walking through the campus holding hands, the breeze blew a faint fragrance, Lu Cheng smiled and said, "It's been a long time since I came to Jiangnan University."

Mu Wen rolled up her soft black hair beside her ears, looked at the pale pink cherry blossom forest, and murmured, "It's been a year since I graduated."

"So, it's an old husband and wife."

Mu Wen rolled her eyes at Lu Cheng, pulled out her soft little hands, and a light blush appeared on her fair face.

"I will not go to the campus of the training department. I will visit my teacher."

"I also know the teacher of the Department of Engineering and Management. I understand it all."

Mu Wen spat lightly and walked along the long cherry blossom path, her black hair swaying in the wind.

Lu Cheng was a little emotional, and immediately walked towards the campus of the training department.

When many students saw Lu Cheng swaggering past, they couldn't help but stop, with shocked expressions on their faces.

"That... it should be, shouldn't it be!"

"True or false? Senior Lu Cheng has returned to school!?"

"He should be graduating this year... He became a king in his senior year, which is too strong!"

Lu Cheng didn't mind the onlookers of his juniors.

If possible, he even wanted to have a spar with a few apprentices.

Unfortunately, we cannot learn from each other.

When he came to the teaching office, Lu Cheng knocked on the door, leaned on the threshold and smiled.

Du Zhe raised his head, was stunned for a moment, then laughed and scolded: "Stinky boy, when did you come back?"

"Yesterday." Lu Cheng sat on the chair with a smile, and said with a smile, "How is your Heavenly King assessment?"

"Not bad." Du Zhe pondered for a moment, "The person in charge of my battle assessment is Cui Qilian, the Heavenly King of Poison, and my fire-breathing dragon just restrained him."

"That's right." Du Zhe suddenly said with a serious tone, "I watched your match in Neon, your kind of strength... What the **** is going on!"

"What else could happen."

Lu Cheng shrugged, grinned and said, "My Lizard King is already a Heavenly King!"

Du Zhe was stunned for a moment, then licked his lips: "This... so fast?"

In fact, that month during the Warring States Period was the period when the Lizard King grew the fastest.

And the Nine Tails, who endured the flame of Groudon, will never lose to Tu Ming's Yanwu King under the ultimate ignition and fetter evolution.

In addition, the tyrannical carp dragon in the state of reverse scale also has the strength of the king.

With the three ace elves and the registered legendary elves, Lu Cheng has absolute confidence in passing the assessment.

What's more, Lu Cheng also has a Mewtwo who is being observed in the Rockets Building.

"It's not too fast, isn't it?" Lu Cheng said indifferently, "It took a long time to train to bite Lu Shark, otherwise it could be faster."

Du Zhe's face darkened, and he wished he could teach Lu Cheng a lesson now.

But thinking about it carefully, apart from the fire-breathing dragon, it seems that I really couldn't suppress this brat's nine tails.

After all, the evolution of fetters is extremely rare, and Du Zhe does not have the confidence to win.

After coughing hard, Du Zhe changed the subject and said, "By the way, where's the little fire dragon?"

Du Zhe also knew about this egg-flashing little fire dragon. It is said that he is good at using special attack moves.

This point coincides with its father's generation, and it also perfectly fits Lu Cheng's sunny system.

If he can evolve into a fire-breathing dragon, Lu Cheng's strength will be greatly improved.

"It has evolved into a fire dinosaur." Lu Cheng frowned, "I am trying to reduce the side effects of the power of the sun."

"Although this is a big improvement for the flame, it also puts a lot of load on its body."

"My fire-breathing dragon is characterized by fierce fire." Du Zhe pondered, "As for the power of the sun, you can ask Mr. Tu Ming."

"His Heruga, after the mega evolution, is also characterized by the power of the sun."

Lu Cheng nodded.

Although Du Zhe's main elf is a fire-breathing dragon, he follows a melee-flying route like the onion wanderer.

This is also why his fire-breathing dragon, mega evolved into the X form.

As for Lu Cheng's fire-breathing dragon, Lu Cheng intends to make it develop towards the Y form in the future.

First, the fire-breathing dragon Y is known for its flame, which is consistent with the direction that fire dinosaurs are good at.

Secondly, the characteristic of Fire-breathing Dragon Y is sunshine, which can give full play to the advantages of sunny day tactics.

After talking with Du Zhe, Lu Cheng gradually learned about the specific matters of the Tianwang assessment.

The first is to go to the imperial capital. After completing the written test, complete the simulated rescue, battle assessment and other projects in turn.

The rescue project, Lu Cheng, has been successfully completed with the help of the last time to solve the flying elf riot in the Yveltal incident.

As for the battle assessment, if it wasn't for the four heavenly kings like Tu Ming and Jiang Ziqian, Lu Cheng would still be confident.

Among the heavenly kings, there is also a difference in strength.

Standing at the top of the pyramid are the four kings of each country.

These top-notch kings are often the main force in the world competition.

However, since the World Championships are held every four years, the changes of elves and trainers are quite fast, and even the Four Heavenly Kings will not be re-elected for too long.

Even Jiang Ziqian became famous in the "Battle of Dengfeng" in the Eastern Battle Tower eight years ago, and thus became the king of heaven.

"Mr. Tu Ming, he should be in the imperial capital at the moment, preparing for this year's college league." Du Zhe said,

"If you go to participate in the Tianwang assessment, you can ask him about fire dinosaurs."

"Speaking of the college league, how is the game this year?" Lu Cheng asked.

"It's alright." Du Zhe sighed, "I won the regional competition I just don't know if I will run into Modu University this year."

Ever since Lu Cheng bloodbathed Modu University, every time he ran into Jiangnan University, Modu would be red-eyed and desperate, and other colleges and universities followed suit.

Coupled with the lack of success of the school team, Jiangnan University's record in recent years has not been ideal.

Lu Cheng smiled and scratched his head.

I don't know how the Rockets' talent base is developing.

If you have the intention to apply for Jiangda University, you can recommend a few talents to Coach Chen Dayong.

"That's right." Lu Cheng suddenly asked, "Mr. Du, do you know where there is the Mega Stone of Fire-breathing Dragon Y?"

Du Zhe was stunned for a moment, then reacted immediately and said with a smile, "That's right, Fire-breathing Dragon Y is more suitable for you."

"My Mega Stone was found in the ruins. Of course, there will be many Mega Stones for sale at the auction."

"I'll keep an eye out for you, and I'll notify you as soon as there is news."

Lu Cheng nodded.

"Your goal should be this year's World Youth Championship, right?" Du Zhe looked at Lu Cheng deeply and hesitated, "Or... the World Championship?"

Lu Cheng was stunned for a moment, then grinned and said, "I want it all!"


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