My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 482: Rockets Commencement Ceremony

Leaving the teaching building, Lu Cheng and Mu Wen made an appointment to meet in a cafe.

Hearing the news that Lu Cheng was going to the imperial capital to take part in the assessment, although Mu Wen was a little dissatisfied, she still nodded lightly with a sigh.

Lu Cheng decided that when he came back, he had to bring her some gifts.

Originally, Lu Cheng planned to use the Dianxi diamond as an engagement ring, but when his love was so strong, he couldn't help but give it away.

In this way, if you want to make a confession after becoming a king, you must at least prepare another engagement gift...

Lu Cheng didn't mention this to anyone. It's a very important matter and must be repeated carefully.

Leaving Jiangcheng, on the way to the imperial capital, Lu Cheng decided to go to the magic capital again.

The first is about the opening ceremony of the Rockets school.

Although it is only at the end of April, as a private middle school, the Rockets Middle School has completed early enrollment.

The source of students includes those who passed the interview and assessment, as well as outstanding players in the U20 competitions in various provinces.

In the Rockets school, Lu Cheng is very attentive, and has recruited many teachers from major colleges and universities.

It is foreseeable that when these teenagers grow up, they will become the backbone of the Rockets.

Second, it's about Mewtwo.

According to Professor Liu Bosheng, Chaomeng's genetic condition is quite good, and he has shown an amazing talent in spiritual power.

As an artificial elf, Mewtwo has unparalleled learning ability, and can grow into an outstanding combat force with just a little training.

But even though Lu Cheng's genes are integrated, if you want to conquer, you still need to get the approval of Chao Meng.

Leaving Jiangcheng, Lu Cheng flew towards the magic capital aboard the Flying Flying Dragon.

The wind whistled, and Lu Cheng murmured, "I don't know when I will be able to ride Yveltal again."

When he was fighting with Groudon, Lu Cheng once stood on Yveltal to command the battle.

With Yveltal's wingspan of nearly ten meters, it's quite reassuring.

The master ball swayed, and Yveltal sneered: "If you dare, just let me out."

Lu Cheng was suddenly startled: "So you didn't fall asleep?"

Since returning from the wormhole, Yveltal has been silent, and Lu Cheng thought it fell into a deep sleep again.

"I'm just accumulating energy." Yveltal said indifferently, "If I don't destroy life, I can only accumulate energy by sleeping."

"In other words, even if you send me to fight, it's just useless."

"How soon can you release Deathwing again?"

"Ten years." Yveltal smiled strangely, "Of course, if there is an aura of death, it can recover faster!"

Of course Lu Cheng would not allow Yveltal to kill.

Despite such a long time limit, as long as God Y exists, Lu Cheng has a hole card.

"Excuse me, go to sleep." Lu Cheng snorted, "If there is a chance, I will find some life orbs for you to suck!"

Yveltal snorted coldly, and his telepathy disappeared.

On the other hand, Darkrai floated quietly beside Lu Cheng, and said with lingering fears, "This is really a big man!"

"Just don't provoke it." Lu Cheng raised his eyebrows, "By the way, how is your shadow avatar training?"

"It's too stable!" Darkrai showed a sinister smile.

Although Darkrai's racial value is good at special attack, Lu Cheng's Darkrai is more inclined to strike with two swords.

The action of pinning the enemy with a shadow, and then using the shadow clone and a surprise attack to triple the damage, the strength is like an explosion.

With the BUG attack method of shadow, unless it encounters the three types of evil, ghost, and super power, it is difficult to have restraint effect.

This also means that although Darkrai's strength is comparable to that of the vast majority of Heavenly King's elves.

The only remaining elves of the first echelon who have not yet entered the heavenly king are the Fossil Pterosaurs, Variety Monsters and Lucario.

The Variety Monster appears as a tactical soldier, but it is not strict in terms of strength requirements.

And the fossil pterosaur has the original return as the guarantee of future strength.

"After the fire dinosaurs evolve, the next stage should focus on Lucario's training." Lu Cheng murmured.

While pondering, the Eastern Battle Tower of the Demon City is already in sight.

Coming to the Rockets' landmark building, Lu Cheng flew straight towards the Rockets campus.

On the wide playground, there was a neatly assembled squad.

These youthful youths held the Poké Ball tightly in their hands, raised their little faces, and looked serious.

Because they know that their principal will come to review their achievements today!

"Lu Cheng should be here soon, right?" Du Wen, director of the research department, asked nervously.

The head of the Battle Department, Shen Sitian, said: "I'm late for the opening ceremony, this kid is too unreliable!"

"It's a traffic jam, I guess." Zhao Dachun, director of the breeding department, smiled honestly, "How about, let the vice-principal go up and say a few words?"

The original vice-principal was supposed to be Du Zhe, but Du Zhe has his own job at Jiangnan University, so he could only be in name.

And the one who managed for Lu Cheng, the slack shopkeeper, was actually a bearded man, Sun Rong, the original master of the Chang'an City Gym.

Back then, the master of the ground department, because of his unfortunate defeat to Du Zhe, turned to hate the teaching profession.

Unexpectedly, as Lu Cheng's tactical enlightenment, he has now become a teacher.

Looking at the earnest and awe-inspiring eyes of this group of young people, Gongsun Rong couldn't help but sighed and smiled.

After all, people still live the way they hate the most!

At this moment, there was a sudden exclamation from the crowd.

The students looked up at the sky, with a hint of awe and excitement in their expressions.

"Then, that's Principal Lu Cheng!"

"My God, Flying Dragon! Principal Lu can conquer even such a powerful spirit!"

In the midst of everyone's attention, Lu Cheng was riding the Flying Dragon, overlooking the neat formation, and couldn't help but smile.

Immediately, the Variety Monster was retracted, and it fell vertically from a height of several hundred meters!

The exclamation suddenly sounded, and the expressions of everyone present changed, but they saw a scene that they will never forget.

The Fossil Pterosaur took off from the Poké Ball, grabbed Lu Cheng's waistcoat, and landed slowly with a low roar.

And the huge red carp dragon roared and stood upright, supporting the falling Lu Cheng and letting him stand on top of his head.

Everyone was shocked and speechless by this amazing scene.

Standing on the top of the tyrannical carp dragon, Lu Cheng looked down at the square and smiled slightly: "Hello, The whole playground suddenly boiled.

"Principal Lu, I'm your fan!"

"I must study hard, and strive to enter the Rockets in the future!"

Lu Cheng waved his hand, signaling everyone to be quiet.

In the eyes of everyone looking forward to it, Lu Cheng smiled and said, "As the principal, I just want to tell you a few words."

"Be kind to your elves."

"It's not a tool for you to fight, it's your family, your partner, your comrade-in-arms."

"Don't abandon it because it is weak. Even the weakest green caterpillar can fly in the clouds in the future."

"You will grow together, share memories together, and become the best trainers in the world together!"

Among these students, many were from poor families and could only cultivate cheap elves.

They also had the idea of ​​changing the elves, but now, these students all have red eyes, trying their best to restrain their emotions from crying.

There were also many wealthy disciples with high self-esteem, who bowed their heads in shame.

I hope this group of people will continue to pass on this spirit and belief.

Thinking of this, Lu Cheng couldn't help but smile.


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