My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 483: Mewtwo in Y form

Team Rocket Building, research room.

Liu Bosheng happily made a cup of tea for Lu Cheng: "I've listened to the speech just now, it's pretty good."

Lu Cheng glanced at Liu Bosheng helplessly: "What I said is the truth!"

"I know." Liu Bosheng smiled, "I have good news and bad news to tell you, which one do you want to hear first?"

"bad news."

"The bad news is that Mewtwo's genes are very unstable and need to be observed for another two months."

"What about the good news?"

"The good news is that Chao Meng's character is very similar to yours, maybe you two will get along very well."

Lu Cheng's eyes lit up: "Can I have a look now?"

Last time, Lu Cheng didn't see Chao Meng, so he was very curious about Chao Meng's character and appearance.

"Of course." Liu Bosheng nodded, "but you shouldn't be unfamiliar, the appearance is very similar to the dream."

Similar to a dream?

Lu Cheng couldn't help being a little surprised.

With Mewtwo's long arms and hands, it doesn't look very much like a dream.

With curiosity, Lu Cheng came to the cultivation cabin of the scientific research room and was stunned for a moment.

Floating in mid-air, a small cat with silvery white body is drawing and drawing on the drawing board on its own.

When he saw someone coming in, he quickly threw the drawing board aside, and hid behind the nutrient solution tank to peep at the person who came.

Lu Cheng finally knew why Liu Bosheng said that Chaomeng and Dream look very similar.

This small Mewtwo is clearly the Y form after the mega!

The long nerve bundles swayed in the back of the head. Compared with the initial form of Mewtwo, Mewtwo Y's physique was smaller and more feline-like, making it more adorable.

Lu Cheng couldn't help being a little startled and fell into deep thought.

Mewtwo is a mega evolution that can use its own power to form X form and Y form.

Moreover, Mewtwo is an artificial spirit, and it is inevitable that there will be differences in appearance.

"You look surprised." Liu Bosheng said in surprise, "Is there something wrong with it?"

Chao Meng hid behind the nutrient solution tank, staring at Lu Cheng silently with big eyes.

The long nerve bundle exuded a faint fluorescence, showing Chao Meng's nervousness.

Lu Cheng smiled slightly, took off the drawing board that floated in the air with the help of his spiritual power, and handed it to Chao Meng.

"Nice to meet you."

Chaomeng was slightly startled, and after a while, he reached out a hand to take the drawing board.

"This kid likes to draw." Liu Bosheng smiled, "Come and have a look, this is the picture he drew from the video of you winning the championship."

Lu Cheng followed Liu Bosheng in surprise to a wall covered with pictures.

And Chaomeng also quietly flew out from behind the nutrient solution tank, followed behind Lu Cheng, and looked at Lu Cheng curiously.

The walls are covered with pictures of Mewtwo.

From the unfamiliar brushwork at the beginning, the painting skills improved at a speed visible to the naked eye, to the most recent painting, it has already reached the level of a master painter.

The most recent painting is of Lu Cheng winning the championship at the Neon Sword Test Competition.

In the picture, the Lizard King exaggeratedly wields a huge long sword, while Lu Cheng stood behind the Lizard King with a light-hearted look.

"It's pretty good." Lu Cheng smiled and turned his head to meet Chaomeng's red eyes.

Chao Meng, who was startled, didn't know where to hide for a while, so he had to twist his fingers and bow his head shyly.

"You can stay here for two months, okay?" Lu Cheng stared at Chaomeng and said sincerely,

"After two months, I will show you the outside world!"

"Yofu?" Chao Meng raised his head and blinked in confusion.

Is the outside world different from here?

"How do you say it?" Lu Cheng hesitated for a moment, "There are good things and bad things."

"But if you want to see the scenery outside, I will accompany you to the end." Lu Cheng grinned.

Chaomeng grinned, floating happily in the air, and the purple nerve bundles lit up with crystal light.

Lu Cheng couldn't help but touched Chaomeng's little head and smiled, "Wait two more months, and I will come to pick you up!"

Chao Meng nodded in frustration, then raised his head and extended his hand to Lu Cheng.

Pull hook.

Lu Cheng was slightly startled, then immediately stretched out his hand and said with a smile, "Pull the hook."

Liu Bosheng looked at this scene with some emotion, and sighed helplessly: "Don't blame me, the old man, you know, the way you looked last time scared us!"

Mewtwo's genes are not very stable, sometimes causing it to show painful symptoms.

But this situation has been significantly improved after the gene was gradually fused.

As long as the two-month observation period is spent, Chao Meng can join Lu Cheng's team as a new member.

Chao Meng pursed his mouth, circled twice in the air, and took the drawing board to the corner to paint.

Lu Cheng and Liu Bosheng walked out of the cultivation room.

"What kind of Poke Ball are you going to use to subdue it?" Liu Bosheng suddenly said solemnly, "Ordinary Poke Balls simply can't withstand this child's powerful mental power."

"If you can, ask a craftsman to make a Poké Ball specially."

Lu Cheng was slightly startled: "Is the master ball okay?"

He still has an idle Master Ball on him.

Originally I wanted to use it as a hole card, but when I played against Groudon, there was no chance of hitting it.

In this case, it would be better to directly use it as Mewtwo's Poké Ball.

Liu Bosheng was stunned for a moment, then laughed and scolded: "Of course the master ball is fine."

"But you stinky boy, you are really luxurious!"

Lu Cheng smiled and said, "I heard that at this year's science summit, isn't the gold medal a master ball?"

"Academic papers related to should be enough to win this year's gold medal, right?"

Liu Bosheng's eyes lit up, and he and Lu Cheng smiled in unison.

Leaving the research room, Lu Cheng took him to Liu Shengnan's office for a walk.

Liu Shengnan was busy setting up Rocket branches in other provinces, and he was so busy that he didn't look good when he saw Lu Cheng.

Lu Cheng was also happy to relax.

But before Lu Cheng went out, Liu Shengnan stopped Lu Cheng and handed him an invitation letter.

"What's this?"

"Aren't you looking for the Mega Stone of Fire-breathing Dragon Y recently?" Liu Shengnan said angrily.

"There will be a lot of Mega Stones on display in this auction tomorrow, you can try your luck."

"How can it be so easy to get lucky!" Lu Cheng said with a smile.

"This auction was organized by the Dianxi Group." Liu Shengnan frowned and thought for a moment, "The finale looks like a big-mouthed baby's Mega stone."

Lu Cheng was worried before, what kind of gift would be better for Senior Sister.

In this way, I can think about it for Maville first.

"Brother Liu, thank you!" Lu Cheng grinned.


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