My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 491: Fire Dinosaur Evolution!

Unlike the World Series, the World Youth Championship is held annually, usually in mid-August.

Because it is only for young trainers under the age of 25, the World Youth Championship is also dubbed the "Master World Championship".

After all, compared with the championship championships where the heavenly kings gather, it is quite rare for a trainer of the quasi-kingdom level to appear in the World Youth Championship.

But Lu Cheng doesn't think so.

Judging from Jiang Ziqian's tone, it is obvious that he has no confidence in winning the championship!

"Could it be that there will be some evil geniuses in the World Youth Championship?" Lu Cheng murmured,

"Be careful, let's bring the Nine-Tails and the Lizard King with you..."

Three days have passed since the Heavenly King assessment.

During these three days, Lu Cheng stayed in the imperial capital to learn from the heavenly kings and benefited a lot.

After all, the heavenly kings are mostly scattered all over the country, and it is difficult to have such an opportunity to gather together.

Lu Cheng also seized this opportunity to exercise Lucario and Fossil Pterosaurs and other elves who had not yet entered the Heavenly King level.

Next to the fighting arena.

Xie Cheng stood with his hands behind his back, and said, "Lucario, try to cut it in the middle!"

The one who fought against Lucario was a rather flexible jerk.

The spring legs that can be bent continuously, attacked Lucario from all directions.

But Lucario didn't dodge or dodge, and he punched in the middle, hitting Hippogriff's belly!

Hippogriff cried out in pain, and immediately fell to the ground.

Xie Cheng nodded with satisfaction: "The secret of boxing is to see the right moment and go straight to the point!"

As an experienced fighting king, Xie Cheng has a very deep understanding of boxing.

It just so happened that what Lucario was best at was melee combat, so Lu Cheng asked Xie Cheng for advice.

After defeating Feizulang, Xie Cheng asked Lucario to practice demolition and unloading against the stake, and then came to Lu Cheng slowly.

Xie Cheng nodded with satisfaction: "Lucario's punch speed is quite amazing, which is its advantage."

"However, the injury-for-injury style of play sometimes causes a lot of burden on it, so I specially trained its blocking skills."

Lu Cheng looked strange, looking at Lucario who was beating the stakes on the field.

Bowing his hands, Lu Cheng said earnestly, "Master Xie!"

"Thank you, but you don't have to." Xie Cheng said happily, "As long as your Lucario can be promoted to the king, I will be satisfied!"

"I didn't thank you, forget it... Excuse me, is there a place suitable for Lucario to train?"

Lucario's melee ability is quite good, and he has a wave missile like a wave fist as a long-range move.

As long as Lucario can reach the level of a king, Lu Cheng's strength will definitely be greatly improved.

Xie Cheng pondered for a moment: "To be honest, in the early years, Kuai Quan Lang and I got to where we are today by fighting black boxing."

Lu Cheng was slightly taken aback.

The so-called underground boxing match is an informal boxing match for fighting spirits, and the scene is quite bloody.

However, in the battles, the elves can indeed hone their superb fighting skills.

"Of course, it's not suitable for you to go to this kind of occasion in your current status." Xie Cheng pondered,

"On the other hand, the Professional Trainer Alliance will often organize regular competitions and challenges. You can take a look."

The so-called Vocational Trainer Alliance is an organization established by the association for trainers above the senior level.

Vocational trainers can regularly receive stipends from the association and perform various duties at the same time.

"I remember a boxing challenge for professional trainers."

Xie Chengdao: "As long as you can defeat ten elves in a row, you will be able to learn Qihequan's moves."

"But in the past few years, very few trainers have been able to challenge successfully." Xie Cheng smiled.

"If you want to try it, you can bring your Lucario to have a look!"

Lu Cheng nodded.

This kind of continuous battle mode is a big test for the spirit and mind of the elves.

Even Lucario, who is at the peak of the master, may not be able to easily defeat him.

But the elves can only break through the limit when they face the limit.

And although Lucario can't learn Qihequan, he can learn by analogy and enhance his understanding of melee combat and Comet Fist.

If you have the opportunity, you can still go to the boxing challenge to have a look.

After saying goodbye to the fighting king, Lu Cheng went to the residence of Li Yunfei, the flying king.

On the open training ground, Li Yunfei was shouting: "Fossil pterosaur, continue diving training!"

The fossilized pterosaur let out an embarrassed roar. Seeing that Bi Diao and Da Wang Yan flew past him one after another, he had no choice but to continue flying.

Fossil pterosaurs have the advantage of sharp claws and fangs.

In terms of speed and stamina, there is still a certain gap with the elves such as Bidio and Dawangyan.

Therefore, Li Yunfei's training plan is to strengthen the flying ability of the fossil pterosaur.

Seeing its owner coming, the Fossil Pterosaur could not help tearing up and let out a roar of grievance.

Lu Cheng waved his hand cheerfully: "Train well, I'll take you to a big dinner tonight!"

Compared with Lu Cheng, these heavenly kings who are proficient in various attributes are definitely more able to do targeted training.

Therefore, while Lu Cheng was learning tactics and command, he let a few elves follow the kings to learn together.

And his main energy was spent on studying the solar power characteristics of fire dinosaurs.

According to Tu Ming, using tricks to strengthen the characteristics of the power of the sun can achieve the effect of maximum damage.

But this will also put a lot of burden on the elves.

This is not the right path for the fire dinosaurs in their growing season.

After several discussions with Tu Ming and repeated attempts, Lu Cheng found a different path from Tu Ming.

Tu Ming's Heluga used his own vitality to strengthen the flame.

And Lu Cheng's Fire Dinosaur enhanced his vitality by absorbing the power of the sun.

The most prominent performance is the fire on the tail of the fire dinosaur, which is extremely vigorous on a sunny day.

After several Fire Dinosaurs gradually adapted to the method of controlling the tail flame.

This also means that the power of the sun of the fire dinosaur is perfectly combined with the sunny day!

"Nine Tails, use Da Qingtian!"

On the training ground, Lu Cheng asked Jiuwei to use the highest intensity sunny day.

The dazzling sun poured down.

The tail of the fire dinosaur symbolizes the flame of vitality, which absorbs the continuous power of the sun, making it particularly turbulent!


The fire dinosaur roared up to the sky, the flame at the tail rose suddenly, and a dazzling white light burst out from the golden body!

Looking at this scene, Lu Cheng couldn't help but smile.

The strength of fire dinosaurs is at a bottleneck.

And solving the side effects of the power of the sun makes the fire dinosaurs extremely vigorous.

The accumulation of quantitative changes leads to qualitative changes. This is the evolution that comes naturally!

The white light receded like a tide.

A fire-breathing dragon covered with pitch-black scales, the black wings behind it stretched, setting off a strong airflow.

The slender dragon tail swayed, the black fire-breathing dragon raised its head high, and let out a proud and proud roar!


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