My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 492: Brother Cheng, say something!

The fire-breathing dragon is a unique elf that can master a fairly comprehensive range of moves, and none of the super-giant, mega-evolution and exclusive super-giant moves have fallen.

And these scaly wings also provide the fire-breathing dragon with a powerful flying ability, which has significantly improved in the air field.

At this moment, what appeared in front of Lu Cheng's eyes was a black fire-breathing dragon whose body was as black as ink and whose scales reflected a faint cold light!

As if satisfied with his new body, the fire-breathing dragon looked down at his body, then narrowed his eyes and rubbed against Lu Cheng intimately.

There were bursts of grunts from its slender jaws, Lu Cheng touched the fire-breathing dragon's head, and said with a smile, "Okay, the evolution has just begun!"

Lu Cheng's expectations for the fire-breathing dragon are no less than the tyrannical carp dragon.

After all, this is the second flashing elf in Lu Cheng's team, and it has rare hidden special effects.

If the black fire-breathing dragon can combine the power of the sun, the flames, and the sun with each other, its future strength will never be lost to the fierce bite land shark.

Lu Cheng's plan for the fire-breathing dragon was to master the hot-air move as soon as possible, which is more powerful than the fire-breathing fire.

The hot air fanned by the fire-breathing dragon's wings can burn multiple enemies at the same time.

If it can be combined with the air blade, the power of the hot wind mixed with the sharp blade will definitely be even higher!

In terms of flying, the fire-breathing dragon is a more suitable means of transportation than the tyrannosaurus, and a lot of bad weather can be avoided just on a sunny day.

Therefore, Lu Cheng asked Li Yunfei for the contact information of the flight protective gear customizer.

"Didn't you already customize Lu Shark with Liebite before," Li Yunfei said in surprise.

"Which flying spirit did you conquer this time?"

"It's this one."

Lu Cheng threw the Poke Ball.

The whole body shone with a metallic matte light, covered with armor-like black dragon scales, and the lines in the gaps seemed like beautiful patterns.

Lu Cheng's fire-breathing dragon, while the usual fire-breathing dragon is mighty and domineering, also has a different kind of beauty.

Li Yunfei was stunned for a moment, then murmured strangely, "You kid, don't you already have a red tyrannosaur?"

"How rich are you, you can even get a black fire-breathing dragon!"

Although a shining elves, it does not mean that the elves' qualifications are necessarily better than ordinary elves.

But in terms of price, it must be hundreds or thousands of times higher than ordinary elves.

At the price of the flashing little fire dragon, if it is placed on the market, it should at least start at tens of millions...

"It hatched from an egg." Lu Cheng shrugged.

Li Yunfei froze in place.

Look at this fearless appearance.

Is this the ugly face of Europeans?

"Then...what about the red carp dragon?"

"It was given by someone else." Lu Cheng grinned.

Li Yunfei waved his hand tiredly as if he was choked.

"It takes about two days to customize the flight tools. You can contact the manufacturer yourself."

It's not enough to have the red carp dragon, and now the black fire-breathing dragon is used as a mount.

Looking at it this way, Lu Cheng can be regarded as the most extravagant king in the alliance...

Even this black fire-breathing dragon will become a louder pronoun than Jiang Ziqian's three evil dragons in the future!

Thinking of this, seeing Lu Cheng walking all the way, Li Yunfei couldn't help shaking his head.

"I also want to go back to Yunshang to participate in this year's Flying Masters." Li Yunfei said with a smile, "Lu Tianwang, goodbye!"

Lu Cheng was slightly startled, and immediately realized that a week had passed in the imperial capital.

The remaining Heavenly Kings also left the imperial capital one by one and rushed back to their own territory.

It seemed that it was time for him to return to Jiangcheng to deal with some personal matters.

Lu Cheng smiled and said, "Senior, there will be a future!"


In a week, the fossil pterosaur was trained by Li Yunfei, and the speed of Yan's return was greatly improved.

And in the "free fall" move, the combination of crunching and dragon claws was added, which enhanced the air combat ability of the fossil pterosaur in close combat.

And Lucario also successfully trained his fighting ability.

But Lu Cheng knew that Lucario was an elf who could make great achievements in both spiritual power and healing ability.

Through the healing effect of the wave's power, Lucario can learn the "healing wave" move.

Although it cannot be used directly on oneself, it can support teammates in doubles battles, and sometimes even achieve miraculous results.

Lu Cheng decided to let Lucario master this move as soon as possible before the World Youth Championship.

Lu Cheng's customized flight protective gear arrived quickly.

I heard that the customizer is the national champion Lu Cheng. The manufacturer didn't even ask for the customization fee, but only asked to fill in his name on the competition clothes.

But Lu Cheng honestly paid the custom fee.

He didn't want his clothes to be full of sponsors, just like a certain Calel champion.

What's more, Lu Cheng's competition clothes were all arranged by his senior, so he didn't dare to go beyond the norm.

Thinking of this, the corners of Lu Cheng's mouth could not help but rise slightly.

Putting on the flight protective gear, Lu Cheng sat on the back of the black fire-breathing dragon and patted its head lightly.

"Let's go, fire-breathing dragon." Lu Cheng smiled, "Let's go back to Jiangcheng!"

The black wings set off a strong airflow.

When this mighty black fire-breathing dragon rose into the sky, the trainers in the imperial capital all remembered this impressive scene.

"This, which Heavenly King's fire-breathing dragon is this? It's still shining!"

"Flash fire dinosaur, I only know that Champion Lu has one... Then it shouldn't be Lu Cheng!"

"A few days ago, the Heavenly King assessment held by the association, is it possible that the achievement was carried out for Lu Cheng?"

"Damn it, it's possible!"

"But the association has not announced the news of the new king..."

"You're stupid, this must be the association's desire to protect Lushen's privacy, now it's time to change his tune and call him Lu Tianwang!"

Such speculation is not groundless.

Even on the elf forum, there have been a lot of discussion posts about the black fire-breathing dragon and the mysterious trainer.

All kinds of signs point to Lu Cheng, and it is very likely that he has passed the examination and became the king of heaven.

The elf forum was so lively as if it were a festival.

Big Rock Snake has tried to harden: According to reliable sources, the national champion Lu Cheng is likely to have been promoted to the King of Heaven!

Million-ton punch: No one really thinks that Lu Cheng is not the king, right? No way!

Art is a naughty bomb: what the hell! If it is true, Lushen has set a new record again!

Ruthless water sticker Rotom: @Did the nine tails win the championship today, Brother Cheng, say something!

But Lu Cheng himself seemed to have disappeared.

In fact, Lu Cheng is currently in Jiangcheng, living a life like a newlywed.

Jiangcheng, Jitian Taoist Hall.

"Is there no challenger?"

Lu Cheng sighed regretfully: "This year's rookie trainers are not good enough!"

Mu Wen gave Lu Cheng a blank look while using the healing spray to heal Lie Bit Lu Shark.

"How can you be like this? It's been three days, and not a single gym badge will be issued."

"They can't win against Lu Shark, what can they do?" Lu Cheng shook his head and said to himself,

"I'm thinking that I'm also using a technique that is extremely heavenly, and the difficulty is not beyond the standard, right?"

Lin Yuan was going to study in the past two days, and entrusted Lu Cheng to take care of the Jitian Taoist Hall for a period of time.

As a result, there was a scene of fiercely biting the land shark and beating the green caterpillar and Bibi Just imagine, a new trainer in Jiangcheng, with the desire to become a Pokémon master, set foot on the war gym. first step.

I thought that the gym owner would choose the right elves to encourage and cultivate their self-confidence.

Who would have imagined that the difficulty would be directly increased, and the head-on collision with the fierce bite Lu shark!

Every day, outside the Jitian Taoist Hall, you can hear the rookie trainer breaking down and crying.

"No, I'm no longer a trainer!"

"Go to the special trainer dream, give me the Poke Ball, I want to go home!"

For this, Lu Cheng didn't feel any guilt at all, on the contrary, he was happy with it.

What's more, the three-day life as a gym owner gave Lu Cheng the illusion of being newly married.

As soon as the battle is over, when you look back, there are a pair of affectionate eyes watching him.

And at noon every day, Mu Wen made the bento by herself.

Although it is still unpalatable, the cooking skills are improving at a steady rate.

He glanced at Mu Wen, who was feeding several elves such as Liebite Lu Shark, Fire-breathing Dragon, and Mawell.

A smile appeared on Lu Cheng's face.

This kind of life feels pretty good too!


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