My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 502: Lu Tianwang, such a great official prestige!

Magic City, an international sports center.

Although the World Youth Championship held in Neon Tokyo in August has not yet opened, the selection is in full swing.

The competition for this year's contestants is extremely fierce. It is said that the descendants of the Dragon King will participate in the selection.

Lu Cheng looked through the materials for the selection of candidates, and said to Han Qing beside him with an ugly expression:

"On this level?"

Han Qing blinked: "Do you have any dissatisfaction?"

Lu Cheng sighed.

In this batch of lists, most of them come from the inheritance of various gymnasiums and the heirs of the family.

All of these talented trainers are among the best in the world, and without exception, they reached the professional level before the age of twenty-five.

But for Lu Cheng...

This is not enough to see at all!

Among this group of people, only Jiang Xun managed to gain Lu Cheng's eyesight.

But even Jiang Xun, if he really met a trainer with the strength of the Heavenly King, he would only be able to deliver food!

While Lu Cheng shook his head, he stamped a red seal of "Not Accepted" on several application forms.

"Every one is like a master, how can I choose!" Lu Cheng complained.

Several staff members present looked at each other.

Even they didn't know that Lu Tianwang would be the examiner.

Originally, the examiners of the World Youth Championship were Han Qing, the king of ice, and Du Zhe, the king of clear sky.

But Du Zhe had a lazy temperament, so he was too lazy to take care of this kind of thing, so he let Lu Cheng be the examiner.

This also means that in the selection of the World Youth Championship, Lu Cheng is both a contestant and an examiner!

This selection competition is divided into interview and actual combat. Before that, it needs to go through a round of screening.

If Han Qing hadn't stopped Lu Cheng, he would have wanted to wipe out all the trainers below the master level.

Looking at Lu Cheng, who was grief-stricken while covering the red seal non-stop.

Han Qing's red lips twitched, and he smiled coldly: "Lu Tianwang, such a powerful official!"

Lu Cheng's action of stamping the red seal suddenly trembled.

Almost forgot, I still have the identity of a player!

Lu Cheng coughed awkwardly and waved his hand reluctantly: "Then... I'll give you a face and let Lingmei enter the actual combat stage!"

Han Qing was startled, looked down and saw that Lu Chengzheng was planning to swipe down Han Ying's registration form as well.

Hello, Lu Cheng!

Han Qing gritted his silver teeth: "I want to see what kind of championship team you can choose!"

The World Youth Championship is divided into individual competitions and team competitions. Team competitions also consider tactical allocation.

Therefore, the examiner also shoulders the responsibility of selecting a qualified team.

The trainers who passed the first round of screening came to the interior of the competition center.

The mode of the pairwise battle is determined by the method of drawing lots.

Of course, if there is a strong duel, it is also possible that both will be selected.

Lu Cheng still trusts Han Qing's vision of the ice king.

"Then... should I go to the actual battle now, or wait for them to finish a round?" Lu Cheng was eager to try.

Han Qing gave Lu Cheng a white look, and said slightly sullenly, "Is it a blow to their self-confidence by letting you play!"

"Let's watch the round first, and decide on a rough candidate!"

Lu Cheng couldn't refute Han Qing's reasons.

The two stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows on the second floor of the stands, watching the preliminary round of trials.

Counting Lu Cheng, a total of thirty people were selected.

One bye, exactly fifteen groups, and each group battle was controlled within ten minutes.

What Lu Cheng and Han Qing had to do was to select at least five members among these thirty people.

At this moment, there was a loud noise on the field.

Han Qing glanced at the increasingly fierce two-axe fighting dragon, and said to Lu Cheng:

"Jiang Xun's selection should be confirmed, right?"

Unexpectedly, Lu Cheng looked confused, looked back and forth reluctantly, and finally had to nod his head.

"That's the only way."

What does it mean to have to do this?

Han Qing pursed his lips, feeling that his cognition was a bit misplaced.

Could it be that in your eyes, the master level is a very **** existence?

After all, it is also the inheritance of the Dragon King!

In the starting list, Jiang Xun is tentatively set.

In the next few games, there were no players who could surprise Lu Cheng.

And when a crystal clear gem starfish appeared, Lu Cheng's eyes widened.

"Why did he come to the competition!"

"Do you know him?" Han Qing asked curiously, "This is the apprentice of the Coordination World Champion and a rare Coordination Combat Trainer."

Lu Cheng also recognized this gem starfish that was kowtowing while lighting up.

Its trainer was the one who participated in the college league with Lu Cheng, Luo Yun!

Looking at Luo Yun who was smiling, Lu Cheng felt a little emotional.

In less than two years, his strength has grown rapidly!

"With a wide range of strikes and deceptive gorgeous tactics, it can be regarded as a surprise soldier."

Han Qing recorded in the notebook: "Since it is your old classmate, it shouldn't be a problem to give him a few points."

Lu Cheng was a little moved.

As expected of the ice king, he is so proficient in walking through the back door!

In the next few trials, a young girl with wheat-colored skin, wearing shorts and a vest, showing her sturdy legs stood out.

This trainer is a colleague of the Rockets, the champion of the Southwest Division, and the poison master Huyan Xing.

Han Ying is worthy of the inheritance of the ice family, and easily won with the ivory pig.

Under Han Qing's intimidating gaze, Lu Cheng had no choice but to give Han Qing a pass.

"I don't want to recruit so many masters..." Lu Cheng said in a low voice.

"What did you say?"

"I said, Han Ying's strength needs to be improved, that ivory pig is too bulky."

"That's true."

Han Qing actually thought about it seriously and nodded, "Then I need you to train me."

Lu Cheng almost spit out the water he drank.


"Don't you know?" Han Qing blinked,

"The leader of the team also plays the role of coach and needs to provide guidance to the players!"

Lu Cheng coughed awkwardly.

"Otherwise... what were you thinking just now?"

Han Qing suddenly smiled sweetly. UU reading www.

"I'm thinking."

Lu Cheng was serious and looked out the floor-to-ceiling window with a serious expression.

"Mu Haoyun's strength should not only be at the master level, right?"

Han Qing was slightly startled, and followed Lu Cheng's line of sight.

On the field, it was a sonic dragon with a dark body and purple diaphragms on its wings, like a giant bat.

Beside the sound wave dragon, there is a trainer with a proud look, showing a gentle smile that is a little distant.

Han Qing nodded: "Mu Haoyun's strength is personally recognized by King Jiang Tianwang, not to mention that in the last national competition, he had a battle with Xing Feng."

Xing Feng is currently traveling the world, doing special training for the World Championships from December to January this year.

And Mu Haoyun, who is only 25 years old, just meets the entry standards for the World Youth Championship.

"He got a bye?" Lu Cheng asked.

Han Qing nodded.


Lu Cheng smiled slightly and walked towards the battlefield.

"It's my turn to play."


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