My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 503: Tool people, gather!

"Where's my opponent?"

Although he was a little dissatisfied with participating in the trials, Mu Haoyun still tried his best to keep a smile.

But when he heard the bye, his expression stiffened for a moment, and then returned to normal.

"I should be fighting against Lu Cheng, why doesn't he play?"

Mu Haoyun politely asked the referee.

The referee looked at Mu Haoyun with caring eyes for the mentally retarded.

Is it necessary for Lu Tianwang to compete with your "young" trainer in the top 16 of the national competition?

Lu Tianwang only participated in the trials just for the sake of showing off. You actually plan to challenge him.

Saying you are fat, you are still out of breath!

Glancing at Mu Haoyun coldly, the referee looked arrogant, and suddenly his expression changed, hehe said with a smile:

"Lu... Champion Lu, why did you come down!"

The referee subconsciously wanted to call out Lu Cheng's title of Heavenly King, realized Lu Cheng's eyes, and immediately changed his tune.

"I'm here to play against this player."

Lu Cheng smiled slightly, then looked at Mu Haoyun,

"After all, you are also the most important to me among this group of people."

In order to make Mu Haoyun obey the management.

Lu Cheng decided to hit the thorn well.

Mu Haoyun's face was ashen.

He is arrogant and arrogant, he chose to come to the World Youth Championship, thinking that winning the championship is an easy thing.

In the national competition, although he stopped in the top sixteen, he lost to Xing Feng.

In his eyes, both he and Xing Feng were hurt, and Lu Cheng won the national championship only because of good luck.

Really let him and Lu Cheng have a 6v6 match, the outcome is still unknown!

"I value me... Are you worthy?"

Mu Haoyun smiled, his eyes were sharp, and he squeezed out a few words between his teeth.

Those eyes full of desire to win made Han Qing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window pursed his lips and smiled playfully.

"Looks like there's a good show to watch."

The coordinator Luo Yunzheng was greatly encouraged by the recognition of Brother Cheng, but seeing that Lu Cheng accepted the challenge, he immediately shouted:

"Brother Cheng, come on!!"

Han Ying pursed her lips worriedly.

Jiang Xun put his hands in his pockets and said indifferently, "He's going to shut himself up."


"Who else could it be?"

The referee was about to persuade Mu Haoyun, but seeing Lu Cheng smiling and nodding, he had to sigh and shake his head.

Little brother, your way is narrow!

"The rule is a 1v1 singles format, is there any problem?"

Mu Haoyun ignored the referee and smiled coldly: "Are you going to use your two legendary elves, or the nine tails?"

Soundwave Dragon is Mu Haoyun's ace elf. Although there is a gap compared to Nine Tails, he is confident that he will never lose to Darkrai!

Nine tails?

Lu Cheng shook his head: "You're not worthy."

Mu Haoyun was stunned for a moment, then gritted his teeth and said, "Come on, Soundwave Dragon!"

The pitch-black bat wings set off an astonishing wave of air, and the sonic dragon fluttered its wings, making a strange scream.

The sound waves form substantial sharp edges, which overlap with the sound waves, and can even cause chaos.

Rao Shi Lu Cheng couldn't help but nod his head.

This should be a good tool for team competitions.

But before that, he still had to sound the alarm bell.

"Come on, bite Lu Shark fiercely."

It was like a substantive murderous aura pervaded Lie Bite Lu Shark.

The double sickles refracted the cold light, and the bite land shark opened those scarlet eyes and stared at the sound wave dragon in the air.

Under this terrifying deterrence, the sound of the sound wave dragon was hoarse on the spot, and then silently fell silent.

A drop of cold sweat fell on Mu Haoyun's forehead.

Shouldn't his strongest be the Nine Tails?

Why, this fierce biting land shark can also have such strength!

"Don't be merciful." Lu Cheng urged.

"Dragon God swoops."

Everyone on the field suddenly heard a loud explosion.

The sound of breaking through the air was like the explosion of thunder.

Mu Haoyun only felt a dark shadow passing in front of him.

Raising his head blankly, Sonic Dragon's wings have been torn to pieces!

The painful screams made Mu Haoyun's heart tremble.

It was only the land shark that was biting fiercely like a hunter, leaving an indelible shadow on him.

I saw Lie Bite Land Shark clinging to the back of the Sonic Dragon, and the double sickles cut the Sonic Dragon's bat wings like sawtooths, making a ferocious roar.

At the same time, the flying sand from the sky slapped Sonic Dragon mercilessly.

In just a short moment, the strong bite land shark stepped on the sound wave dragon and fell from the air.

Boom! !

between the pits.

Lie Bite Lu Shark's eyes were red, he stared murderously at the dying Sonic Dragon, and stretched out his scarlet long tongue to lick the corner of his mouth.

Mu Haoyun's face was ashen.

Including Mu Haoyun, the field was dead silent.

Among them, most of them are flowers in the greenhouse, and they have never seen the cruelty of wild fighting and indiscriminate fighting.

And Lie Bite Lu Shark and Lu Cheng can be said to have grown up from battles.

Against this Sonic Dragon, it was a complete slaughter!

Absolute brutality!

"I're not worthy."

Lu Cheng sighed helplessly.

Mu Haoyun was stunned for a long time, swallowed his saliva, and said in a trembling voice, "This is you... This is you, your strongest elf?"

"The strongest spirit?"

Lu Cheng thought about it for a moment, then shook his head.

"As strong as this, I still have at least eight."

Mu Haoyun was already at a loss.

Han Qing couldn't stand it anymore, he coughed lightly in the microphone, reminding Lu Cheng not to abuse the vegetables.

Luo Yun opened his mouth wide into an O shape with a shocked expression on his face.

And Jiang Xun put his hands in his pockets and said with a strange expression, "Never try to provoke that man..."

"This point, I have a deep understanding of it!"

Lu Cheng sighed helplessly.

His original intention was to make Mu Haoyun obey the management.

Who would have thought that the child would be beaten to autism!

"Then what... are you still planning to participate?" Lu Cheng scratched his head a little embarrassedly.

"With your strength, if you enter the youth competition, you should still be qualified."

You can still become a qualified tool person.

Lu Cheng thought to himself in his heart.

Mu Haoyun was stunned for a moment: " are already so strong, do you still need me?"

"You can't say that." Lu Cheng smiled and said, "In the team competition, someone still needs to attract the fire... It still needs everyone to play together!"

With such a big sonic dragon flying in the sky, wouldn't it be the best choice for pulling the gun line?

Mu Haoyun has not realized the fact that Lu Cheng has become the king of heaven.

But he immediately understood that this was the best time to learn from Lu Cheng.

Mu Haoyun silently burst into tears.

It is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge!

"Please let me participate in the World Youth Championship!"

Lu Cheng nodded in satisfaction.

In this way, his team of tool people should be assembled.

Jewel starfish can use "follow me" to attract firepower.

Ice Nine-Tails can use the "Aurora Curtain" to enhance dual resistance.

Jiang Xun's Latias is a qualified special shield.

Plus the sonic dragon that pulls the gun line and dominates the air.

The tool people that Lu Cheng expected in his heart have already assembled!

The entry list for the World Youth Championship has been officially released.

Starter: Lu Cheng, Jiang Xun, Huyan Xing, Han Ying, Mu Haoyun.

Substitute: Luo Yun.

When this list was revealed, people all over the country were dumbfounded.

Because Lu Cheng's name was written on the column of the accompanying heavenly king.

Lu Cheng, he has actually become a heavenly king! ?


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