My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 514: Mid-door sniper! Mega bite land shark (4000)

In the Royal Arena, the final of the World Youth League has come to the end of the individual battle.

With the performance of Han Ying and Jiang Xun, the score of the two teams was stabilized at 2:3.

Although it was ultimately necessary to compete for the winner through the team competition, Edward breathed a sigh of relief.

In the individual competition, several joint defenders of the Huaguo League were hit hard, and it was difficult to guarantee their performance in the team competition.

What to do now is to target Lu Cheng's elf.

But Edward was a little insecure.

Judging from the arrangement of these few games, Lu Cheng is not inexperienced in arranging troops, but he seems rather old-fashioned.

What is certain is that he is definitely hiding some other trump card.

The cheers continued to pour in, and the game has come to the most exciting moment.

The next team match will be the final showdown between the two teams.

With the roar of machinery, the venue for the team competition appeared in front of the audience.

The rocky field with many rock pillars provides a lot of cover for the elves, and the battle for the commanding heights has become a crucial part.

The referee's voice surrounded the field: "Yes, please release the elves from both players!"

In an instant, a dazzling red light covered the entire venue.

Since Latias needed a period of time to recover his stamina, Jiang Xun sent a two-axe battle dragon.

Huyan Xing's Gengar, Han Qing's Laplace and Luo Yun's Jewel Starfish.

And among the team, the most eye-catching is the Bite Land Shark at the forefront.

The sharp twin scythes reflect the sunlight, the purple scales are covered with sharp barbs, and the icy aura continues to spread.

As early as in the sword test conference, this fiercely biting land shark had a very dazzling performance.

On the stage of the World Youth League, Lu Shark is a well-deserved protagonist!


The roar of the fiercely biting land shark immediately ignited the atmosphere in the field, but made the English players look ugly.

But they are also young trainers known as geniuses.

What's more, London is their home ground.

In this royal arena, they have a reason they must never give up!

"Come on, Thousand Faced Refuge!" "Come on, Steel Armor Crow!"

These two elves are quite outstanding in terms of appearance, especially the steel armored crow, which is like a steel fighter.

And the characteristics of the mirror armor make the steel armored crow seem to be covered with an optical coating.

Once in the sky, the steel feathers on the steel armored crow refract the light, as if it gradually became transparent.

The Thousand Faces Guard is a slender blue gecko that flexibly climbs the rock pillar and jumps towards the commanding heights in the distance.

The remaining elves of the English Union are the Tortoise and the Bronze Elephant.

And the most eye-catching is the aluminum-steel dragon in the center of the team, like a metal mountain.

This metal dragon has a very high metal density, an aluminum steel dragon with heavy metal properties, and can even resist blowing and roaring.

Due to the large amount of steel properties, this English team is particularly outstanding in resistance!

"There are no fighting spirits in the Huaguo Alliance, it is difficult to break through the joint defense of the aluminum-steel dragon."

"This team is too tough. If they can't threaten Qianmian evasion, they will only be killed one by one!"

"This... is this the tactic of reloading sniper!"

Edward, who was an actuary, paid great attention to the team's defense.

There are almost no weaknesses in this team, but the most suitable attack is precisely the ground-type moves!

In this rock field, the power of the ground-type and rock-type moves will increase, but Lu Cheng has sent a fierce bite land shark.

Could it be... that this is also in his calculations?

Edward frowned unconsciously.

In the field, the bronze elephant of the king, who was leading the way, had already collided fiercely with the two-axe fighting dragon.


Forced characteristics, so that the bronze elephant of the king can walk on the ground even in the field full of rock thorns.

The sand was flying all over the sky, the two-axe fighting dragon swung its dragon claws, and a series of sparks burst out from the steel body of the king's bronze elephant!

"Thousand-faced evasion, use sniping!"

Quietly touching Qianmian Junjie on the commanding heights, his tail was flexibly fixed on the rock pillar.

He took out an optical lens from his bosom, and placed it on his nose, like a ruthless sniper, aiming his gun at the two-axe battle dragon.


A water bomb that was condensed like a knife under high pressure, hit the two-axe battle dragon while breaking the air, and actually punched a hole in its scales!

The painful roar of the double-axe dragon sounded, and the king bronze elephant took the opportunity to knock it down to the ground.

Dust was flying between the fields.

With one hit, Qianmian Jiujiu was about to continue sniping, but a cold feeling spread over its neck.

Gengar, who appeared from the shadows, smirked and blasted the shadow ball to the defenseless Thousand Faced Refuge!

At the critical moment, the steel-armored crow in the sky dived rapidly, blocking a series of shadow **** with its own body.

In just a few minutes, the ten elves on the field have launched several rounds of fierce fighting!

The commander of the English League, Ian with a proud face, looked coldly at the panting Laplace.

The Laplace of water and ice hitting the surface cannot cause effective damage to the aluminum-steel dragon at all.

The next thing to do is to destroy each of them!

Ian was about to give an order, but his eyes suddenly widened.

There was a burst of exclamation in the field, and people looked at the fiercely biting land shark soaring in the air in disbelief.

The spindle-shaped tail ripped apart the air current, and the bite land shark shot straight into the sky like a cannonball.

The Steel Armor Crow immediately let out a scream, and the steel feathers as hard as iron were chopped into pieces by this sword light!

"Bite the land shark, dragon claw!"

The pale green dragon shadow clings to the twin scythes that bite the land shark, roaring furiously.

At this moment, the dragon's claws seemed to tear apart the sky and slashed at the steel armored crow!

Boom! !

The steel armored crow fell to the ground like a cannonball, directly smashing a whole rock pillar, leaving a huge pothole on the ground!

"A sturdy elf like the Steel Armored Crow was also killed by the fierce bite of the land shark?"

"It's unreasonable! It's so unreasonable!"

"You told me that this is the second team of elves? This is already stronger than the king level!"

A drop of cold sweat fell on Ian's forehead, and he shouted: "Aluminum steel dragon, cannon light cannon!"

The dazzling ball of light condensed in the mouth of the aluminum-steel dragon.

Just like the magnetic poles attracting each other, the magnetic field is turbulent at this moment, and a large amount of current travels in the air.

The turbulent air waves were swayed, and the cannons blasted out!

The venue trembled because of this cannon, and the sound of tinnitus buzzed.

The clouds in the sky were blasted away by the Cannon Cannon, but Ian's pupils shrank suddenly.

Biting the land shark fiercely, he avoided this cannon light cannon!

"How is that possible! The Cannon Cannon is clearly a lock-on move!"

"A deadly empty gun! I really like the snakeskin's position!"

At the moment just now, Lie Bite Lu Shark used the Dragon God to dive and sank rapidly, avoiding the cannon at an incredible angle.

On the contrary, it was Lu Cheng's teammates. Because the fierce bite of Lu Shark attracted firepower, the pressure was instantly relieved.

"Laplace, Song of Doom!"

"Gengar, poisonous!"

Laplace's soft singing made the hearts of the players in England sink.

It is precisely because of the failure to bite the land shark that Laplace has the opportunity to cast the song of death.

And Gengar's poisonousness forced them to choose a quick battle!

Ian gritted his teeth and shouted, "To cover the Thousand Faces, kill Laplace first!"

Like an unstoppable chariot, the King Bronze Elephant moved its hooves and charged at full force!

Gengar tried to use the shadow step to restrain the king's bronze elephant, but the shadow chain was ruthlessly torn apart by iron hoofs.

At the same time, the Tortoise Turtle tightly bit the throat of the Double Axe Battle Dragon, completely locking Jiang Xun's performance!

A cold light flickered on its own high point.

Thousand-faced evader's eyes are piercing, like a precise sniper, directly killing Laplace!

The water cannon under high pressure is as sharp as a water jet.

Laplace is still playing the song of death, there is no room for defense at all!

But at this moment, the water column suddenly changed direction and rushed towards another target.

Jewel Starfish, used "Look at me"!

"Look at me" can make the opponent's target only lock on himself.

Although the ruby ​​on Jewel Starfish's chest almost shattered, it is recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye under the effect of self-regeneration.

And under the cover of his teammates, Jewel Starfish successfully climbed to the commanding heights and is far away from Qianmian Junjie.

"Come on." Luo Yun's face was hideous, "Spy in the middle door!"

"Gem starfish, one hundred thousand volts!"

The trainer who was evading service with a thousand faces was stunned.

Said that the water-type elves were good at sniping, but you secretly used the electricity-type moves?

Your hearts for playing tactics are too dirty!

The thick thunder column collided with the water current, swallowing the thousand-faced evasion in an instant.

The electric light immediately exploded on Qianmian Jun's body, and the double damage instantly knocked Qianmian Jun's body into an electric shock!

"Rainbow the turtle, support the Thousand Faces Refuge, and use the rock blockade!"

The 100,000 volts released by the gem starfish were resisted by hard rock formations.

At the same time, the aluminum-steel dragon opened its mouth wide, and the cannon light cannon pierced the rock formation, instantly knocking the jewel starfish into the air!

Laplace's song of death is nearing its end, but it was also slammed out by the bronze elephant of the king and was seriously injured.

The situation on the field is changing rapidly, but as long as you seize the opportunity, there is still a possibility of a comeback!

A cold light flashed in Ian's eyes, and he shouted, "Aluminum steel dragon, dragon wave!"

With a violent roar, the aluminum-steel dragon stomped heavily on the ground, and the turbulent dragon's fluctuations spread all around.

The gem starfish and the double-axe battle dragon that bore the brunt were directly hit by the wave of the dragon and lost their ability to fight.

However, at this moment, a piercing light fell from the sky.

The fierce bite land shark burst out with amazing speed, dived straight down, and the terrifying murderous aura directly locked the aluminum steel dragon.

The tail cut through the airflow like a jet fighter, and a sonic boom sounded.

Dragon God swoops!

At this moment, all England players have the same idea in their hearts.

Can I really stand this trick?

the answer is negative.

At this moment, the twin scythes that fiercely bit the land shark seemed to be the scythes of the **** of death, dyed with a scarlet luster.

As if justice descended from the sky, the bite land shark fell into the enemy camp with a bang.

The illusory dragon claw with a pale green dragon shadow suddenly swung out, leaving a terrifying wound directly on Tortoise's body.

"Bite the land shark fiercely, use the reverse scale!"

On the purple scales of the fierce bite land shark, a layer of red light was slowly plated.

The fiercely biting land shark that entered the state of inverse scales seemed to be unparalleled, its eyes were scarlet, and a terrifying roar erupted!

The defensive power of the King Bronze Elephant was completely vulnerable to the fierce bite of the land shark, and the emerald-like armor was directly smashed to smithereens.

Completely crushing strength.

Although the age is the same, it seems like a dimensional blow to the commander and the elves!

There was an exclamation from the audience.

"It's crazy, biting Lu Shark is crazy!"

"No one can stop this biting land shark!"

However, what disappointed Ian and others the most was the voice from Lu Cheng.

"Bite the land shark, Mega evolves!"

In the state of reverse scale, the destructiveness of the bite land shark has been increased exponentially.

It is this desire to fight that made the stingy land shark break through its own bottleneck and officially master the power of Mega evolution!

A dazzling light flickered on the body of the fierce bite land shark.

Under the wrapping of the rainbow light, the scythes that gnawed at the land shark became wider, and the blade was plated with the color of blood.

Bone spurs protruded from the scales of the fierce biting land shark, forming the strongest armor of the fierce biting land shark.

Mega's jaws became stronger after biting the land shark, and he looked at Ian and the others with vertical pupils while his face was hideous.

Stretching out his scarlet tongue, he bit Lu Shark and licked the corner of his mouth, revealing a hideous smile.

"Bite the land shark fiercely."

Lu Cheng looked at this rocky field, a smile slowly appeared on his face.

"Use Earthquake!"

Amidst the rising sand in the sky, the venue vibrated violently.

Boom! !

One after another cracks spread from the feet of the land shark that fiercely bitten, directly swallowing the huge bronze elephant of the king.

Only the aluminum-steel dragon was barely supported in the crack, and from its metal body, there was a metal fatigue-like clicking sound.

But it finally fell to the ground with a slump, and the red light in its eyes gradually dimmed.

It took a full five minutes for the aftermath of the earthquake to dissipate.

Everyone looked at the fiercely biting land shark in the stand with lingering fears.

After the Mega Lie Bite Lu Shark's body is covered with sharp thorns, and those blood-red sickles are enough to make anyone shudder.

And this powerful earthquake actually killed the aluminum steel dragon and the king bronze elephant in an instant.

Originally thought that Lu Cheng's fierce bite Lu Sha was just a tool to create output space for his teammates.

It was only later that I found out that the meaning of teammates' existence is to attract firepower to Liebiting Lu Shark!

In the silent venue, Edward felt a little pressure.

This kind of pressure stems from the pressure of competition between the kings.

This fiercely biting land shark has reached the level of a heavenly king after the Mega evolution!

"The championship team of the World Youth League has been produced!"

"They were led by King Lu Cheng, the Huaguo Alliance!"

The host's voice echoed in the field.

The audience from China waved their flags like crazy.

In this World Youth League, the Huaguo League showed amazing suppressing power.

And all of this comes from that man!

On this day, the news that the World Youth League had won the championship swept all over the major forums.

And the title of the post seems quite uniform.

"we are the champion!"

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