My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 515: Great news, head to Hawaii

The news of the Huaguo League winning the World Youth League caused quite a stir.

When the champion team triumphed, it was treated like a hero.

The fans who picked up the plane surrounded the aisle tightly, and everyone wanted to see the demeanor of the young king.

But this group of media with long guns and short cannons finally waited for Luo Yun with a confused look.

"Well, do I have so many fans now?" Luo Yun scratched his head and grinned, "I'm so sorry!"

The reporters' faces turned dark, and suddenly, someone in the crowd shouted: "Lu Tianwang sat in a fire-breathing dragon and flew away!"

A large group of Wuyangyang crowded outside the hall, but only saw the silhouette of the black fire-breathing dragon moving away.

"Damn it! I have to get an exclusive interview with Lu Tianwang!"

"Let's go, let's go to the Rocket Academy, and Principal Lu will definitely go back."

The aggressive media were shocked and scattered, causing Luo Yun to sigh helplessly.

"I'm also a champion... Why is no one interviewing me!"

"Hey, why do these words seem familiar?"

But whether it was the Rocket Academy or the Jiangcheng Elf Association, the reporters were all in vain.

Lu Cheng has applied for a long vacation for several weeks and started his vacation trip.

Rockets Building.

Liu Shengnan asked incredulously, "You still have to go out for a month!?"

"Isn't this winning the championship, I have to take a long vacation for myself."

Lu Cheng grinned unconsciously.

"You give yourself a holiday, who will give me a holiday!"

Liu Shengnan covered his forehead in pain. Since she became a secretary, her hair volume has been decreasing at a young age.

The shawl black hair that used to be black and beautiful, full of aura, can only barely cover the hairline with bangs.

I have already been unable to get married, how could I have such an unreliable boss!

Lu Cheng patted Liu Shengnan's shoulder seriously.

"Young people, don't choose comfort at the age of struggle!"

Liu Shengnan was stunned for a moment, but when he came back to his senses, Lu Cheng had already escaped.

"Depend on!"

Liu Shengnan cursed and shouted at the door, "There are still some documents, remember to sign!"

Complaining is complaining, but Liu Shengnan has done his job quite well.

In addition to the successful listing of the Rocket Company, which focuses on scientific research, the Rocket Academy has also won a place in colleges and universities.

Across the country, campuses of the Rocket Academy have also sprung up like mushrooms after a spring rain.

At the moment, the focus of the Rockets company has begun to develop in the direction of the pokeball after the field of artificial elves.

The document that Lu Cheng needs to sign is also a cooperation agreement with the "Red Flag Poke Ball Factory".

"Customized Poke Balls for the Rockets by the Poke Ball Factory?"

Lu Cheng murmured: "Could it be like the black pokeball with the R symbol in the animation!"

"By the way, I remember that this factory has mastered the craftsmanship of master balls, but they can let them send two..."

Lu Cheng even thought about the reason for the request.

Sampling research, this kind of quality inspection, it is really suitable for Lu Cheng, a heavenly king-level trainer and a partner, to do it.

The research branch of the Rockets.

Liu Bosheng is currently focusing on the research on the mysterious energy of the England League.

At the World Scientific Research Summit in recent days, scholars from England released a survey report on the "giantization of elves".

This paper proves that only the special energy magnetic field of England can make the elves complete the phenomenon of giantization.

However, due to geographical restrictions, this new fighting method will not have much impact on the world pattern.

Countries around the world are negotiating to set up a special performance competition in England, with maximization as the selling point of the competition.

"I originally thought that Jujuhua could be used in all countries in the world." Liu Bosheng sighed in frustration.

"It seems that those scholars are willing to announce the news because of the unique reasons of England."

Jujuhua is derived from the power of the divine beast Wuji Taina, but Lu Cheng doesn't know whether the current England League has grasped this.

But what is certain is that trainers in England will continue to develop in the direction of extreme training.

Lu Cheng comforted: "It turns out that French scholars also say that Mega evolution can only be carried out in France?"

"Maybe in other ways, gigantic transformation can also be used in other regions."

Liu Bosheng nodded: "The academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences have already started their research."

"Although your Variety Monster can imitate a super-giant elves, those powerful super-giant moves should still be impossible to achieve."

Lu Cheng nodded.

Jujuhua's biggest advantage, in addition to body size, is all kinds of powerful Jujutsu moves.

Although the Variety Monster can reach a giant size in size, the power of its moves is still a bit poor.

However, the Variety Monster just absorbed the energy of Xerneas. If you add the source power of other divine beasts, it is not impossible to make a huge move.

"By the way, aren't you planning to take a vacation recently?"

Liu Bosheng looked at Lu Cheng and said with a smile, "Where are you going?"

Lu Cheng pondered: "During the World League, I met a heavenly king who mastered the powerful Z move."

"I think, as the birthplace of Z-movement, Hawaii should be rewarded with a trip there."

"Even though it's a vacation, aren't you still thinking about training?"

Liu Bosheng shook his head and said with a smile, "If you go to Hawaii, I have an old acquaintance you can visit."

"He has been researching Z pure crystals for some time, and it should be able to help you."

Lu Cheng took the business card from Liu Bosheng.

This Professor Harold, Lu Cheng has also heard about, is a famous scholar of the American League.

Lu Cheng smiled and said, "Thank you, Doctor!"


Since we are going to Hawaii for vacation, the necessary handover procedures still have to be carried out.

Jiangcheng is the area that Lu Cheng guards, and Du Zhe takes care of him during Lu Cheng's vacation.

Afterwards, Lu Cheng went to Senior Sister's villa and made an invitation.


A look of surprise flashed across Mu Wen's beautiful eyes: "Do you want to go so far?"

"For the plane, it only takes 16 hours." Lu Cheng smiled.

"What's more, October is the most pleasant time for Hawaii's climate."

Mu Wen looked at Lu Cheng's expression dragged her chin and said, "Don't you think... is there any other purpose?"

Lu Cheng's face was as usual, but he was suddenly shocked.

There's no reason for senpai to know about the big mouth baby Mega Stone, right?

No, this must be a woman's intuition.

Lu Cheng coughed lightly and said solemnly, "Actually, I kind of want to see you in a swimsuit."

Mu Wen narrowed her eyes: "Just a little bit?"

"I'm sorry, I really want to!"


Marville opened her big eyes full of blood and looked around the two of them curiously.

The corners of Mu Wen's mouth rose happily, she turned her back and said softly, "Okay, I'll promise you this time!"

This is the first time the two have traveled together.

Strictly speaking, it is not an exaggeration to be considered a honeymoon.

When Lin Yuan heard that the two were going to Hawaii, her expression changed from panic and worry to helplessness.

Lu Cheng's parents raised their hands and feet in approval, hoping to kick Lu Cheng out of the house tonight.

After enjoying the dinner cooked by the platypus at home.

The next day, Lu Cheng embarked on a trip to Hawaii.


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