My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 516: trip to hawaii

The plane rose into the clouds, and in the dark night, the red light at the tail disappeared and appeared.

Inside the first class cabin.

Wearing a sleeping blanket, Mu Wen leaned on Lu Cheng's shoulder, and breathed softly onto Lu Cheng's neck, feeling itchy for a while.

Maville's tresses swayed slightly, her face was pressed against the glass window, and she opened her mouth to look at the night outside the window.

Lu Cheng couldn't help but patted Maville's head and smiled, "There are about six hours left, and it's time to sleep."

The fuselage was stable, and the slight bumps in the airflow made Lu Cheng's eyelids heavy.

Seeing that his head was about to hit the window, the red light flickered, and Jiuwei supported Lu Cheng's body with soft hair.

"Good night, Nine Tails."


The plane passed through the thick sea of ​​clouds, and the nine tails covered Mu Wen and Lu Cheng with their warm tails.

With deep red pupils, looking out the window, Nine Tails also gradually crouched down, falling into a gentle dream.

In the dream, it was the field of the World Series, which burned with white sacred fire, and won the final victory for Lu Cheng.

The morning light poured down from the sea of ​​clouds.

The first ray of sunlight fell on Jiuwei's body, dyeing its already golden hair with a holy meaning.

"Get up."


Jiuwei opened her eyes and found that Lu Cheng was looking at it with a smile.

Rubbing Jiuwei's head, Lu Cheng smiled and said, "Since you are here on vacation, you have to have a good time!"

Hawaii, Honolulu.

The airport is not far from the tourist attractions. Lu Cheng and the two rented Kentaro, a riding elf, and came to the beach with Mu Wen's exclamations and laughter.

It was October, and the winter had not yet entered Hawaii. The lazy sun fell on the dense palm trees, and the sound of the rustling waves was heard in the distance.

The tanned locals took the initiative to step forward and said, "Yo, little brother, do you need a tour guide?"

This well-built uncle speaks Chinese, a local who makes his living as a tour guide, and is proficient in various languages.

Lu Cheng smiled and said, "No need, we can just visit by ourselves."

Uncle didn't care either, he laughed and said, "For your girlfriend's sake, I'll recommend a few good places to you!"

"Near this beach, there is an archipelago called Laplace, and there are many beautiful water elves nearby!"

"Laplace?" Mu Wen asked curiously, "Isn't that a rather rare elves?"

The uncle smiled and said, "In Hawaii, Laplace is not a rarity."

"Due to the protection policy, Laplace is almost flooded near some islands!"

The climate and natural conditions of Hawaii perfectly match the habitat of Laplace.

Combined with a lack of predators and a ban on fishing, Laplaces are even more numerous than stinging jellyfish.

This point is quite consistent with the Alola area in Lu Cheng's memory.

In addition to the Laplace Islands, the guide also recommended the two famous sightseeing beaches.

As a must-see place in Hawaii, every island and beach is destined to be an indispensable check-in attraction.

When I came to the beach, the golden sand and the sparkling waves formed a radiance, and **** beauties in bikinis could be seen everywhere.

Lu Cheng's eyes were unconsciously attracted by the extraordinary gravity, and Mu Wen's cold voice suddenly came.

"What are you looking at?"

"Cough... I was thinking, we should put on swimsuits too!"

Mu Wen said "Oh" and said lightly, "But isn't it enough for you to see other young ladies?"

A drop of cold sweat fell from Lu Cheng's forehead.

He looked at the ice cream truck in the distance and hurriedly said, "Do you want to eat ice cream? Double or triple!"


Marville raised her hands and expressed her thoughts with an excited cry.

"You can go there first with Mavel." Mu Wen thought for a while,

"Do as the locals do, I have to go to the bathroom to change clothes first."

Lu Cheng originally wore beach shorts, so he just took off his T-shirt.

But Mu Wen obviously came well prepared, with the belief in a decisive victory, she went to the bathroom with a solemn expression.

Lu Cheng didn't think so much, and walked towards the ice cream truck with Mawell in his arms.

Along the way, Lu Cheng saw many rare elves in China.

For example, the long-necked coconut egg tree, which is unique to the Hawaiian region, squatting by the beach, lazily basking in the sun.

There are also the initial elves of Hawaii, such as Huoban Meow and Mumu Xiao, who are in harmony with human beings, and they are not afraid of life at all.

As the tour guide said, many Laplaces can be seen in the sea, and they can be rented to take a boat to the nearby islands.

There's even Raichu with dark skin, with a tail shaped like a surfboard, surfing back and forth in the waves.

"After all, the Alola region is based on Hawaii." Lu Cheng couldn't help but sigh.

When he came to the ice cream truck under the umbrella, the boss shouted, "Little brother, this is ice cream made from tree fruit, which can be eaten by both elves and people!"

Before the boss could finish speaking, Maville's mouth was dripping with saliva, and she happily rushed towards the freezer.

Lu Cheng grabbed the back of Mawell's neck with one hand and said helplessly: "In the end, I can only choose three ice cream balls, too many are bad for the stomach!"


Marville: Σ(っ°Д°;)っ

Mavel suddenly looked like an angry little daughter-in-law, poking her fingers and looking at the freezer with red eyes.

"Little brother, your big mouth baby is well-bred." The boss smiled, "try this sourberry flavor, it will definitely like it!"

At this time, Lu Cheng's elves couldn't resist the temptation and jumped out of the poke ball one after another.

Mewtwo Y was floating in the air, looking at the ice cream ball curiously.

Fossil Pterosaur and Variety Monster's eyes flashed red, and their sights collided, causing a series of sparks.

Lu Cheng sighed helplessly: "Boss, I have all the ice cream you have here."

The boss was stunned for a moment, and stammered: "This... can you eat it all?"

Lu Cheng said with a strange expression: "To tell you the truth, in addition to these few elves, I have a big guy..."

With the teeth of the Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon, it shouldn't be a problem to directly bite the ice cream truck into pieces.

The boss swallowed his saliva and said, "Yes, but it's very expensive, little brother..."

Lu Cheng didn't speak, he lifted up his T-shirt to reveal his eight-pack abs, and inadvertently revealed the master ball at his belt.

The boss was immediately stunned.

"Give me the payment code." Lu Cheng grinned, "I bought this ice cream truck."


Mu Wen rolled up her jet-black hair, tied a neat ponytail, and put a large white sun hat on her head.

Looking down at her swimsuit, Mu Wen immediately blushed and cheered herself up in a low voice.

Walking out of the changing room, Mu Wen saw an unbelievable scene.

Lu Cheng wore a straw hat, put on a Hawaiian shirt, pushed an ice cream truck, and chatted and laughed with bikini beauties under the umbrella.

"I suggest you try this limo fruit ice cream. Why don't you like sour or sweet? That's fine, my mouth is sweet."

Just as Lu Cheng's mouth was blooming, he suddenly felt a strong killing intent coming from behind.

Turning his head to look, Lu Cheng was stunned in place.

Wearing a white sun hat on her head, Mu Wen's jet-black hair was tied back into a neat ponytail.

Mu Wen has a slim figure, with straight and slender fair legs and a pair of diamond-studded beach sandals on her small toes.

But it was Mu Wen's swimsuit that made Lu Cheng swallow.

The skirt of the black swimsuit has delicate pleats, and the upper body is also a black swimsuit. In addition to being cute, it adds a touch of sexiness.

Mu Wen, who was about to lose her temper, felt Lu Cheng's gaze and felt a little shy.

Lu Cheng took a deep breath and smiled, "It's very beautiful!"

Mu Wen was stunned for a moment, her earlobes slowly rose to a cherry color, and even her cheeks burned.

But she still had a small face and said fiercely, "Don't look at it!"


Since Lu Cheng bought an ice cream truck, the two stayed by the ice cream truck for the next two hours, looking out at the beach in Hawaii.

"Why did you think of buying an ice cream truck?"

Mu Wen licked the two-color ice cream ball and asked curiously.

"Several little guys want to eat it." Lu Cheng shrugged and said, "Then I'll buy them all."

Jiuwei was lying on Lu Cheng's shoulder, sharing the same ice cream with Lu Cheng.

Lizard King, Lucario, Liebite Land Shark, and several other elves, are squatting with cold faces, licking ice cream **** with their eyes Fire-breathing dragons are not interested in ice cream, and are alone by the sea Sandcastles.

But the sand castle that had been built so hard was swallowed up by the waves in the blink of an eye, making the fire-breathing dragon look depressed.

Regais squatted in the shadow of the parasol, controlling the ice cream truck's cooling, Darkrai wrapped it in shadow, no one else noticed.

When the sun was sinking and there were fewer people on the beach, Lu Cheng released the red tyrannical carp dragon.

Although it still caused quite a stir, Tyrannosaurus tasted the ice cream, and it was all worth it.

At sunset and dusk, the sound of the broken waves came, and Laplace's long chirping sounded in the distance.

The orange-red sunset slowly sank into the sea from the horizon, and the whole sea was suddenly covered with golden light.

Mu Wen leaned her head on Lu Cheng's shoulder and murmured, "It's so beautiful."

"How can you be beautiful."

Mu Wen rolled her eyes at Lu Cheng, but found that he was also somewhat emotional. She couldn't help but pursed her lips and smiled.

The red carp dragon roamed in the sea, and the waves crashed on the reef.

Nine tails' red pupils watched the sunset silently, and the golden tails spread out on the beach and stretched freely.

On this sunset beach, the long grass flute of the Lizard King sounded.


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