My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 528: Draw lots! VS Fire King

The group stage of the Eastern Battle Tower is drawing to a close.

After defeating Tiyan Suna and An Haochang, Lu Cheng participated in two more competitions and ranked 19th with a record of four wins.

In the world rankings, the former world champion of the American League is temporarily ranked first.

In addition, Jiang Ziqian was temporarily ranked third, Tu Ming was temporarily ranked seventh, and Han Qing was ranked eleventh.

In the current list of the top sixteen, Lu Cheng also saw several old acquaintances.

The flying king Norman, who had a relationship with Lu Cheng in the Hawaiian Islands, was ranked 16th.

The superpower king of the English League, Edward, ranked eighth.

The fairy king of the French Union, Alanza, ranked fifth.

In theory, as long as Lu Cheng matches a higher-ranked trainer and wins both games, he will have a chance to advance to the final.

What Lu Cheng didn't expect was that, with a scallion soldier, Du Zhe was temporarily ranked 15th in the world.

The two happened to be in the magic capital together, so they made an appointment for a training session, and by the way, they discussed the arrangement of the competition in the future.

Riding a fire-breathing dragon, Du Zhe came to the private training ground on the outskirts of Modu, and saw Lu Cheng waving at him from afar.

And when he saw the black fire-breathing dragon beside Lu Cheng, Du Zhe was heartbroken.

Why did you let this kid hatch out of the egg in the first place?

Lu Cheng greeted him and said straight to the point: "Mr. Du, are you planning to participate in other competitions?"

Du Zhe nodded: "To be on the safe side, I plan to go to London again after the match in the Magic City."

"What about you? Tokyo is a good choice. If it is for experience, New York is also a good choice."

Du Zhe pondered: "After all, Mega Evolution is very prosperous in North America. You can also get to know the players in the Hezhong region in advance."

Lu Cheng was not very interested in these two places, and asked, "How is the challenge between Jiang Tianwang and Han Tianwang?"

"Jiang Tianwang narrowly defeated the Dragon King of the Elizabeth family, but Han Qing was in a hard fight in Venice."

Du Zhe frowned and said, "Venice is famous for its water and ice trainers, and it is also rich in coordinators. Han Qing's current record is two losses and one win, and there may be a risk of relegation."

The ranking of the World Series is not fixed, but changes in real time with the record.

Defeats and fewer battles may lead to a drop in rankings.

This is also why the World Series adopts round-robin competitions and sets up multiple divisions around the world.

In the Modu Division, Lu Cheng has only the last match left, but the candidates for the match are still unclear.

Suddenly, Lu Cheng was shocked: "In the next game, we won't face each other, right?"

Du Zhe pushed his glasses: "It's very possible, after all, in the Magic Capital competition area, the current ranking is higher than you, only me and..."

Halfway through speaking, Du Zhe's expression became strange, and he coughed: "One of the Four Heavenly Kings, Tu Ming, the Heavenly King of Fire."


The final round of the final battle in the Magic City Division was held on the top platform of the Eastern Battle Tower.

The field is made of sturdy alloy, with high-strength light walls and reflective walls, enough to withstand the power of the king-level moves.

In addition to the height of the building, the reason why it is called the Battle Tower, the open-air auditorium on the top floor is also one of the reasons.

Back then, Jiang Ziqian, the Dragon King, became famous in this battle, and even King Feng performed miracles here.

And soon, the Eastern Battle Tower will usher in a world-renowned showdown again!

Du Zhe, ranked 16th in the world, faced off against Kuru, the 27th-ranked Indian fighting king.

Lu Cheng, ranked nineteenth, faced the world's eighth-ranked Fire King, Tu Ming!

Once the event schedule was announced, the forum was filled with sorrow.

"It's broken, Xiaolu Cheng really collided with Tu Ming!"

"Tu Ming was in the national competition back then, but he was called the 'Butcher'! After so many years, Tu Ming's strength is only stronger than weak!"

"Fortunately, it's only the first round of the points match. Even if he loses, Lu Cheng will still be able to qualify!"

No one was optimistic that Lu Cheng could win, and the winning ratio came to a desperate 3%.


One is the rookie king who has just been promoted this year.

The other is the Fire King, who has been famous for a long time and has a very violent style of play.

If Lu Cheng doesn't suffer from psychological shadows, he is already a victory!

For a while, Lu Cheng's black fans were as happy as a holiday.

"No one really thinks that Lu Cheng can beat Tu Ming, right?"

"The world champion will be Lu Cheng's sooner or later, the loan champion, what is the future?"

"That's just bullying the king of South Korea. If you have the ability to win the four kings!"

Lu Cheng ignored these remarks.

As Lu Cheng's guide in the field of fire, Tu Ming gave Lu Cheng considerable help.

And this upcoming duel is also a reply from Lu Cheng to himself and Jiuwei.

In the field of fire, the nine tails who mastered the sacred fire will never lose to Tu Ming's flame bird!

The night is already deep, and countless people are looking forward to tomorrow's decisive battle.

The moonlight sprinkled on the U20 trophy on the cabinet, which was the first championship that Liuwei won for Lu Cheng.


The sleepy-eyed Nine Tails opened her beautiful red pupils, and what caught her eye was Lu Cheng's figure.

Smiling and stroking Jiuwei's head, Lu Cheng's eyes burned with fierce fighting intent.

"Tomorrow, let's cheer together!"


Before Lu Cheng could react, Jiuwei had already wrapped Lu Cheng's neck with his tail.

Pulling Lu Cheng gently, lying on his warm hair, the corners of Jiuwei's mouth slowly raised an arc.

The moonlight was bright and bright, coating the nine-tailed hair with a layer of silver, and the red pupils radiated a beautiful luster.

"Night, good night."

Lu Cheng couldn't help yawning and fell asleep with Jiuwei on his head.

Only with the help of hypnotism can Lu Cheng relax and recharge for tomorrow's duel.

Jiuwei stared at Lu Cheng, and also leaned down and snuggled up to Lu Cheng.

Silent all night.


Early this morning, Dad Lu got up early and stayed in front of the TV.

"It's about to start, right? The match between Chengcheng and the Fire King!"

"Tu Ming was the champion of my era. Our children are already so strong."

Dad Lu felt a little emotional, and the grandfather next to him couldn't help laughing: "That's right, don't even look at whose grandson!"

But Lu Wanqian also had some emotions. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

When Lu Cheng took the path of being a trainer, he never imagined that Lu Cheng would be able to get to where he is today.

The finals of the World Series are only one step away.

If Tu Ming is defeated, the whole world will usher in a shock!

"Chengcheng..." Lu Wanqian muttered to himself, "Come on!"

On the TV, there was a commentary from the old partner Ding Lei and Bao Xing.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Magic City Division, the final round of the finals!"

Ding Lei said loudly: "What I'm going to bring you is the national champion Lu Cheng, against the fire king Tu Ming!"

"In the last round of fist-to-meat duel, Du Zhe defeated the fighting king from India, Kuru."

"Let us look forward to what kind of showdown the two high-profile kings will bring us!"

Bao Xing took out the information and explained, "In the world rankings, Lu Cheng is temporarily ranked 19th, and Tu Ming is temporarily ranked seventh. The gap can be said to be quite huge."

"But it also means that once Lu Cheng wins, the entire world ranking will usher in an earthquake!"

"Whether it is the sword that is not old, or whether the youth is blue, let's wait and see!"


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