My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 529: Water splash! VS Siddallane

The sky is clear, and on the high platform of the Eastern Battle Tower, the two heavenly kings are ready to go.

Looking at the exceptionally young trainer in front of him, Rao Shi Tu Ming did not expect that the day of the duel between the two would come so quickly.

But Tu Ming himself is also extremely proud, and he never said anything about letting go of water on the battlefield.

The brown curled beard swayed, Tu Ming folded his arms, his eyes were stern: "Come on, let me see your current strength!"

Three years ago, Lu Cheng was just a trainer who just debuted, and the flame bird left a deep impression on Lu Cheng.

The Fire King seems to be invincible. In just three years, Lu Cheng has reached the top of the Eastern Battle Tower!

Fighting Tu Ming is not just about competing for a place in the world championship, but also announcing his own strength to the world.

Lu Cheng's eyes were also burning with fighting intent. This was the first time he faced a Four Heavenly King-level trainer, and his nerves were highly tense!

"The two players are in place, please release the elves at the same time!"

The referee's flag waved down, and two red lights appeared on the field at the same time.

The raging flames burned on King Yanwu's neck. The fat and strong King Yanwu snorted heavily, and the muscles of his arms ridged like mountains.

Accompanied by a violent roar, the huge tyrannical carp dragon covered with red scales savagely opened its **** mouth!

A cold light appeared in the dark eyes of King Yanwu, and he raised his hand to Lu Cheng. It was a greeting from acquaintances, and it meant that he would go all out in the future.

Lu Cheng was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect King Yanwu to remember the golden energy cube, so he couldn't help but smile.

Tu Ming nodded to Lu Cheng and waved his hand: "King Yanwu, Crazy Volt!"

In an instant, the flames on King Yanwu's neck were raging, and the electric current that appeared in the black smoke covered King Yanwu's entire body.

The rumbling sound of stepping on the ground sounded, and King Yanwu's eyes flashed a dangerous red light, and he rushed towards the violent carp dragon with a thick electric current!

Ding Lei roared: "King Yanwu used the Crazy Volt as soon as he came up! Under the quadruple restraint of the electricity system, once it hits, the tyrannical carp dragon is bound to be seriously injured!"

"According to the data, the characteristic of this King Yanwu is to sacrifice himself." Bao Xing said sternly.

"Saying the crazy volts under his body, Tyrannosaurus is very likely to be fatally shot!"

But before King Yanwu charged, Lu Cheng quickly took a picture of his belt, his eyes were cold: "The tyrannical carp dragon, the water splashes!"

"Is Lu Cheng crazy, using water to splash at this time!?"

"On the opposite side are the Four Heavenly Kings! This kind of trick is impossible..."

A power different from the keystone madly poured into the body of the Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon.

Originated from the glow stone, the energy of Z moves makes the momentum of the tyrannical carp dragon reach a new peak!

In the eyes of everyone, everyone looked at the red tyrannical carp dragon jumping up in disbelief, avoiding King Yanwu's charge at an incredible angle.

The dark shadow that covered the sky and the sun fell, and a huge tyrannical carp dragon descended from the sky, as if to suppress King Yanwu on the spot!

"King Yanwu, face the sky directly and use the Crazy Volt!"

King Yanwu stretched out his hands, trying to lift the tyrannical carp dragon that fell from the sky.

The electric current covered its whole body, causing King Yanwu's body to glow with golden light, and an earth-shattering roar erupted!

"The tyrannical carp dragon, the tail of the water!"

Under the splash of Z water, surging power poured into the whole body of the tyrannical carp dragon, raising its physical attack by two levels.

The tyrannical carp dragon's eyes were blood-red, and the scales on its body opened and closed, like a devil descending from the sky.

Boom! !

Shui Liuwei slapped King Yanwu fiercely, causing it to stagger, but it struggled to come over.

His muscles swelled like cannonballs, and King Yanwu burst out with astonishing strength, lifting the 20-meter-long tyrannical carp dragon head-on!

"Fuck, what the **** is this King Yanwu! Can this be done?"

"Second Senior Brother, I would like to call you the strongest!"

The soles of King Yanwu's feet shattered into cracks, and with a "click" sound, they sank half a meter deep.

Tu Ming said angrily, "King Yanwu, arm hammer!"


The golden thunder was wrapped around the arms of King Yanwu. King Yanwu lifted the tyrannical carp dragon and knocked it back with one punch!

Boom! !

With the violent vibration, the violent carp dragon ploughed more than ten meters of ground before hitting the guardrail on the edge of the field.

Step back half a meter and you will be hundreds of meters in the sky!

There are clearly visible scorch marks on the scales of the Tyrannosaurus Carposaurus, and the electric current wraps around the wound, causing the Tyrannosaurus Dragon to roar in pain.

"Is this the strength of the Four Heavenly Kings... Too strong!"

"Wait, Tyrannosaurus hasn't lost its ability to fight yet!"

The tyrannical carp dragon stood upright with difficulty, panting heavily, showing a hideous smile.

At the same time, a burst of red light rose from the body of the tyrannical carp dragon, like a powerful magnetic field, and the tyrannical carp dragon once again burst out with amazing deterrent power!

"Reverse Scale..." Tu Ming muttered to himself, his eyes suddenly changed, "Controllable Reverse Scale!"

Water vapor rose up, gradually converging into water droplets, and dark clouds shrouded the sky above the battle tower.

The heavy rain dripped in an instant, wet Lu Cheng's black hair, and splashed on the scales and field of the tyrannical carp dragon.

Lu Cheng and Tyrannosaurus stood in the shadow of the dark clouds, their eyes were cold: "Dragon, the tail of the water!"

The monstrous water flow, under the volume advantage of the Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon, there is no possibility of avoiding the tail of this water flow!

Tu Ming also took a deep breath: "King Yanwu, Crazy Volt!"

The scarred King Yanwu, with lightning flashes all over his body, roared with an indomitable attitude, and rushed towards the Tyrannosaurus like a suicide!

"The two elves moved at the same time!" Ding Lei yelled, "Who can be one step faster!"

The heavy rain poured down, and the tidal whirlpool gathered at the tail of the water stream collided with the crazy electric light.

The flames on King Yanwu's body evaporated a large amount of water mist, forcibly rushed out of the tidal vortex, and slammed into the tyrannical carp dragon!

But the speed of King Yanwu is really dwarfed by that of the tyrannical carp dragon!


The tail of the water stream hit King Yanwu, slammed it into the air, and fell to the ground with a bang.


In the heavy rain, the tyrannical carp dragon shrouded in red light roared in the sky!

"In the first duel, it turned out that the tyrannical carp dragon won!" Ding Lei roared loudly.

"The overconfidence characteristic of the Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon has been triggered! Will Lu Cheng let the Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon continue to stand on the field!?"

"Let's look forward to Tu Ming's second elf, God, what kind of elf is this!"

The heavy rain fell on this red and white elf and instantly evaporated into white air.

Like steel and lava, the exoskeleton of metal rises up, and the magma plunges the entire site into a terrifyingly high temperature!

Bao Xing hurriedly rummaged through the information, his voice trembling a little: "Biography, the legendary volcano elf, Sidoran!"

Lu Cheng had long heard that Tu Ming had a second legendary beast.

And when this Sidoran appeared, Rao was Lu Cheng, and a deep crisis could not help but arise.

"Isn't Tu Ming planning to leave a hole card? He sent out all the legendary elves against Lu Cheng!"

"No, it's Lu Cheng's strength, it's already worth letting Tu Ming do this!"

Tu Ming looked at Lu Cheng calmly, and said, "Don't leave any regrets!"

Lu Cheng's heart was shocked, and he shouted: "Rabid Carp Dragon, use Earthquake!"

With the splash of water, and the overconfidence, the destructive power of the tyrannical carp dragon has been vividly displayed at this moment!

With the violent vibration, cracks appeared in even the Heavenly King-level wall of light.

Amidst the exclamations of the audience, Sidoran opened an emerald green barrier on his body.

Tu Ming waved his arm: "Sidoran, cannon light cannon!"

Boom! !

In the sky above the Eastern Battle Tower, a dazzling beam of light swayed the dark clouds.

It rained and it was sunny.

On the body of the Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon, there are scorch marks after being burned.


Tyrannosaurus fell heavily to the ground.

On the other hand, Sidoran had endured the last wave of the Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon, and his breath seemed a little short.

"During the final game, Sidor Lanen resorted to a sunny day at the cost of enduring the tail of the water!" Ding Lei said Now, it is the absolute battlefield of fire elves, what will Lu Cheng know? Choose which elf to fight! "

At this moment, Lu Cheng and Tu Ming's eyes met.

Tu Ming couldn't help but smile: "Sure enough, do you still use that elf?"

"Since it's a battlefield on a sunny day." Lu Cheng smiled, "I still have to use fire-type elves."

At this moment, the live broadcast screen swiped a lot of barrage.

"You're crazy! How dare Lu Cheng use fire-type elves to challenge other people's expertise!"

"Nine tails are Lu Cheng's real ace!"

"Can win, the nine tails with fire characteristics really have a chance to win!"

"The characteristic of this Sidoran is also to start fire." Tu Ming suddenly said, "Remember what I told you?"

Lu Cheng nodded.

"There is also a limit to igniting a fire. It depends on whose flame can break through the opponent's limit."

Tu Ming nodded with satisfaction: "Come on, let me see your growth!"

Lu Cheng's eyes were awe-inspiring, he opened the Poke Ball with a click, and threw it forcefully.

A golden light blooms from the Poké Ball.

"Come on, Nine Tails!"


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